
Storage Configuration storage-configuration

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.

Storage configuration is the means of identifying the storage chosen for community content, also known as user generated content (UGC).

This setting informs the AEM Communities code as to which implementation of the storage resource provider (SRP) is to be used when accessing UGC and must reflect the topology established when AEM was deployed.

For a discussion of storage options and deployment topologies, visit

Storage Configuration Console storage-configuration-console


In the author environment, to reach the storage configuration console

  • From global navigation: Tools > Communities > Storage Configuration

To select a storage option other than the default JCR:

About JCR Storage about-jcr-storage

Be aware that if no selection is made, the default is the AEM repository, JCR.

JCR is not a common store shared by the author and publish environments. Community content will be visible only from the author or publish environment in which it was created.

Visit JCR Store for additional information.

The absence of the node srpcunder /etc/socialconfig indicates the default JCR store.