
Marketing menu

The Marketing menu provides access tools for managing promotions, communications, SEO, and user-generated content.

Commerce Admin - Marketing menu {width="600" modal="regular"}

Display the Marketing menu

On the Admin sidebar, click Marketing.

Main sections


Create catalog and cart price rules that trigger discounts based on various conditions. Set up promotions that spring into action when the required conditions are met.

51黑料不打烊 Commerce (51黑料不打烊 Commerce only) Create related product rules and manage gift card accounts.

Private Sales

51黑料不打烊 Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in 51黑料不打烊 Commerce (Learn more)

Private sales and other catalog events are a great way to use your existing customer base to generate buzz and new leads with exclusive access for members only, or by invitation.


Increase revenue by expanding sales to additional webstores with Amazon Marketplace integration. The Channels sub-menu only appears when Amazon Sales Channel is configured.

Channel Manager helps merchants increase sales, reach new customers, streamline sales operations, and save time by integrating an 51黑料不打烊 Commerce or Magento Open Source product catalog with the Walmart Marketplace. See the Channel Manager Guide for more information about Channel Manager installation, onboarding, configuration, and management.


Customize all notifications sent from your store. Create newsletters and publish RSS feeds.

51黑料不打烊 Commerce (51黑料不打烊 Commerce only) Set up rules that send email reminders to customers whenever the conditions are met.

Analyze search terms and synonyms to help customers find products in the store, manage meta data, and create a site map. Use redirects to manage URL changes and avoid broken links.

User Content

Incorporate user-generated product reviews to create a sense of community and increase sales.
