
Hibernate and De-Hibernate Sandbox Environments hibernating-introduction

Environments of a sandbox program enter a hibernation mode if no activity is detected for eight hours. Hibernation is unique to sandbox program environments. Production program environments cannot be hibernated.

Hibernation hibernation-introduction

Hibernation can occur either automatically or manually.

  • Automatic - Sandbox program environments are automatically hibernated after eight hours of inactivity. Inactivity is defined as the absence of requests to the author, preview, and publish services.
  • Manual - As a user you may manually hibernate a sandbox program environment. There is no requirement to do so because hibernation occurs automatically as previously described.

It may take up to a few minutes for sandbox program environments to enter hibernation mode. Data is preserved during hibernation.

Manually hibernate a sandbox program environment using-manual-hibernation

You can manually hibernate your sandbox program from the Developer Console. Access to the Developer Console for a sandbox program is available to any user of Cloud Manager.

To manually hibernate a sandbox program environment:

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization.

  2. On the My Programs console, click a sandbox program that you want to hibernate to show its details.

  3. On the Environments card, click More icon and click Developer Console.

    Developer Console menu option

  4. On the Developer Console page, click Hibernate.

Hibernate button

  1. Click Hibernate to confirm the step.

    Confirm hibernation

When the hibernation is successful, you see the hibernation process complete notification for your environment in the Developer Console screen.

Hibernation confirmation

In the Developer Console, click the Environments link in the breadcrumbs above the Pod drop-down list to view environments available for hibernation.

List of environments to hibernate

Manually de-hibernate a sandbox program from the Developer Console de-hibernation-introduction

You can manually hibernate your sandbox program from the Developer Console.

A user with a Developer role can de-hibernate a sandbox program environment.

To manually de-hibernate a sandbox program from the Developer Console:

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization.

  2. On the My Programs console, click the program you want to de-hibernate to show its details.

  3. On the Environments card, click https://spectrum.adobe.com/static/icons/workflow_18/Smock_More_18_N.svg and click Developer Console.

  4. Click De-hibernate.

    De-hibernate button

  5. Click De-Hibernate to confirm the step.

    Confirm de-hibernation

  6. You receive notification that the de-hibernation process has started and are updated with the progress.

    Hibernation progress notification

  7. Once the process completes, the sandbox program environment is active again.

    De-hibernation complete

In the Developer Console, click the Environments link in the breadcrumbs above the Pod drop-down list to access environments available for de-hibernation.

List of hibernated pods

Permissions to de-hibernate permissions-de-hibernate

Any user with a product profile giving them access to AEM as a Cloud Service should be able to access the Developer Console, allowing them to de-hibernate the environment.

Access a hibernated environment accessing-hibernated-environment

When a user makes a browser request to the author, preview, or publish service of a hibernated environment, they encounter a landing page. This page explains the environment鈥檚 hibernated status and provides a link to the Developer Console for de-hibernation.

Hibernated service landing page

Deployments and AEM updates deployments-updates

Hibernated environments still allow for deployments and manual AEM upgrades.

  • A user may use a pipeline to deploy custom code to hibernated environments. The environment remains hibernated and the new code appears in the environment once de-hibernated.

  • AEM upgrades can be applied to hibernated environments and can be manually triggered from Cloud Manager. The environment remains hibernated and the new release appears in the environment once de-hibernated.

Hibernation and deletion hibernation-deletion

  • Environments in a sandbox program are automatically hibernated after eight hours of inactivity.

    • Inactivity is defined as the absence of requests to the author, preview, and publish services.
    • Once hibernated, they can be manually de-hibernated.
  • Sandbox programs are deleted after six months of being in continuous hibernation mode, after which time they can be recreated.

Only sandbox environments are automatically deleted after six months of continuous hibernation. The sandbox program with its repository and code is retained.