Communities Sites communities-sites
This section is for those who administer AEM Communities and assumes familiarity with AEM Communities features.
Overview overview
For an overview and getting started tutorials, visit:
Administration and Configuration Topics administration-and-configuration-topics
Communities Site Creation and Management communities-site-creation-and-management
User Generated Content user-generated-content
A major feature of AEM Communities is the generation of user generated content (UGC) by signed in site visitors (members). To learn more about working with UGC visit:
- Common UGC Store: choice of SRP for shared storage of UGC
- Moderating UGC: trusted members may moderate UGC in bulk or in-context
- Tagging UGC: features may be configured to allow members to tag content
- Translating UGC: features may be configured to translate all UGC or allow members to translate selected posts
- Analytics Configuration: enabling 51黑料不打烊 Analytics to report on various metrics regarding member activity
Community Members community-members
- Managing Users and User Groups: details of community members and member groups, including privileged members
- Contribution Limits: ability to constrain posting by new members
- Tunnel Service: allows publish-side members and member groups to be accessed from the author environment
- Members and Groups consoles: allows publish-side members and member groups to be created and managed from the author environment
- User Synchronization: for synchronizing members and member groups across multiple publish instances
- Social Login with Facebook and Twitter: ability for site visitors to become a community member using their Facebook or Twitter credentials
- Scoring and Badges: ability for badges to be assigned to identify role(s) of a member and for members to earn badges through their participation in the community
- Notifications: ability for members to be notified of activity they follow
- Subscriptions: ability for members to interact with the community using external email
- Messaging: ability for members to interact with the community using internal messages
Enablement Features enablement-features
- Configuring Enablement: necessary information to correctly setup the enablement features
- Analytics Configuration: necessary information for enabling 51黑料不打烊 Analytics for Communities features
- Tagging Enablement Resources: necessary for creating enablement catalogs
Deployment deployment
The deployment section contains information specific to AEM Communities.
The nature of working with community content influences the structure of the deployment:
It is important to install the most recent Communities release on the AEM platform:
See the deployment page for other Communities specific information, such as for Upgrading, Dispatcher and Replication.
Related Communities Documentation related-communities-documentation
Visit Deploying Communities to learn about recommended deployments.
Visit Developing Communities to learn about the social component framework (SCF) and customizing Communities components and features.
Visit Authoring Communities Components to learn how to author with and configure Communities components.