
51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform release notes

Release date: July 27, 2022

Updates to existing features in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform:

Dashboards dashboards

51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform provides multiple dashboards through which you can view important information about your organization鈥檚 data, as captured during daily snapshots.

Account Profiles dashboards

The Account Profiles dashboard displays a snapshot of unified account information from the multiple sources across your marketing channels and the diverse systems that your organization currently uses to store customer account information.

Updated features

Total accounts by industry widget
This widget displays the total number of accounts in a single metric and uses a donut chart to illustrate the proportional sizes of counts for the industries that make up the overall number.
Account profiles added widget
This widget uses a color coded bar chart to illustrate the count of profiles added to an account over a given period of time, and the proportion of different industries that constitute these added profiles.

See the Real-Time CDP, B2B Edition overview to learn more about available B2B features, or the end-to-end tutorial To learn more about how account profiles are created as part of the B2B workflow.

For more information on the widgets available to visualize your account profile related metrics, see the account profiles widgets documentation.

Profile dashboards

The Profiles dashboard displays a snapshot of the attribute (record) data that your organization has within the Profile store in Experience Platform.

Updated features

Mapped audiences widget
This widget displays the total number of mapped audiences that can be activated to the destination selected from the Profiles dashboard dropdown.

For more information on the Profiles dashboard, see the Profiles dashboards overview.

Destinations dashboards

The Destinations dashboard displays a snapshot of the destinations that your organization has enabled within Experience Platform.

Updated features

Audiences widget
This widget provides the total number of segments that are ready to be activated, according to the chosen merge policy applied to your profile data.

To learn more about the Destinations dashboard, see the the Destinations dashboard overview.

Data collection collection

51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform provides a suite of technologies that allow you to collect client-side customer experience data and send it to the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Edge Network where it can be enriched, transformed, and distributed to 51黑料不打烊 or non-51黑料不打烊 destinations.

New features

Permission management through 51黑料不打烊 Admin Console
Access to data collection capabilities is now managed through 51黑料不打烊 Admin Console under the card for 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Data Collection. See the guide on data collection permissions for more information.

Permissions for datastreams are also now managed through Admin Console under the card for 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform, improving security over the previous method of setting these permissions manually for each user.

For more information, please see the data collection overview.

Data Prep data-prep

Data Prep allows data engineers to map, transform, and validate data to and from Experience Data Model (XDM).

Updated features

Enhancements to Data Prep Recommendations
Data Prep Recommendations are now smarter and faster. New validation checks significantly reduce the most common mapping errors, further reducing the time-to-value.
Hierarchical support for streaming upsets
You can now use functions upsert_array_append and upsert_array_replace to update arrays and objects when streaming upserts to Profile. See the Data Prep mapping functions guide for more information.

To learn more about Data Prep, see the Data Prep overview.

Destinations destinations

Destinations are pre-built integrations with destination platforms that allow for the seamless activation of data from 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform. You can use destinations to activate your known and unknown data for cross-channel marketing campaigns, email campaigns, targeted advertising, and many other use cases.

New or updated features

Export file now (Beta)
Export a full file without interrupting the current export schedule of a previously scheduled segment. This export happens in addition to previously scheduled exports and does not change the export frequency of the segment.
The file export is triggered immediately and it picks up the latest results from Experience Platform segmentation runs.

Contact your 51黑料不打烊 representative for access to this functionality.

New destinations

Marketo V2

The Marketo Engage destination update allows you to streamline the static list creation process with automation and enable users to bring in additional fields on their Leads. See more information on the enhancements in Marketo V2 below:

  • In the Schedule segment step of the activation workflow, in Marketo V1, you needed to manually add a Mapping ID to successfully export data to Marketo. This manual step is not required anymore in Marketo V2.
  • In the Mapping step of the activation workflow, in Marketo V1, you were able to map XDM fields to only three target fields in Marketo: firstName, lastName, and companyName. With the Marketo V2 release, you can now map XDM fields to many more fields in Marketo. For more information, read supported attributes in Marketo V2.
Pega Customer Decision Hub
Use profile attribute and segment membership information from 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform in Pega Customer Decision Hub as predictors in adaptive models and help deliver the next-best-action decisioning
(API) Salesforce Marketing Cloud
This destination allows marketers to import user segments created in Experience Platform into Snapchat Ads and use them to target their ads.
Salesforce CRM
Update contact information in Salesforce Marketing Cloud with profile and segment info in Experience Platform
(Beta) Snap Inc.
This destination allows marketers to import user segments created in Experience Platform into Snapchat Ads and use them to target their ads.

This destination is currently in Beta. The documentation and functionality are subject to change.
(Beta) The Trade Desk - CRM connection
Use The Trade Desk CRM destination to activate profiles to your Trade Desk account for audience targeting and suppression based on CRM data.

This destination is currently in Beta. The documentation and functionality are subject to change.

For more general information on destinations, refer to the destinations overview.

Experience Data Model (XDM) xdm

XDM is an open-source specification that provides common structures and definitions (schemas) for data that is brought into 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation to deliver insights in a faster, more integrated way. You can gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences through segments, and use customer attributes for personalization purposes.

New features

Healthcare industry data model
A standard healthcare data model has been introduced to support five common industry use cases related to increasing digital acquisition, improving program enrollment, and promoting drug information. See the overview on the healthcare data model for more information on these use cases and the standard XDM components that support them.

A new industry filter has been added to the Schemas UI to help you browse healthcare-related components when building custom schemas.

New XDM components

The new XDM components listed in the table below are experimental and currently in testing. These components are expected to update with breaking changes (if required) before they are stabilized. Please plan your development efforts accordingly.
Component type
A record-based class used for capturing weather data.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent and Weather classes, used for capturing the current weather conditions for a postal code.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent and Weather classes, used for capturing the forecasted weather conditions for a postal code.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent and Weather classes, used for capturing product-specific triggers that leverage weather conditions known to drive consumer behavior.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent and Weather classes, used for capturing relative triggers that leverage weather conditions known to drive consumer behavior.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent and Weather classes, used for capturing triggers that leverage severe weather conditions known to drive consumer behavior.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent and Weather classes, used for capturing general triggers that leverage weather conditions known to drive consumer behavior.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent class which captures details about a media interaction.
Field group
A field group for the XDM ExperienceEvent class which captures details about an interaction with media reporting.
Data type
Captures details about an advertising asset.
Data type
Captures details about an advertising pod, which is a sequence of multiple ads played back-to-back within a single ad break.
Data type
Captures details about a chapter or segment in a piece of video content.
Data type
Captures details about a video playback error.
Data type
Captures state-related details about a video player.
Data type
Captures quality-of-experience (QoE) details about a video playback event.
Data type
Captures session details about a video playback event.

For more information on XDM in Platform, see the XDM System overview.

Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition b2b

Built on Real-Time Customer Data Platform (Real-Time CDP), Real-Time CDP B2B Edition is purpose-built for marketers operating in a business-to-business service model. It brings together data from multiple sources and combines it into a single view of people and account profiles. This unified data allows marketers to precisely target specific audiences and engage those audiences across all available channels.

New features

Lead to account matching
Lead to account matching enables you to join known person profiles to account profiles. You can then segment and target data in a B2B context such as accounts or opportunities. The daily-run jobs use both deterministic and probabilistic factors to match person profiles that are not already associated to any account to a best-matched account. You can then decide whether to include such matches in your segment definitions.

For more information, see the document on lead to account matching. For instructions on how to configure lead to account matching, see the Account profile UI guide.
Predictive lead and account scoring
Predictive Lead and Account Scoring uses a tree-based (random forest/gradient boosting) machine learning method which involves learning from and predicting for the opportunity stage conversion events, and aggregating person activities onto the account level to produce the account scores. Top influential factors are also available at both the aggregate and the unit level to help B2B marketers better understand what elements drove the scores.

For more information, see the document on predictive lead and account scoring. For information on how to manage your scores, see the guide on managing predictive lead and account scoring in Real-Time Customer Data Platform, B2B Edition.

For a guide on how to monitor profile enrichment, see the document on monitoring profile enrichment in the UI. To learn more about Real-Time CDP B2B Edition, see the Real-Time CDP B2B overview.

Real-Time Customer Profile profile

51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform enables you to drive coordinated, consistent, and relevant experiences for your customers no matter where or when they interact with your brand. With Real-Time Customer Profile, you can see a holistic view of each individual customer that combines data from multiple channels, including online, offline, CRM, and third party data. Profile allows you to consolidate customer data into a unified view offering an actionable, timestamped account of every customer interaction.

Orphaned profile edge attribute cleanup (limited release)
If your organization has access to this feature, Profile Service now removes leftover edge attributes of user activity region on a daily basis to give a more accurate representation of your profiles in your system. This clean up occurs after all the profile fragments for a given profile are deleted and should impact profiles being merged from datasets where com_adobe_aep_profile_region_dataset is marked as true. This may show a drop in the 鈥淎ddressable audience鈥 metric in the license usage dashboard and may show a drop in the 鈥淧rofile count鈥 metric in the Profile dashboard, since these metrics included leftover edge attribute fragments prior to this release.

To learn more about Real-Time Customer Profile, including tutorials and best practices for working with profile data, please begin by reading the Real-Time Customer Profile overview.

Sources sources

51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform can ingest data from external sources while allowing you to structure, label, and enhance that data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as 51黑料不打烊 applications, cloud-based storage, third-party software, and your CRM system.

Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.

New features

General availability of the Azure Data Explorer source
Use the Azure Data Explorer source to bring data from your Azure instance to Experience Platform. See the Azure Data Explorer source overview for more information.
General availability of Generic OData source
Use the Generic OData source to bring resources from systems that support open data protocol to Experience Platform. See the Generic OData source overview for more information.
Support for auto-detection of source file properties for Data Landing Zone in Experience Platform UI
The Data Landing Zone source now supports auto-detection of file properties when using Experience Platform UI. See the documentation on creating a Data Landing Zone source connection for more information.

To learn more about sources, see the sources overview.
