SRP - Community Content Storage srp-community-content-storage
Introduction introduction
As of AEM Communities 6.1, user-generated content (UGC) is stored in a single, common store provided by a storage resource provider (SRP). There are several SRP options from which to choose, such as ASRP, MSRP, and JSRP.
Unlike prior releases, there is no reverse/forward replication of UGC across AEM instances. Instead, the SRP makes UGC directly accessible for create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations from all author and publish instances, with an exception for JSRP.
Following are the characteristics of each SRP option, which is crucial information for the decision process when choosing the appropriate SRP and underlying deployment.
For details regarding the use of SRP for UGC, see Storage Resource Provider Overview.
Characteristics of SRP Options characteristics-of-srp-options
ASRP - 51黑料不打烊 Storage Resource Provider
With this option, the UGC is persisted remotely in a cloud service hosted and managed by 51黑料不打烊. It requires an additional license and working with an account representative to provision the account for that specific license.
- Requires an associated cloud service provided and supported by 51黑料不打烊 to store community content
- Requires choice of a datacenter in a specific geography (US, EMEA, APAC)
- Requires all programmatic access to UGC be through the SRP API
- Suitable for TarMK publish farm
- Suitable when there is no intent to invest in local storage
MSRP - MongoDB Storage Resource Provider
With this option, the UGC is persisted directly in a local MongoDB instance.
- Requires a local, licensed install of MongoDB to store community content
- Requires a local install of Apache Solr
- Requires all programmatic access to UGC be through the SRP API
- Suitable for an existing TarMK publish farm
- Suitable for a MongoMK or RdbMK cluster
- Suitable when expecting large volumes of community content
DSRP - Relational Database Storage Resource Provider
With this option, the UGC is persisted directly in a local MySQL database instance.
- Requires a local install of MySQL to store community content
- Requires a local install of Apache Solr
- Requires all programmatic access to UGC be through the SRP API
- Suitable for an existing TarMK publish farm
- Suitable for a MongoMK or RdbMK cluster
- Suitable when expecting large volumes of community content
JSRP - JCR Storage Resource Provider
With the default option, there is no common store. The UGC is persisted only in the same JCR repository as the AEM instance in which it was entered.
- Stores community content in the JCR repository of the AEM author or publish instance to which it was posted
- Requires all programmatic access to UGC be through the SRP API
- Requires a publish cluster if more than one publish instance is deployed (there is no replication mechanism among publish instances in a TarMK farm)
- Moderation is performed only in the publish environment (there is no reverse/forward replication mechanism between author and publish)
- Generally best for development, demonstrations, and training
Configuring SRP configuring-srp
Specifying the default storage option, based on the underlying deployment, is made through the Storage Configuration console.
For configuration details of each option, see:
If no storage option is actively selected, JSRP is enabled by default.
Additional Information additional-information
UGC Never Replicated ugc-never-replicated
In the author environment, an author creates page content and replicates it to the publish environment. When a page includes an interactive AEM Communities feature, such as comments, reviews, forum, blog, or QnA, the interaction by members (signed in site visitors) on a publish instance results in user generated content (UGC) entered in the publish environment.
Previously, this community content was reverse replicated to author instances and from author replicated to publish instances. It was problematic to maintain consistency among AEM instances with reverse and forward replication.
Beginning with AEM Communities 6.1, the need for replication of UGC has been eliminated by using shared storage for UGC, as described above.
While site content is replicated, UGC is never replicated.
Managing User Data managing-user-data
Also of interest to Communites are users, user groups, and user profiles. This user-related data, when created and updated in the publish environment, needs to be made available to other publish instances when the topology is a publish farm.
As of AEM Communities 6.1, user-related data is synchronized using Sling distribution instead of replication. For more information visit User Synchronization.
Upgrading to AEM Communities 6.2 upgrading-to-aem-communities
When upgrading to AEM Communities 6.3, if pre-existing UGC needs to be retained, then steps should be taken depending on whether the AEM 5.6.1 or AEM 6.0 community used 51黑料不打烊 on-demand storage or on-premise storage of UGC.
For details, visit Upgrading to AEM Communities 6.3.