Catalog price rules
Catalog price rules can be used to offer products to buyers at a discounted price, based on a set of defined conditions. Catalog price rules do not use coupon codes, because they are triggered before a product is placed into the shopping cart.
For example, you can define and set the conditions for a price rule that when met, automatically display products with a special or promotional price. Defined rule properties might include customer groups, product categories, a discount amount or percentage, product color, product size, or just about any product attribute set up in your store. You can set start and end dates for a price rule that automatically start and stop a promotion on the dates you define in the rule. The properties of a saved rule can be updated or modified as needed.
Access catalog price rules
On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Promotions > Catalog Price Rules.
Update properties for a rule:
There you can change the settings for the rule (similar to creating a rule).
Filter options
or Inactive