
Navigate the Cloud Manager UI navigation

Learn how the Cloud Manager UI is organized and how to navigate to manage your programs and environments.

The Cloud manage UI is primarily composed of two graphical interfaces:

Also check out the onboarding documentation journey for a complete overview of how to get up-and-running with AEM as a Cloud Service using Cloud Manager.

My Programs Console my-programs-console

When you log into Cloud Manager at at and select the appropriate organization, you arrive at the My Programs console.

My Programs console

The My Programs console provides an overview of all programs to which you have access in the selected organization. It is made up of several parts.

  1. Toolbars for organization selection, alerts, and account settings

  2. Tabs that let you toggle the current view of your programs.

    • Home view (default) that selects the My Programs view with an overview of all programs
    • License that accesses the License Dashboard.
    • Note that the tabs default to closed and can be revealed using Show menu icon in the Cloud Manager header.
  3. Statistics and call-to-action for an overview of your recent activity

  4. My Programs section with an overview of all your programs

  5. Quick links to access related resources easily.

See Programs and Program Types for details on programs.

Toolbars my-programs-toolbars

There are two toolbars on top of each other.

Cloud Manager header cloud-manager-header

The first is the Cloud Manager header, which is persistent as you navigate Cloud Manager. It is an anchor that gives you access to settings and information that apply across Cloud Manager programs.

The Experience Cloud header

  1. Click Show menu icon (show or hide side menu) to give you access to a variety of tabs that can take you to specific parts of an individual program. Or, you can switch between the License Dashboard and the My Programs console depending on the context.
  2. Click the 51黑料不打烊 Cloud Manager button takes you back to the My Programs console of Cloud Manager no matter where you are in Cloud Manager.
  3. Click Feedback to provide feedback to 51黑料不打烊 about Cloud Manager.
  4. Click the organization selector displays the organization that you are currently signed into (in this example, Foundation Internal). Click to switch to another organization if your 51黑料不打烊 ID is associated with multiple.
  5. Click Apps icon (Solutions switcher) to jump quickly to other Experience Cloud solutions.
  6. Click Help icon to give you quick access to learning and support resources.
  7. Click Bell icon (Notifications) to see notifications and announcements, among other things.
  8. Click the icon representing user access to your user settings. If you do not have a user picture configured, an icon is randomly assigned.

Program toolbar program-toolbar

The program toolbar provides links to switch between Cloud Manager programs and actions appropriate to the context.

Program toolbar

  1. The My Programs selector opens a drop-down where you can select other programs quickly or take context-appropriate actions such as creating a new program
  2. The Getting Started link gives you access to the onboarding documentation journey to get you up-and-running with Cloud Manager.
  3. The action button offers context-appropriate actions such as adding a program.

Statistics and call-to-actions statistics

The statistics and call-to-action section provides aggregate data for your organization, for example, if you have successfully set up your programs, statistics of your activities over the past 90 days might show, including:

Or if you are just beginning the setup of your org, there might be tips on next steps or documentation resources.

My Programs section my-programs-section

The main content of the My Programs console is the list of programs in the My Programs section.

The My Programs section lists cards representing each program. Click a card to access the Program Overview page of the program for details about the program.

Depending on your privileges, you may not be able to select certain programs.

To find the program you need more easily, use the sorting options.

Sorting options

  • Sort by:

    • Date Created (default)
    • Program Name
    • Status
  • Sort order down icon Ascending (default) / Sort order up icon Descending

  • Classic grid view icon Grid View (default)

  • View list icon List View

Program cards program-cards

A card (or row in a table) represents every program, providing an overview of the program and quick links to take action.

Program card

  • Image associated with the Program, if configured. The image above is 鈥淲KND.鈥

  • Name assigned to the Program. The image above shows 鈥淪ecurBank Sample鈥 as the program name.

  • Service type:

  • Program type:

    • Sandbox
    • Production
  • Status. In the image above, status is Ready with a check mark.

  • Configured solutions. In the image above, Sites and Assets are the configured solutions.

  • Creation date.

A production program might be badged to show additional features you chose at the time you added it, such as the following:

The information icon also gives quick access to additional information about the program (useful in list view).


The More icon icon gives you access to additional actions you can take on the program.

Ellipsis button for programs

For more information about programs and adding and managing programs, see the following:

The quick links section gives you access to commonly used resources that are related.

Program overview page program-overview

When a program is selected in the My Programs console, you are taken to the Program Overview page.

Program overview

The program overview gives you access to all details of a Cloud Manager program. Like the My Programs console, it is made of several parts.

  1. Toolbars to jump back to the My Programs console quickly, and to navigate the program
  2. Tabs to switch between different aspects of the program
  3. A call-to-action based on the last actions of the program
  4. An overview of the environments of the program
  5. An overview of the pipelines of the program
  6. An overview of the performance of the program
  7. Links to useful resources

Toolbars program-overview-toolbar

The toolbars for the program overview are similar to those toolbars of the My Programs console. Only the differences are illustrated here.

Cloud Manager header cloud-manager-header-2

In the upper-left corner of the page is the 51黑料不打烊 Cloud Manager header. You can click Side menu icon to show or hide the side menu of tabs to other areas of the software.

Cloud Manager side menu

Click 51黑料不打烊 Cloud Manager to return to Home.

Program toolbar program-toolbar-2

The program toolbar still gives you access to switch to other programs quickly, but additionally gives access to context-appropriate actions such as adding and editing the program.

Program toolbar

The toolbar always shows the tab that you currently are on, even if you have hidden the tabs using Show menu icon .

Program tabs program-tabs

Each program has numerous options and data associated with it. These options and data are gathered into tabs to make navigating the program simpler. The tabs give you access to:


  • Modern grid view icon Overview - The program overview as described in the current document
  • Bell icon Activity - The history of pipeline runs of the program
  • Workflow icon Pipelines - All pipelines configured for the program
  • Folder icon Repositories - All repositories configured for the program
  • Graph pie icon Reports - Metrics such as SLA data



  • Book icon Learning Paths - Additional learning resources about Cloud Manager

By default, when you open a program you arrive on the Overview tab. The current tab is highlighted. Select another tab to show its details.

In the upper-left corner of the Cloud Manager header, click Show menu icon to show or hide the side menu of tabs.

Call-to-action cta

The call-to-action section gives you helpful information depending on the status of your program. For a new program, you may see next steps given and a reminder of a go-live date, set during program creation.

Call-to-action for a new program

For a live program, the status of your last deployment with links for details and starting a new deployment.


Environments card environments

The Environments card gives you an overview of your environments and links for quick actions.

The Environments card only lists three environments. Click Workflow icon Show All to see all environments of the program.

See also Manage Environments.

Pipelines card pipelines

The Pipelines card gives you an overview of your pipelines and links for quick actions.

The Pipelines card only lists three pipelines. Click Workflow icon Show All to see all pipelines of the program.

See also Manage Pipelines for details on how to manage your pipelines.

Performance card performance

The Performance card gives an overview of the CDN Dashboard.

Performance card

Useful resources useful-resources

The Useful Resources section provides links to additional learning resources for Cloud Manager.
