About ExperienceEvent Schemas for Journey Orchestration Events
Journey Orchestration events are XDM Experience Events that are sent to the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform via Streaming Ingestion.
As such, an important prerequisite for setting up events for Journey Orchestration is that you are familiar with the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform’s Experience Data Model (or XDM) and how to compose XDM Experience Event schemas, as well as how to stream XDM-formatted data to the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform.
Schema requirements for Journey Orchestration Events
The first step in setting up an event for Journey Orchestration is to ensure that you have an XDM schema defined to represent the event, and a dataset created to record instances of the event on the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform. Having a dataset for your events is not strictly necessary, but sending the events to a specific dataset will allow you to maintain users’ event history for future reference and analysis, so it is always a good idea. If you do not already have a suitable schema and dataset for your event, both of those tasks can be done in the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform web interface.
Any XDM schema that will be used for Journey Orchestration events should meet the following requirements:
The schema must be of the XDM ExperienceEvent class.
For system-generated events, the schema must include the Orchestration eventID mixin. Journey Orchestration uses this field to identify events used in journeys.
Declare an identity field for identifying the subject of the event. If no identity is specified, an identity map can be used. This is not recommended.
If you would like this data to be available for lookup later in a Journey, mark the schema and dataset for profile.
Feel free to include data fields to capture any other context data you want to include with the event, such as information about the user, the device from which the event was generated, location, or any other meaningful circumstances related to the event.
Leverage schema relationships leverage_schema_relationships
51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform allows you to define relationships between schemas in order to use one dataset as a lookup table for another.
Let’s say your brand data model has a schema capturing purchases. You also have a schema for the product catalog. You can capture the product ID in the purchase schema and use a relationship to look up more complete product details from the product catalog. This allows you to create a segment for all customers who bought a laptop, for example, without having to explicitly list out all laptop IDs or capture every single product details in transactional systems.
To define a relationship, you need to have a dedicated field in the source schema, in this case the product ID field in the purchase schema. This field needs to reference the product ID field in the destination schema. The source and destination tables must be enabled for profiles and the destination schema must have that common field defined as its primary identity.
Here is the product catalog schema enabled for profile with the product ID defined as the primary identity.
Here is the purchase schema with the relationship defined on the product ID field.
In Journey Orchestration, you can then leverage all the fields from the linked tables:
Unitary event configuration unitary_event_configuration
The linked schema fields are available in unitary event configuration:
- when browsing through the event schema fields in the event configuration screen.
- when defining a condition for system-generated events.
The linked fields are not available:
- in the event key formula
- in event id condition (rule-based events)
To learn how to configure a unitary event, refer to this page.
Journey conditions using event context journey_conditions_using_event_context
You can use data from a lookup table linked to an event used in a journey for condition building (expression editor).
Add a condition in a journey, edit the expression and unfold the event node in the expression editor.
To learn how to define journey conditions, refer to this page.
Action personalization with journey event context custom_action_personalization_with_journey_event_context
The linked fields are available when configuring the action parameters of a journey action activity.
To learn how to use custom actions, refer to this page.