
First Quarter 2025 Report and Dashboard enhancements

This page describes all report and dashboard enhancements made with the First Quarter 2025 release to the Preview environment. These enhancements will be made available in the Production environment as noted.

For a list of all changes available at this point in the First Quarter 2025 release cycle, see First Quarter 2025 release overview.

Limit of 25 reports, external pages, or calendars in dashboards

Preview release: December 16, 2024; Production release for all customers: With the 25.1 release (January 16, 2025)

To maintain dashboard performance, we have implemented a limit to the total number of reports, external pages, or calendars that can be placed in a dashboard. When creating a new dashboard, a maximum of 25 items can be added.

Existing dashboards that exceed this limit display a warning that only the topmost 25 items are displayed, and once edited the dashboard cannot be saved until the number of items included is reduced to 25 or fewer.

For more information, see Create a dashboard.

First time reader account creation button for Data Connect

Production release for all customers: November 14, 2024

Administrators accessing Data Connect for the first time are now presented with the option to create a new Snowflake reader account by clicking on a single button. The process takes a few minutes to complete, but requires no further action.

For more information about Data Connect setup, see Create a reader account for Snowflake.
