
Manage code-based experiences publish-code-based

Make your code-based experience live code-based-experience-live

If your campaign is subject to an approval policy, you will need to request approval in order to be able to activate your code-based experiences. Learn more

Once you defined your code-based experience and edited your content as desired using the code-based editor, you can activate your journey or campaign to make your changes visible to your audience.

You can also preview your code-based experience content before making it live. Learn more

If you activate a code-based journey/campaign impacting the same pages as another journey or campaign which is already live, all the changes will be applied to your content.
If multiple code-based journeys or campaigns update the same element(s) of your content, the highest priority journey/campaign takes precedence.

Once your code-based journey or campaign is live, your app implementation team is responsible for making explicit API or SDK calls to fetch content for the surfaces defined in the selected code-based experience configuration. Learn more on the different customer implementations in this section.

Publish a code-based journey publish-code-based-journey

To make your code-based experience live from a journey, follow the steps below.

  1. Verify that your journey is valid and that there is no error. Learn more

  2. From the journey, select the Publish option, located in the top right drop-down menu.

    note note
    Learn more on publishing journeys in this section.

Your code-based journey takes the Live status and is now visible to the selected audience. Each recipient of your journey can see your modifications.

After you click Publish, it can take up to 15 minutes for the changes to be available live.

Activate a code-based campaign activate-code-based-campaign

  1. From your code-based campaign, select Review to activate.

  2. Check and edit if needed the content, properties, configuration, audience and schedule.

  3. Select Activate.

    note note
    Learn more on activating campaigns in this section.

Your code-based campaign takes the Live status and is now visible to the selected audience. Each recipient of your campaign can see the modifications you added to your content.

After you click Activate, it can take up to 15 minutes for your changes to be available live.
If you defined a schedule for your code-based campaign, it has the Scheduled status until the start date and time are reached.

Stop a code-based journey or campaign stop-code-based-experience

When a code-based experience is live, you can stop it to prevent your audience from seeing your modifications. Follow the steps below.

  1. Select a live journey or campaign from the respective list.

  2. Perform the relevant action according to your case:

    • From the campaign top menu, select Stop campaign.

    • From the journey top menu, click the More button and select Stop.

  3. The modifications you added will not be visible anymore to the audience you defined.

Once a code-based journey or campaign is stopped, you cannot edit or activate it again. You can only duplicate it and activate the duplicated journey/campaign.