
Customer account information

The basic customer account information includes your name and email address, and password, and can be maintained from the customer account dashboard on the storefront.

Account information on the storefront {width="700" modal="regular"}

In the sidebar of your account, the customer can choose Account Information and do any of the following to update their account information.

Update the name for the account name

To update the name for the account, the customer changes the values in the First Name and Last Name fields as needed.

Additional fields appear as part of the name if the customer configuration includes a prefix, middle initial, and suffix.

Change email address

  1. The customer selects the Change Email checkbox.

  2. Enters their new Email address.

  3. Enters their Current Password.

    Change Email Address {width="700" modal="regular"}

  4. Clicks Save.

Change password

  1. The customer selects the Change Password checkbox.

  2. Enters their Current Password.

  3. Enters their New Password.

    note info
    The password should be at least eight characters long, and can include a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The password strength indicator helps the customer to choose the best password.

    Change Password {width="700" modal="regular"}

  4. Enters it again to confirm.
