Manage reports manage-reports
Asset reporting provides administrators with visibility into activity of the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets View environment. This data provides useful information about how users interact with content and the product. All users can access the Insights dashboard and the ones who are assigned to the Administrators product profile can create user-defined reports.
Access reports access-reports
All users who are assigned to the AEM Administrators product profile can access the Insights dashboard or create user-defined reports in Assets view.
To access reports, navigate to Reports under Settings.
Create a Report create-report
The AEM Assets view environment offers comprehensive reporting capabilities through the Reports dashboard. This capability enables users to generate and download CSV reports detailing asset uploads and downloads within specified time frames-ranging from once-off to daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly intervals.
To create a report:
Navigate to Reports and click Create report (from the top right). The create report dialog box displays the below fields:
In Configuration tab:
- Report type: Select among upload, download, or Dynamic Media Delivery Report type.
- Title: Add a title to the report.
- Description: Add an optional description to the report.
- Select folder path: Select a folder path to generate the report of uploaded and downloaded assets within that specific folder. For example, if you need the report of assets uploaded to a folder then specify the path to that folder.
- Select date interval: Select the date range to view upload or download activity within the folder.
note note NOTE Assets view converts all local time zones to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). In Columns Tab: Select the column names to display in the report. The following table explains the use of all columns:
table 0-row-3 1-row-3 2-row-3 3-row-3 4-row-3 5-row-3 6-row-3 7-row-3 8-row-3 9-row-3 10-row-3 11-row-3 12-row-3 13-row-3 html-authored Column name Description Report Type Title The title of the asset. Upload and Download Path The folder path where the asset is available in Assets view. Upload, Download, and Dynamic Media Delivery MIME Type The MIME type for the asset. Upload and Download Size The size of the asset in bytes. Upload and Download Downloaded By The email ID of the user who downloaded the asset. Download Download Date The date when the asset download action is performed. Download Author The author for the asset. Upload and Download Creation Date The date when the asset is uploaded to Assets view. Upload and Download Modified Date The date when the asset is last modified. Upload and Download Expired The expiration status of the asset. Upload and Download Downloaded By User Name The name of the user who downloaded the asset. Download Referrer The URL where the asset is delivered or included Dynamic Media Delivery Hits The number of times the asset is delivered (delivery count) Dynamic Media Delivery
Dynamic Media Delivery Reports dynamic-media-delivery-reports
Get delivery insights for assets delivered with Dynamic Media, with asset level delivery count, referrer information, asset path in AEM Assets and unique asset ID. Reports can be generated for all assets delivered via the Dynamic Media for AEM Assets repository or for a specific folder hierarchy in AEM Assets. Moreover, Dynamic Media Delivery Reports insights help measure ROI of assets delivered, measure channel performance, and help take informed asset management tasks for assets.
Prerequisites prereqs-dynamic-media-delivery-reports
You should have a Dynamic Media license to create and use this report.
- Reports are provided for assets delivered via Dynamic Media.
- Reports are generated for the first 1 million rows. To capture all files within this limit, consider including the referrer column for smaller folders.
- Reports can be generated for the past 3 months only.
Create a Dynamic Media Delivery Report create-dynamic-media-delivery-report
Create a Dynamic Media Delivery Report, using the steps mentioned in Create a report.
Select Dynamic Media Delivery from the Report type drop-down list.
In the Columns tab, you can select the Referrer column to include it in your report.
All the columns of the downloaded report are read-only, except the Referrer column, which you can modify to include or exclude from the report.
Actions performed on Dynamic Media Delivery Report actions-performed-dynamic-media-delivery-reports
After creating the report, you can perform the following actions:
Delete: You can delete the selected report.
Download CSV: You can download the selected report in a CSV format. The downloaded report consists of the Name, Path, DynamicMediaID, Referrer, Hits columns.
Referrer column lists the URL where the asset is delivered or included.
Hits column lists the number of times the asset is delivered (delivery count).
To delete or download the Dynamic Media Delivery Report as CSV, see View and download existing report.
View and download existing report View-and-download-existing-report
Existing reports display under the Executed Reports tab. Click Reports and select Executed Reports to view all the created reports with the status as completed, indicating they are ready to download. To download the report in CSV format or delete the report, select the report row. Then select Download CSV or Delete.
Schedule a Report schedule-report
In the AEM Assets view UI, Schedule Report sets up an automatic generation of reports at specified future intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. This feature helps streamline recurring reporting needs and ensures timely data updates. While Create Report generates reports for past dates. Completed reports are listed under Executed Reports and upcoming reports are found under Scheduled Reports.
To schedule a report, follow the steps below:
Click Reports from the left pane and then click Create report (from top right).
The report dialog box displays the below information:
Report type: Select between the upload and download type.
Title: Add a title to the report.
Description: Add an optional description to the report.
Select folder path: Select a folder path to generate a report for assets that will be uploaded to or downloaded from that specific folder in the future.
Toggle Schedule report: Toggle to schedule the report for a later time or for its repeated occurrence.
Choose frequency: Specify the interval for generating the report (for example, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or once) and set the date and time to run the report along with the end date for recurrence. For a one-time report, select the date range for the report on the selected activity type in the AEM environment. For example, if you need a report on downloaded assets from the 10th to the 29th (future dates) of a specific month, select these dates in the Select date interval field.
note note NOTE Assets view converts all local time zones to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). -
View Scheduled Reports view-scheduled-reports
Scheduled reports display under Scheduled Reports tab in a systematically organized manner. All the completed reports for each scheduled report are stored within a single report folder. Click
to view the completed reports. For example, if you have scheduled a daily report, all completed reports are grouped together in one folder. This organization simplifies both the navigation and discoverability of reports. To view scheduled reports, click Reports and then click Scheduled Reports. All the scheduled reports display, with their status as ongoing or completed. Completed reports are ready to download.
Edit and Cancel Scheduled Reports edit-cancel-scheduled-reports
- Navigate to the Scheduled Reports tab.
- Select the report row.
- Click Edit.
- Click Cancel Schedule and then click Confirm, to cancel the scheduled report. For canceled reports, the next run time becomes empty and the status shows canceled.
Resume Schedule resume-schedule
To resume the canceled schedule, select the report row and click Resume Schedule. When resumed, the next runtime entries display again and the status shows ongoing.
View Insights view-live-statistics
Assets view enables you to view real-time data for your Assets view environment with the Insights dashboard. You can view real-time event metrics during the last 30 days or for the last 12 months.
Click Insights available in the left navigation pane to view the following automatically generated charts:
Downloads: The number of assets downloaded from the Assets view environment in the last 30 days or 12 months represented using a line graph.
Uploads: The number of assets uploaded to the Assets view environment in the last 30 days or 12 months represented using a line graph.
- Storage usage: The storage usage, in bytes, for the Assets view environment represented using a bar chart.
- Top Searches: View top searched terms along with the number of times those terms are searched within your Assets view environment in the last 30 days or 12 months represented in a tabular format.
- Asset Count by size: Segments the total asset count in your Assets View environment into different size ranges, highlighting the count and percentage of assets in each size range, represented by a donut chart.
- Asset Count by Asset Type: Segments the total asset count in your Assets View environment, highlighting the count and percentage of assets based on their file types, represented by a donut chart.