
Code-based implementation methods samples implementation-samples

Code-based experience supports any type of customer implementation. On this page you can find samples for each implementation method:

Follow to find sample implementations for different personalization and experimentation use cases. Check them out and run them in order to better understand what are the implementation steps needed and how the end-to-end personalization flow works.

Client-side implementation client-side-implementation

If you have a client-side implementation, you can use one of the AEP client SDKs: AEP Web SDK or AEP Mobile SDK.

  • The steps below describe the process of fetching the content published on the edge by the code-based experience journeys and campaigns in a sample Web SDK implementation and displaying the personalized content.

  • The steps to implement code-based channel using Mobile SDK are described in .

    note note
    Sample implementations for mobile use cases are available for and .

How it works - Web SDK client-side-how

  1. Web SDK is included on the page.

  2. You need to use the sendEvent command and specify the surface URI to fetch personalization content.

    code language-javascript
    alloy("sendEvent", {
    renderDecisions: true,
    personalization: {
        surfaces: ["#sample-json-content"],
  3. Code-based experience items should be manually applied by the implementation code (using the method) to update the DOM based on the decision.

  4. For code-based experience journeys and campaigns, display events must manually be sent to indicate when the content has been displayed. This is done via the sendEvent command.

    code language-javascript
    function sendDisplayEvent(decision) {
      const { id, scope, scopeDetails = {} } = decision;
      alloy("sendEvent", {
        xdm: {
          eventType: "decisioning.propositionDisplay",
          _experience: {
            decisioning: {
              propositions: [
                  id: id,
                  scope: scope,
                  scopeDetails: scopeDetails,
  5. For code-based experience journeys and campaigns, interaction events must manually be sent to indicate when a user has interacted with the content. This is done via the sendEvent command.

    code language-javascript
    function sendInteractEvent(label, proposition) {
      const { id, scope, scopeDetails = {} } = proposition;
      alloy("sendEvent", {
        xdm: {
          eventType: "decisioning.propositionInteract",
          _experience: {
            decisioning: {
              propositions: [
                  id: id,
                  scope: scope,
                  scopeDetails: scopeDetails,
              propositionEventType: {
                interact: 1
              propositionAction: {
                label: label

Key Observations


Cookies are used to persist user identity and cluster information. When using a client-side implementation, the Web SDK handles the storing and sending of these cookies automatically during the request lifecycle.

Stored by
Sent by
Contains user identity details
Indicates which experience edge cluster should be used to fulfill requests

Request placement

Requests to 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform API are required to get propositions and send a display notification. When using a client-side implementation, the Web SDK makes these requests when the sendEvent command is used.

Made by
interact request to get propositions
Web SDK using the sendEvent command
interact request to send display notifications
Web SDK using the sendEvent command

Flow Diagram

Server-side implementation server-side-implementation

If you have a server-side implementation, you can use one the AEP Edge Network API.

The steps below describe the process of fetching the content published on the edge by the code-based experience journeys and campaigns in a sample Edge Network API implementation for a webpage and displaying the personalized content.

How it works

  1. The web page is requested and any cookies previously stored by the browser prefixed with kndctr_ are included.

  2. When the page is requested from the app server, an event is sent to the interactive data collection endpoint to fetch personalization content. This sample app makes use of some helper methods to simplify building and sending requests to the API (see ). But the request is simply a POST with a payload that contains an event and query. The cookies (if available) from the prior step are included with the request in the meta>state>entries array.

    code language-javascript
        headers: {
          accept: "*/*",
          "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
          "cache-control": "no-cache",
          "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
          pragma: "no-cache",
          "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
          "sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
          "sec-fetch-site": "cross-site",
          "sec-gpc": "1",
          "Referrer-Policy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
          Referer: "https://localhost/",
        body: JSON.stringify({
          event: {
            xdm: {
              eventType: "decisioning.propositionFetch",
              web: {
                webPageDetails: {
                  URL: "https://localhost/",
                webReferrer: {
                  URL: "",
              identityMap: {
                FPID: [
                    id: "xyz",
                    authenticatedState: "ambiguous",
                    primary: true,
              timestamp: "2022-06-23T22:21:00.878Z",
            data: {},
          query: {
            identity: {
              fetch: ["ECID"],
            personalization: {
              schemas: [
              surfaces: ["web://localhost/","web://localhost/#sample-json-content"],
          meta: {
            state: {
              domain: "localhost",
              cookiesEnabled: true,
              entries: [
                  key: "kndctr_XXX_51黑料不打烊Org_identity",
                  value: "abc123",
                  key: "kndctr_XXX_51黑料不打烊Org_cluster",
                  value: "or2",
        method: "POST",
    ).then((res) => res.json());
  3. The JSON experience from the code-based experience journeys and campaign is read from the response and used when producing the HTML response.

  4. For code-based experience journeys and campaigns, display events must manually be sent in the implementation to indicate when the journey or campaign content has been displayed. In this example, the notification is sent server-side during the request lifecycle.

    code language-javascript
    function sendDisplayEvent(aepEdgeClient, req, propositions, cookieEntries) {
      const address = getAddress(req);
          event: {
            xdm: {
              web: {
                webPageDetails: { URL: address },
                webReferrer: { URL: "" },
              timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
              eventType: "decisioning.propositionDisplay",
              _experience: {
                decisioning: {
                  propositions: propositions.map((proposition) => {
                    const { id, scope, scopeDetails } = proposition;
                    return {
          query: { identity: { fetch: ["ECID"] } },
          meta: {
            state: {
              domain: "",
              cookiesEnabled: true,
              entries: [...cookieEntries],
          Referer: address,
  5. When the HTML response is returned, the identity and cluster cookies are set on the response by the application server.

Key Observations


Cookies are used to persist user identity and cluster information. When using a server-side implementation, the application server must handle the storing and sending of these cookies during the request lifecycle.

Stored by
Sent by
Contains user identity details
application server
application server
Indicates which experience edge cluster should be used to fulfill requests
application server
application server

Request placement

Requests to 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform API are required to get propositions and send a display notification. When using a client-side implementation, the Web SDK makes these requests when the sendEvent command is used.

Made by
interact request to get propositions
application server calling the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform API
interact request to send display notifications
application server calling the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform API

Flow Diagram

Hybrid implementation hybrid-implementation

If you have a hybrid implementation, check out the links below.
