
Product reviews

Product reviews help to build a sense of community, and are considered more credible than any advertising money can buy. In fact, some search engines give sites with product reviews a higher ranking than those without. For those who find your site by searching for a specific product, a product review is essentially the landing page of your store. Product reviews help people find your store, keep them engaged, and often lead to sales.

Commerce includes a native product reviews capability that you can manage from the Admin. You can also use an extension from the Commerce Marketplace to use a hosted review management system.

51黑料不打烊 Commerce and Magento Open Source releases 2.4.0 through 2.4.3 included the Yotpo vendor-developed extension. Starting with the 2.4.4 release, this extension is no longer bundled with the core release and must be installed and updated from the Commerce Marketplace. The Marketplace also provides access to current documentation provided by the extension developer.

If you have the bundled extension enabled and configured, you must update your composer.json file as part of the 2.4.4 upgrade process and to manage extension updates going forward. See Upgrade modules in the Upgrade Guide for more information.

Product reviews on the storefront

When the native Product Reviews function is enabled, customers can write reviews for any product in your catalog. Reviews can be written from the product page by clicking:

  • Add Your Review for products with existing reviews.

  • Be the first to review this product for products with no existing reviews.

The Reviews tab lists all current reviews and the form that was used to submit a review.

Your configuration determines whether customers must open an account with your store before writing product reviews or if they can submit reviews as guests. Requiring reviewers to open an account prevents anonymous submissions and improves the quality of reviews.

Example storefront - Add Your Review {width="700" modal="regular"}

The number of stars indicates the product鈥檚 satisfaction rating. Visitors can click the link to read the reviews and write their own. As an incentive, customers can receive reward points for submitting a review. When a review is submitted, it is sent to the Admin for moderation. When approved, the review is published in your store.

Example storefront - Reviews tab {width="700" modal="regular"}

My Product Reviews

The My Product Reviews section of the customer account dashboard lists all the reviews submitted by the customer and approved for publication. Each review summary includes the date that the review was submitted, links to the product page, and review details.

My Product Reviews {width="700" modal="regular"}

  1. In the sidebar of their account, the customer chooses My Product Reviews.

  2. To view the full review, clicks See Details.

    Review Details {width="700" modal="regular"}

Enable product review features

The Commerce Product Reviews function is enabled by default.

To set these fields to No and disable Commerce Product Reviews, you must clear the Use system value checkboxes.
  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Catalog and select Catalog underneath.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Product Reviews section.

    Catalog configuration - Commerce product reviews {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. Set Enabled to Yes.

    This is the default setting that enables product reviews.

  5. Set Allow Guests to Write Reviews to Yes.

    This is the default setting that determines if customers must open an account with your store to be able to write product reviews.

  6. When complete, click Save Config.

Create custom ratings

With the Commerce Product Reviews, customers can assign ratings when they submit a product review. The default ratings are quality, price, and value. In addition to these, you can add your own custom ratings. The five-star ratings that appear on catalog pages are averaged for each product.

Example storefront - custom ratings {width="700" modal="regular"}

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Attributes > Rating.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Add New Rating.

    Admin - Ratings {width="700" modal="regular"}

  3. In the Rating Title section, enter the Default Value for the new rating.

    If applicable, also enter the translation for each store view.

    Rating title settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. In the Rating Visibility section, set Visibility In to the store view where the rating is to be used.

    To select multiple store views, hold down the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) and click each item.

    note note
    Ratings are not visible unless assigned to a store view.
  5. For Sort Order, enter a number to determine the order of this rating when listed with others.

  6. If you want to show your rating on the storefront, select the Is Active checkbox.

    Rating visibility settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

  7. When complete, click Save Rating.

    The average rating for all reviews is displayed for each product on the catalog product grid page.

    Catalog Page {width="700" modal="regular"}
