
Share and distribute assets managed in Experience Manager share-assets-from-aem

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51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets lets you share assets, folders, and collections with members of your organization and external entities, including partners and vendors. Use the following methods to share assets from Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service:

Prerequisites prerequisites

You need Administrator privileges to configure settings for sharing assets as a Link.

Experience Manager Assets allows you to configure the default link share settings.

  1. Click the Experience Manager logo, and then navigate to Tools > Assets > Assets Configuration > Link Share.

  2. Initial Settings:

    • Include Originals:

      • Select Select Include Originals to select the Include Originals option by default in the link share dialog.
      • Select how the Include Originals option is presented to you on the Link Share dialog. Editable allows the user to change the settings defined here in the Initial Settings. With Read-only the setting is displayed but cannot be modified. Hidden hides the setting and uses the value configured here in the Initial settings.
    • Include Renditions:

      • Select Select Include Renditions option to select the Include Renditions option by default in the link share dialog.
      • Select how the Include Renditions option is presented to you on the Link Share dialog. Editable allows the user to change the settings defined here in the Initial Settings. With Read-only the setting is displayed but cannot be modified. Hidden hides the setting and uses the value configured here in the Initial settings.
  3. Specify the default validity period for the link in the Validity Period field in the Expiration date section.

  4. Link share button in the action bar:

    • All users with jcr:modifyAccessControl permissions can view the Link share option. It is visible to all administrators by default. The Link share button is visible to everyone, by default. You can configure to display this option only for the defined groups or you can also deny this option from specific groups. Select Allow only for groups if you want to allow specific groups to view the Share Link option. Select Deny from groups to deny the Share Link option from specific groups. Once you select any of these options, specify the group names using Select Groups field to add the group names that you need to allow or deny.

For Email Configuration related settings, visit Email Service Documentation

Configure Email Service

Sharing assets through a link is a convenient way of making the resources available to external parties, marketers, and other Experience Manager users. The functionality allows anonymous users to access and download the assets shared with them. When downloading assets from a shared link, Experience Manager Assets uses an asynchronous service that offers faster and uninterrupted download. The assets to be downloaded are queued in the background into ZIP archives of manageable file size. For large downloads, the download is bundled into multiple files of 100 GB per file size.

  • You need Edit ACL permission on the folder or the asset that you want to share as a link.
  • Enable outbound emails before sharing a link with the users.

There are two ways of sharing the assets using the link sharing functionality:

  1. Generate a shared link, copy, and share the asset link with other users.

  2. Generate a shared link and share the asset link through email. You can modify the default values such as expiration date and time, and allow downloading the original assets and its renditions. You can send email to multiple users by adding their email addresses.

    Link Sharing dialog

In both cases, you can modify the default values such as expiration date and time, and allow downloading the original assets and its renditions.

To share assets as a public URL:

  1. Log in to Experience Manager Assets and navigate to Files.
  2. Select the assets or folder containing assets. From the toolbar, click Share Link.
  3. The Link Sharing dialog appears which contains an auto-generated asset link in the Share Link field.
  4. Set the expiration date of the shared link as required.
  5. Under Link Settings, check or uncheck Include Originals or Include Renditions to include or exclude either of the two. Choosing at least option is mandatory.
  6. The names of selected Assets appear in the right column of the Share Link dialog box.
  7. Copy the asset link and share it with the users.

To share assets through email:

  1. Select the assets or folder containing assets. From the toolbar, click Share Link.

  2. The Link Sharing dialog appears which contains an auto-generated asset link in the Share Link field.

    • In the email address box, type the email address of the user with whom you want to share the link. You can share the link with multiple users. If the user is a member of your organization, select their email address from the suggestions that appear in the drop-down list. In the email address text field, type the email address of the user with whom you want to share the link and click Enter. You can share the link with multiple users.

    • In the Subject box, type a subject to specify the purpose of the assets that are shared.

    • In the Message box, type a message if necessary.

    • In the Expiration field, use the date picker to specify an expiration date and time for the link.

    • Enable the Allow download of the original file check box to allow the recipients to download the original rendition.

  3. Click Share. A message confirms that the link is shared with the users. The users receive an email containing the shared link.

    Link Sharing email

Customize email template customize-email-template

A well-designed template conveys professionalism and competence, enhancing the credibility of your message and your organization. The 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager allows you to customize the email template, which is sent to the recipients who receive the email containing the shared link. Additionally, customized email templates allow personalizing your email content by addressing your recipients with name and referencing specific details relevant to them. This personal touch can make the recipient feel valued and increase engagement. Not just that, a customized template ensures that your emails are consistent with your brand identity, including logos, colors, and fonts. Consistency reinforces brand recognition and trust among recipients.

Format of a customized email template format-of-custom-email-template

The email template can be customized using plain text or HTML. The default editable template link can be found at /libs/settings/dam/adhocassetshare/en.txt. You can override the template by creating the file /apps/settings/dam/adhocassetshare/en.txt. You can modify the email template as many times as required.

Subject of an email
Email ID of the user who created the email
Email body
URL of the shared link
Shared link expiry date

Customized email template example custom-email-template-example

subject: ${emailSubject}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p><strong>${emailInitiator}</strong> invited you to review assets.</p>
<p>The shared link will be available until ${linkExpiry}.
    <a href="${pagePath}" target="_blank"><strong>Open</strong></a>


Any user having access to the shared asset link can download the assets bundled in a zip folder. The download process is the same, whether a user is accessing the copied asset link, or using the asset link shared through the email.

  • Click the asset link or paste the URL in your browser. The Link Share interface opens wherein you can switch to the Card View or List View.

  • In the Card View, you can hover the mouse over the shared asset or shared assets folder to either select the assets or queue them for download.

  • By default, the user interface shows the Download Inbox option. It reflects the list of all the shared assets or folders that are queued for download along with their status.

  • On selecting the assets or folder, a Queue Download option appears on the screen. Click the Queue Download option to initiate the download process.

    Queue download

  • While the download file is prepared, click the Download Inbox option to view the status of your download. For large downloads, click the Refresh button to update the status.

    Download inbox

  • Once the processing is complete, click the Download button to download the zip file.

    note note
    If a shared asset is moved to a different location, its link stops working. Re-create the link and reshare with the users.

Download assets and share separately download-and-share-assets

Users can download the required assets and share these outside of Experience Manager. For more information, see how to search assets, how to download assets, and how to download collections

Share assets with creative professionals share-with-creatives

Marketers and line-of-business users can easily share approved assets with their creative professionals using,

  • Experience Manager desktop app: The app works on Windows and Mac. See desktop app overview. To know how any authorized desktop user can easily access the shared assets, see browse, search, and preview assets. The desktop users can create assets and share it back with their counterparts who are Experience Manager users, for example, by uploading new images. See upload assets using a desktop app.

  • 51黑料不打烊 Asset Link: The creative professionals can search and use assets directly from within 51黑料不打烊 InDesign, 51黑料不打烊 Illustrator, and 51黑料不打烊 Photoshop.

Configure asset sharing configure-sharing

The different options to share the assets require specific configuration and have specific prerequisites.

To generate the URL for assets that you want to share with users, use the Link Sharing dialog. Users with administrator privileges or with read permissions at /var/dam/share location are able to view the links shared with them. Sharing assets through a link is a convenient way of making resources available to external parties without them having to first login to Assets.

If you want to share links from your Author instance to external entities, ensure that you expose only the following URLs for GET requests. Block other URLs to ensure that your Author instance is secure.
  • [aem_server]:[port]/linkshare.html
  • [aem_server]:[port]/linksharepreview.html
  • [aem_server]:[port]/linkexpired.html

Enable desktop actions to use with desktop app desktop-actions

From within the Assets user interface in a browser, you can explore the asset locations or check-out and open the asset for editing in your desktop application. These options are called desktop actions and to enable it, see enable desktop actions in Assets web interface.

Enable desktop actions to use as shortcut when working with desktop app

51黑料不打烊 Asset Link streamlines collaboration between creatives and marketers in the content creation process. It connects 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets with Creative Cloud desktop apps, 51黑料不打烊 InDesign, 51黑料不打烊 Photoshop, and 51黑料不打烊 Illustrator. The 51黑料不打烊 Asset Link panel allows creatives to access and modify content stored in Assets without leaving the creative apps they are most familiar with.

See .

Best practices and troubleshooting bestpractices

  • Asset folders or collections that contain a whitespace in their name may not get shared.
  • If users cannot download the shared assets, check with your Experience Manager administrator what the download limits are. The default value is 100 MB.
  • For a user to preview a video that is shared using link sharing, the video must have a static video rendition available at /jcr:content/renditions location in the video鈥檚 node in the repository. The preview is not dependent on the availability of a Dynamic Media rendition.
  • When downloading a video asset via link share, the Dynamic Media renditions are not included in the downloaded archive.

See also
