
Configuring Messaging configuring-messaging

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.

Overview overview

The messaging feature for AEM Communities provides the ability for signed-in site visitors (members) to send messages to one another that are accessible when signed into the site.

Messaging is enabled for a community site by checking a box during community site creation.

On this page is information on the default configuration and possible adjustments.

For additional information for developers, see Messaging Essentials.

Messaging Operations Service messaging-operations-service

The identifies the endpoint which handles messaging related requests, the folders the service should use for storing messages, and if messages may include file attachments, what file types are allowed.

For community sites created using the Communities Sites console, an instance of the service already exists, with the inbox set to /mail/community/inbox.

Community Messaging Operations Service community-messaging-operations-service

As shown below, a configuration of the service exists for sites created with the site creation wizard. The configuration can be viewed or edited by selecting the pencil icon next to the configuration:


New Configuration new-configuration

To add a new configuration, select the plus ‘+’ icon next to the service’s name:


  • Message Fields Allowlist
    Specifies the properties of the Compose Message component users can edit and persist. If new form elements are added, then the element id would need to be added if desired to be stored in SRP. Default is two entries: subject and content.

  • Message box size limit
    The maximum number of bytes in each user’s message box. Default is 1073741824 (1 GB).

  • Message count limit
    The total number of messages allowed per user. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of messages is allowed, subject to the message box size limit. Default is 10000 (10k).

  • Notify delivery failure
    If checked, notify sender if message delivery fails to some recipients. Default is checked.

  • Failure delivery sender id
    Name of sender which appears in delivery failed message. Default is failureNotifier.

  • Failure message template path
    Absolute path to the delivery failed message template root. Default is /etc/notification/messaging/default.

  • maxRetries.name
    Number of times to try resending message which fails to be delivered. Default is 3.

  • minWaitBetweenRetries.name
    Number of seconds to wait between attempts to resend message upon failure to send. Default is *100 *(seconds).

  • Count update pool size
    Number of concurrent threads used for count update. Default is 10.

  • inbox.path.name
    (Required) The path, relative to the user’s node (/home/users/username?lang=en), to use for the inbox folder. The path must NOT end with a trailing forward slash ‘/’. Default is /mail/inbox .

  • sentitems.path.name
    (Required) The path, relative to the user’s node (/home/users/username?lang=en), to use for the senditems folder. The path must NOT end with a trailing forward slash ‘/’. Default is /mail/sentitems .

  • supportAttachments.name
    If checked, users are able to add attachments to their messages. Default is checked.

  • batchSize.name
    Number of messages to batch together for a send when sending to a large group of recipients. Default is 100.

  • maxTotalAttachmentSize.name
    If supportAttachments is checked, this value specifies the maximum allowed total size (in bytes) of all attachments. Default is 104857600 (100 MB).

  • attachmentTypeBlocklist.name
    A blocklist of file extensions, prefixed with ‘.’, that will be rejected by the system. If not blocklisted, then the extension is allowed. Extensions may be added or removed using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ icons. Default is DEFAULT.

  • allowedAttachmentTypes.name
    (Action Required) An allowlist of file extensions, the opposite of the blocklist. To allow all file extensions, except for those blocklisted, use the ‘-’ icon to remove the single empty entry.

  • serviceSelector.name
    (Required) An absolute path (endpoint) through which the service is invoked (a virtual resource). The root of the path chosen must be one included in the Execution Paths configuration setting of OSGi config , such as /bin/, /apps/, and /services/. To select this configuration for a site’s messaging feature, this endpoint is provided as the Service selector value for the Message List and Compose Message components (see Message Feature). The default is /bin/messaging .

  • fieldAllowlist.name
    Use Message Fields Allowlist.

Each time a Messaging Operations Service configuration is opened for edit, if allowedAttachmentTypes.name had been removed, an empty entry is re-added to make the property configurable. A single empty entry effectively disables file attachments.
To allow all file extensions, except for those blocklisted, use the ‘-’ icon to (again) remove the single empty entry before clicking Save.

Troubleshooting troubleshooting

One way to troubleshoot problems is to enable debugging messages in the log.

See also Loggers and Writers for Individual Services.

The package to monitor is com.adobe.cq.social.messaging.
