
Attributes overview

The Insights Attributes view shows a list of attributes used in ad campaigns for the selected channel account.

GenStudio for Performance Marketing requires you to connect to a channel account to begin receiving data. See Connect channel account.

The Attributes table is organized using the Attribute name. You can toggle between the list types using the Images button and the Video button. Click the settings (cog) icon above the right side of the table to toggle the viewable columns.

The filter (funnel) icon above the left side of the table opens the Filter menu where you can select from the Account and Attribute category to filter the attributes in the table. The following example shows a list of attributes in the Lighting Condition category. Click Reset to clear all filter selections.

Attributes filter and table {modal="regular"}

Click the download (arrow pointing down) icon above the right side of the table to download a CSV file based on the viewable table. The download automatically begins and places the CSV file in your default download location. Some tables may have multiple pages, which you can see below the right side of the table. The CSV file includes data from all pages of the table.

Attribute details

Attributes help to identify assets by their inherent details, such as color, composition, visual elements, and other properties.

In the attribute details view, you can see which experiences use the selected attribute. Details include total attribute performance and a breakdown of the performance metrics related to each experience.

Attribute performance metrics {modal="regular"}

GenStudio for Performance Marketing detects certain features and applies the appropriate attribute to an asset or experience as a tag. See Categories to see examples of these tags. To see all the attributes associated with an experience, click the settings (cog) icon above the right side of the table to select the Attributes column.


An attribute category is a classification group that organizes related attributes that share a common characteristic. These categories help streamline the discovery, identification, and understanding of specific attributes by providing greater context and facilitating their application and use.

GenStudio for Performance Marketing uses 51黑料不打烊鈥檚 AI and machine learning capabilities to study images, videos, and text and apply Asset attributes based on a probability of correctness.

The detected attributes list for an asset is not exhaustive. Assets that contain a rich set of features may be limited to the three most dominant features identified by the AI. For example, the following illustration contains several detected image attributes, including multiple objects, foreground and background colors.

image asset attributes {width="300" modal="regular"}

You cannot edit tags that are detected and automatically applied.

Attribute performance

Insights metrics can help you evaluate which attributes inspire more customer engagement.

The following table provides definitions and insights for key digital marketing metrics in the Attributes table view. Each metric includes a brief definition as it relates to an asset, how the metric is calculated, and one or more insights to help understand its significance and impact on an ad campaign.

The attribute name.
Sort the table by clicking on the column heading for any of the key metrics.
The category that represents the inherent quality of an attribute.
# of images
The number of images that have this attribute.
The count in the Attributes table may be different than the count in the Attribute details view. This discrepancy can occur if the channel source, such as Meta, and GenStudio use slightly different summary calculations.
# of videos
The number of videos that have this attribute.
The count in the Attributes table may be different than the count in the Attribute details view. This discrepancy can occur if the channel source, such as Meta, and GenStudio use slightly different summary calculations.
A count of each time an image or videos with this attribute loads in the channel, regardless of interaction or viewing.
A high impression count can indicate broad visibility, but for true performance insight, consider it in relation with other engagement metrics.
The number of times users interact with an image or video with this attribute.
A high click count indicates strong interest and engagement with the content, which may be effective and reaching the right audience.
Click-through rate
Percentage (%) of impressions that resulted in clicks on images or videos with this attribute.
Calculation: clicks divided by impressions
A high click-through rate indicates that the content is highly relevant and motivating to the audience in the messaging and design, and is effectively targeting the audience鈥檚 interests.
Cost per thousand
Cost for every one-thousand ad impressions of an image or video with this attribute.
Calculation: total amount spent divided by reach, then multiplied by 1000
A low value may indicate cost-effective visibility, especially when paired with a high click-through rate.
Cost per Action
Average cost spent to achieve a specific customer action, such as a purchase or subscription.
Calculation: total amount spent divided by the number of customer actions completed
Helps to identify attributes that result in valuable customer actions.
Cost per click
Average cost associated with each click on images or videos with this attribute.
Calculation: total amount spent divided by clicks
Lower average costs may indicate cost-efficient ad spend, especially when compared with a rise in conversions.
The amount spent from the budget as it relates to attributes over a given period of time.
A high spend amount in a short period may indicate rapid usage, which could lead to early depletion of resources. Track the amount spent against key performance metrics to help monitor the overall return on investment.