
AEM Assets Search Best Practices

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager Assets provides robust asset search methods that help you achieve higher content velocity. Sometimes, finding the right asset can be arduous and time-consuming. Therefore, search assets capability in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager Assets is central to the usage of a digital asset management system - be it for further use by creatives, for robust management of assets by the business users and marketers, or for administration by DAM administrators.

This help document contains AEM search best practices with the help of various scenarios to assist AEM users to perform basic to advanced level search.

Following are the basic steps to perform in Experience Manager before you begin your search:

  • In the Admin view, go to Assets > Files in Experience Manager and click the search icon on the top bar. Alternatively, use a forward slash (/) to open the Omni Search field.
    In the Assets view, the search bar is visible on the top and can be accessed directly.
  • Location:Assets and Path:/content/dam are pre-selected to limit the search scope to your Experience Manager Assets repository. If you navigate to any other folder, Path:/content/dam/<folder name> displays in the Omni Search field to limit the search scope to the current folder.

Scenario 1: Perform a basic search using a classic car as the search keyword.

The keyword search is not case-sensitive and is a full-text search across the metadata fields that are included in the Asset full text search index (configurable in the index definition). If more than one keyword is used, AND is the default operator between the keywords, thus, it considers a search for ‘classic car’ to be ‘classic AND car’.

The search results that match all search terms in metadata fields are displayed first, followed by the search results that match any of the search terms in the smart tags. The approximate order of display of search results is:

  1. Matches of Classic Car in the various metadata fields.
  2. Matches of Classic Car in smart tags.
  3. Matches of Classic or of Car in smart tags.

Specify classic car as the search keyword and click Search. You can view the search suggestions in a drop-down list as you type the keyword. The search suggestions are based on the contents of the search index on your Experience Manager deployment. If you cannot view the appropriate assets in the drop-down menu, press the Enter key to view the list of results. The results are sorted by relevance, starting from the closest matches.

You can make the search more specific by adding your search keyword in double quotes (" "). This search only includes Assets which contain the specified terms together. The search criteria look like - "classic car". Therefore, the search results with both terms classic and car are shown.

The search displays similar results if you are working in the Assets view as well.

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Files and folders files-folders

Scenario 2: Search for all files using the classic car keyword within the automobile folder.

Files and folders filter helps you narrow down your search. Use Files, Folders, or Files and Folders options available in the drop-down list based on your requirement. The option to choose among Files, Folders, or Files and Folders is accessible in the Admin view only. In the Assets view, go to Path and browse the folder where you want to perform a search.

  • Use the Files option when you need to search specifically for files at a specific path within the repository. You do not need to search for folders within the defined path.
  • Use the Folders option when you need to limit your search to folders at a specific path.
  • Use the Files and Folders option if you need to search through all assets available at the specified path within the repository.

To achieve this scenario, execute the steps below:

  1. Specify classic car as the search keyword and click Search.
  2. Click Filters and define the folder path for the automobile folder. For example, /content/dam/multiple-assets/automobile
    Select the folder from the path and navigate to the required folder if you want to search within the specific folder.
  3. Select Files from the drop-down list to display all files with the keyword classic car.

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Operators operators

Scenario 3: Search for Classic Car or Car keywords using various operator combinations to narrow down your search.

To execute the above scenario in Admin view, you can use a combination of various operators to enhance your search experience. The supported operators are:

AND operator and-operator

AND operator is the default operator between two keywords in Omni Search. For example, when you type classic car in the search bar, the results with classic and car keywords appear in your search results, by default.

Search using AND Operator

OR operator or-operator

When you want to be specific with the search results and want an option in the search results, you can use the OR operator. For example, the classic OR car keyword provides search results with the either of keywords in their metadata.

Search using OR Operator

NOT operator not-operator

When you want to retrieve results excluding some keywords, you can use the NOT operator. The NOT operator uses the hyphen (-) symbol to direct AEM search what to exclude from the search results. For example, the car - classic search query that specifies metadata that contains car but excludes classic.

Search using NOT operator

Similarly, you can search for all cars but not jeep. The query looks like: car - jeep. It displays all the assets with metadata car but excludes assets with metadata jeep.

Search using NOT operator

Assets view does not support the usage of Operators.

Wildcards wildcards

Wildcards are used to replace one or more characters in the search. To execute the above scenario in Admin view, you can use a combination of various wildcards to enhance your search experience. There are two wildcards used to perform the search - Question mark (?) and Asterisk (*). Question mark symbol is used to search a single character, whereas, asterisk symbol is used to search multiple characters.

Question mark (?) question-mark

The question mark symbol can be used as a conditional operator to ease your search in Experience Manager.

  • car? query matches the word with one character after car. For example, cart.
  • ?car query matches the word with one character before car. For example, scar.
  • car???? query matches the word with four characters after car. For example, carwash.

Asterisk (*) asterisk

Asterisk is a wildcard operator that is used to broaden your search by typing fewer characters. When you know the starting characters of the asset that you are searching for, but do not know the rest, you can use the asterisk operator in your search. For example, the *car query returns all the assets with postfix car available in their metadata. The results could be classic car, sports car, classic and sports car, and so on. Below are a few examples of using the asterisk operator in various ways:

  • *car* returns all possible combinations.
  • car* returns assets with carwash, carrier, carriage, and so on.
  • *car returns assets with modern car, sports car, and so on.

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Assets view does not support the usage of Wildcards.

Filters filters

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager provides various search filters which you can use to refine and segment your search using a scoped query. When you are unsure about the title or meta description of an asset, you can use various search filters to make your search more relevant. You can use search filters with or without typing a keyword. To open the filters panel in the Admin view, click the GlobalNav icon and select Filters. Whereas, to open the filters panel in Assets view, click Filters beside the search bar.

Filters panel

You can select single or multiple filters to refine your search in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager.

Scenario 4: Search for unpublished PDF file type documents with the classic car keyword in it.

Execute the following steps in Admin view:

  1. Type classic car in the search bar.
  2. Go to Filters. Under File Type, expand Documents, further expand Word Processing.
  3. Select PDF.
  4. Go to Status > Publish > Unpublished.

Execute the following steps in Assets view:

  1. Type classic car in the search bar.
  2. Go to Filters. Under MIME Type, select PDF.
  3. Go to Asset Status, select All to include all the published and unpublished assets.

Scenario 5: Search for all images except PNG

When you are unsure about the title or meta description of an asset, you can use various search filters to make your search more relevant. For example, to search assets in Admin view, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to search filters.
  2. Go to Filters. Under File Type, expand Images and select Web enabled
  3. Deselect PNG.

To search assets using the mentioned scenario in Assets view, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to search filters.
  2. Go to Filters. Under MIME Type, select all the given MIME types but Deselect PNG.

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AEM search allows you to craft complex search queries with less effort. Following are the various examples to help you create complex search queries:

Scenario 6: Search for all documents in the Experience Manager repository with classic car in their metadata. The content of the document must contain classic car keyword in it.

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager allows you to add multiple criteria to your search. You can use a combination of keywords, operator(s), and filter(s) to narrow down your search results.

To perform a search for scenario 6:

  1. Type the classic car keyword in the search bar.
  2. Navigate to the filters panel and select Documents under File Type.
  3. Refine your search using the asterisk wildcard. Type "classic car" to search all assets that contain the classic car keyword.

Scenario 6 is not possible to execute in Assets view as it does not support the usage of Wildcards.

Scenario 7: Search for all documents in the Experience Manager repository in which the content of the document must include car but exclude classic. The same condition applies on metadata of an asset.

To perform a search for scenario 7:

Type the car - classic keyword in the search bar. Navigate to the filters panel and select Documents under File Type. The priority order of search is based on the following:
Priority 1: Metadata
Priority 2: Smart Tags

Scenario 7 is not possible to execute in Assets view as it does not support the usage of Wildcards.

Scenario 8: Search for metadata tags with metadata jeep

You can capture a specific criteria using various search filters. Tag is a keyword that is assigned to an asset to make it identifiable among a large number of assets. For example, in this scenario, search for assets with jeep tags in it. To do this, type tags:jeep in the search bar. Only assets that meet this criteria are listed in the search results.

The search displays similar results if you are working in the Assets view as well.

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Scenario 9: Find similar match for red color car

While performing your search on AEM, you can filter your results by showing similar assets to the selected ones. You can use the Find Similar option to narrow down your search to the exact or similar match of the searched Asset. This helps finding assets which have similar smart tags to the selected asset. For example, when you want to search for alike assets, execute the following steps:

  1. Search the asset as per your requirement.

  2. Hover over the asset > click ellipsis > select Find Similar.
    Select the asset > navigate to the ellipsis at the top right > select Find Similar.

    Find similar

  3. Notice the search bar. The thumbnail of the selected asset appears on the search bar indicating your search requirement. As a result, it returns assets with similar smart tags.

Execute the following steps in Assets view:

  1. Search the asset as per your requirement.
  2. Select the image > navigate to Find Similar Image option at navbar on the top.
    It takes you to the collection of assets with similar color and metadata.

Custom search facets custom-search-facets

Search facets in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager let you search for assets in multiple ways rather than in a single, pre-determined, or taxonomic order. You can customize search facets and add predicates as per your requirement. Read Search Facets for the step-by-step guide about adding a custom predicate.

Scenario 10: Search specific assets based on their last modified or expiry date

Date constraints allow you to narrow down your custom search to a particular period, for example, using the time period search filters. To search for the above requirement, type classic car in the search bar. Select the date range in the Created Date and Last Modified date filters.

Date filters

The search displays similar results if you are working in the Assets view as well.

Boosting relevance of keywords boosting-keywords

You can improve the relevance of keywords for particular assets to help boost searches based on the keywords. In other words, the images for which you promote specific keywords appear at the top of the search results when you search based on these keywords.

  1. From the Assets user interface, open the properties page for the asset. Click Advanced and click Add under Elevate for search keywords.
  2. In the Search Promote box, specify a keyword for which you want to boost the search for the image and then click Add. You can specify multiple keywords in the same way.
  3. Click Save & Close. The asset which you promoted for this keyword appears among the top search results.

Notable things while performing a search in Experience Manager notable-things

  • Provide metadata information of the asset to prepare your asset searchable by the Omni Search algorithm. Ensure that the metadata information of the asset is updated.
  • Use double quotes (" ") to make your search exact and to the point.
  • Cross-check the path that you are looking into. Select the appropriate option among folder, file, or file and folder to run your search query at the appropriate location.
  • You can check the filters that you are applying to your search on the Omni Search bar.
  • In case you are not getting any results, cross-check the path you are looking into. Also, check the folder that you are performing your search from. For example, if you are performing a search inside the ‘Automobile folder’ but the keyword that you are using is related to ‘Apparels’ then the search results are inappropriate.
  • Check-in case you have added whitespace before the keyword that you are searching for.
  • Using a mix and match of keywords, operators, and filters can ease and level up your search experience.

Differences between Admin view and Assets view Search differences-asset-and-admin-view

Admin view
Assets View
Custom facets
You can add custom search facets as per the requirement.

The custom facets are partially supported in the Assets view. The supported facets are:

  • Predicted tags
  • Name
  • Predicted tags confidence
  • Asset size
  • Title
Supports AND, OR, and NOT
Not supported
Supports question mark (?) and asterisk (*).
Not supported
Boosting search results
Not supported
Clear all filters at once
Not supported
Files/Folders/Files & Folders
An option to select a Folder is available under "File Type"
Asset Status

Supported options are:

  • Publish
  • Published date
  • Last published by
  • Approval
  • Checkout
  • Expiry
  • Dynamic Media

Supported options are:

  • All
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • No Status
File type

Supported options are:

  • Images
  • Documents
  • Multimedia
  • Archives

These have further hierarchical options.

Supported options are:

  • Images
  • Documents
  • Video
  • Folder

More options are listed under MIME type.

File size

Supported options are:

  • From - To
  • Size (Bytes, KB, MB, GB)
Not supported
Other filters
  • Language
  • Status
  • Orientation
  • Style
  • Insights
  • Stock
  • Asset Color
  • Content fragment model
Not supported