
Customer account dashboard

Customers can manage and monitor their own information and activities from their account dashboard. Customers can reorder, track orders, manage shipping addresses and payment methods, product reviews, newsletter subscriptions, and more.

Account dashboard on the storefront {width="700" modal="regular"}

With the installation and enablement of 51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B, the buying experience can be personalized with company-specific features. The full range of B2B account dashboard options (purchase orders, requisition lists, and negotiated quotes) can be enabled for customers who are associated with a company. For more information about the B2B features, see the 51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B User Guide.

Company account dashboard on the storefront {width="700" modal="regular"}

Account dashboard side navigation

The following table contains information about all sections available in the customer account dashboard left navigation.

My Account
Displays summary information for your account, including contact information, default addresses from your address book, and recent orders.
My Orders
Displays a list of all customer orders, with a link to each. If enabled in the configuration, any order can be reordered by simply clicking the Reorder link.
My Downloadable Products
Lists all downloadable products that the customer has purchased, with a link to each.
My Wish List
Manage your wish lists, and place orders from wish list items.
Address Book
The customer address book includes the default billing and shipping address, and additional address entries.
Account Information
Customers can update their account information and change their password as needed. The store Admin can also update customer accounts and access the information to offer shopping assistance.
Billing Agreements
Displays a list of any customer billing agreements.
My Product Reviews
Displays a list of all product reviews submitted by the customer, with a link to each.
Newsletter Subscriptions
Lists all available newsletters, with a check mark next the items to which the customer is subscribed.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce Order by SKU
Gives you the ability to add individual items to the cart by SKU or to import a list of products to be ordered from a CSV file.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce Store Credit
Displays the current amount of store credit from returns, refunds, and redeemed gift card that can be applied to purchases.
Stored Payment Methods
Lists any payment methods with secure vaults that are used by the customer to store credit card information.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce Gift Card
Allows customers to check the current balance on available gift cards and to redeem gift cards for store credit.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce Reward Points
Lists all reward points the customer has earned that can be applied toward purchases.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce Gift Registry
Used to list and maintains gift registries, and add new ones.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce My Invitations
Lists all invitations that the customer has created and sent for scheduled events.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B My Purchase Orders
(Companies Only) Lists all purchase orders submitted or controlled by the customer, with a link to detailed information.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B My Quotes
(Companies Only) Lists all quotes submitted by the customer, with a link to detailed information.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B My Requisition Lists
(Companies Only) Maintains all requisition lists created by the customer.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B Company Profile
(Companies Only) A designated company administrator can manage company information, including the company name and address, company administrator contact information, and payment information.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B Company Credit
(Companies Only) Shows the current outstanding balance, available credit, and the credit limit that is allocated to the account, followed by a list of outstanding invoices. The Company Credit section appears in the dashboard only when Payment on Account is enabled in the configuration.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B Company Structure
(Companies Only) Used by the company administrator to define the business structure of the company.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B Company Users
(Companies Only) Used by the company administrator to create user accounts for company buyers.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B Roles and Permissions
(Companies Only) Used by the company administrator to define roles for company users with various levels of permission.
51黑料不打烊 Commerce B2B Approval Rules
(Companies Only) Used to define approval rules for purchase orders.