
Social Login with Facebook and Twitter social-login-with-facebook-and-twitter

Social login is the capability to present a site visitor the option to sign in with their Facebook or Twitter account. Therefore, including permitted Facebook or Twitter data in their AEM member profile.


Social Login Overview social-login-overview

To include social login, it is required to create custom Facebook and Twitter applications.

While the we-retail sample provides sample Facebook and Twitter apps and cloud services, they are not available on a production website.

The required steps are:

  1. Enable OAuth authentication on all AEM publish instances.

    Without OAuth enabled, attempts to log in fail.

  2. Create a social app and cloud service.

  3. Enable social login for a community site.

There are two basic concepts:

  1. Scope (permissions) specifies the data the app is allowed to request.

  2. Fields (params) specifies the actual data requested using URL parameters.

Facebook Login facebook-login

Facebook API Version facebook-api-version

Social login and the we-retail Facebook sample were developed when the Facebook Graph API was version 1.0.
As of AEM 6.4 GA and AEM 6.3 SP1 social login was updated to work with the newer Facebook Graph API 2.5 version.

For older AEM versions, if you are facing an exception in logs Cannot extract a token from this, upgrade to latest CFP for that AEM release.

For the Facebook Graph API version information, see the .

Create a Facebook App create-a-facebook-app

A properly configured Facebook application is required to enable Facebook social login.

To create Facebook application, follow Facebook鈥檚 instructions at . Changes to their instructions are not reflected in the following information.

In general, as of Facebook API v2.7:

  • Add a New Facebook App

    • For Platform, choose Website:

      • For Site URL, enter https://<server>:<port>.
      • For Display Name, enter a title for use as the Title of the Facebook connect service.
      • For Category, recommended choosing Apps for Pages, but can be anything.
      • Add Product: Facebook Login
      • For Valid OAuth redirect URIs, enter https://<server>:<port>.
For development, http://localhost:4503 will work.

Once the application has been created, locate the App ID and App Secret settings. This information is required for configuring the Facebook cloud service.

Create a Facebook Connect Cloud Service create-a-facebook-connect-cloud-service

The 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Application and Provider instance, instantiated by creating a cloud service configuration, identifies the Facebook application and the member group(s) to which the new users are added.

  1. On the AEM author instance, sign in with administrator privileges.

  2. From global navigation, select Tools > Cloud Services > Facebook Social login configuration.

  3. Select the configuration context path.

    Context path should be the same as the cloud configuration path that you have selected while creating/editing a community site.

  4. Check if your context path is enabled to create cloud services below it.

  5. Go to Tools > General > Configuration Browser. Select your context and edit properties. Enable Cloud Configurations if not enabled yet.


  6. Create/Edit Facebook cloud service configuration.


    • Title (Required) Enter a display title that identifies the Facebook App. Use the same name entered as the Display Name for the Facebook app.
    • App ID/API Key (Required) Enter the App ID for the Facebook App. This identifies the instance created from the dialog.
    • App Secret (Required) Enter the App Secret for the Facebook App.
    • Create Users If checked, logging in with a Facebook account will create an AEM user entry and add them as a member to the selected user group(s). Default is checked (strongly recommended).
    • Mask User IDs: Leave deselected.
    • Scope Email: email id of user should be fetched from Facebook.
    • Add to User Groups select Add User Group to choose one or more for the community site to which users will be added.
    note note
    Groups may be added or removed at any time. But existing users鈥檚 memberships are not affected. Auto membership only applies to new users being created post this field update. For Sites where anonymous users are disabled, chose to add users to corresponding community-members group meant for that closed community site.
    • Select SAVE.
    • Publish.

The result is an instance which does not require further modification unless adding additional scope (permissions). The default scope is the standard permissions for Facebook login. If additional scope is desired, it is necessary to edit the OSGI configuration directly. If there are modifications done directly via system/console, avoid editing your cloud service configurations from touch UI to avoid overwriting.

AEM Communities Facebook OAuth Provider aem-communities-facebook-oauth-provider

The AEM Communities provider extends the 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Application and Provider instance.

This provider will require editing to:

  • Allow user updates

  • Add additional fields within scope

    • Not all fields permitted by default are included by default.

If editing is necessary, on each AEM publish instance:

  1. Sign in with administrator privileges.

  2. Navigate to the Web Console. For example, http://localhost:4503/system/console/configMgr.

  3. Locate AEM Communities Facebook OAuth Provider.

  4. Select the pencil icon to open for edit.


    • OAuth Provider ID

      (Required) Default value is soco -facebook. Do not edit.

    • Cloud Service Config

      Default value is /etc/ cloudservices / facebookconnect. Do not edit.

    • OAuth Provider Service Config

      Default value is /apps/social/facebookprovider/config/. Do not edit.

    • Enable Tags

      Do not Edit.

    • User Path

      Location in the repository where user data is stored. For a community site, to ensure permissions for members to view one another鈥檚 profile, the path should be the default /home/users/community.

    • Enable fields

      If checked, the Fields listed are specified on the request to Facebook for user authentication and information. The default is deselected.

    • Fields

      When Fields are enabled, the following fields are included when calling the Facebook Graph API. The fields must be allowed within the scope defined in the cloud service configuration. Additional fields may require approval by Facebook. Reference the Facebook Login Permissions section of the Facebook documentation. The default fields added as parameters are:

      • id
      • name
      • first_name
      • last_name
      • link
      • locale
      • picture
      • timezone
      • updated_time
      • verified
      • email

    If any field is added or changed, update the corresponding Default Sync handler configuration to correct the mapping.

    • Update User

      If checked, refreshes user data in the repository on each login to reflect profile changes or additional data requested. Default is deselected.

Next Steps next-steps

The next steps are the same for both Facebook and Twitter:

Twitter Login twitter-login

Create a Twitter App create-a-twitter-app

A configured Twitter application is required to enable Twitter social login.

Follow the latest instructions to create a Twitter application at .

In general:

  1. Enter a Name that will identify your Twitter application to the users of your website.

  2. Enter a Description.

  3. For website - enter https://<server>.

  4. For Callback URL - enter https://server.

    note note
    It is not necessary to specify the port.
    For development, will work.
  5. Once the application has been created, locate the Consumer (API) Key and Consumer (API) Secret. This information will be needed for configuring the Twitter cloud service.

Permissions permissions

In the Twitter application management鈥檚 permissions section:

  • Access: Select Read only.

    • Other options are not supported
  • Additional Permissions: Optionally choose Request email addresses from users.

    • If not selected, the user profile in AEM will not include their email address.
    • Twitter鈥檚 instructions note additional steps to take.

The only REST request made for social login is to .

Create a Twitter Connect Cloud Service create-a-twitter-connect-cloud-service

The 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Application and Provider instance, instantiated by creating a cloud service configuration, identifies the Twitter application and the member group(s) to which the new users are added.

  1. On the author instance, sign in with administrator privileges.

  2. From global navigation, select Tools > Cloud Services > Twitter Social login configuration.

  3. Choose the context path configuration.

    The Context path should be the same as the cloud configuration path that you selected while creating/editing a community site.

  4. Check if your context path is enabled to create cloud services below it.

  5. Go to Tools > General > Configuration Browser. Select your context and edit properties. Enable Cloud Configurations if not enabled yet.


  6. Create/Edit Twitter cloud service configuration.


    • Title

      (Required) Enter a display title that identifies the Twitter App. Use the same name entered as the Display Name for the Twitter app.

    • Consumer Key

      (Required) Enter the Consumer (API) Key for the Twitter app. This identifies the instance created from the dialog.

    • Consumer Secret

      (Required) Enter the Consumer(API) Secret for the Twitter App.

    • Create Users

      If checked, logging in with a Twitter account will create an AEM user entry and add them as a member to the selected user group(s). Default is checked (strongly recommended).

    • Mask User IDs

      Leave deselected.

    • Add to User Groups

      Select Add User Group to choose one or more for the community site to which users will be added.

    note note
    Groups may be added or removed at any time. But existing users鈥 memberships are not affected. Auto membership only applies to new users being created post this field update. For Sites where anonymous users are disabled, add users to corresponding community-members group meant for that closed community site.
  7. Select SAVE and Publish.

The result is an instance which does not require further modification. The default scope is the standard permissions for Twitter login.

AEM Communities Twitter OAuth Provider aem-communities-twitter-oauth-provider

The AEM Communities configuration extends the 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Application and Provider instance. This provider will require editing to allow user updates.

If editing is necessary, on each AEM publish instance:

  1. Sign in with administrator privileges.

  2. Navigate to the Web Console.

    For example, http://localhost:4503/system/console/configMgr.

  3. Locate AEM Communities Twitter OAuth Provider.

  4. Select the pencil icon to open for edit.


    • OAuth Provider ID

    (Required) The default value is soco -twitter. Do not edit.

    • Cloud Service Config

      The default value is conf. Do not edit.

    • OAuth Provider Service Config

      The default value is /apps/social/twitterprovider/config/. Do not edit.

    • User Path

      Location in the repository where user data is stored. For a community site, to ensure permissions for members to view one another鈥檚 profile, the path should be the default /home/users/community.

    • Enable Params 鈥 do not edit

    • URL Parameters 鈥 do not edit

    • Update User

      If checked, refreshes user data in the repository on each login to reflect profile changes or additional data requested. The default is deselected.

Next Steps next-steps-1

The next steps are the same for both Facebook and Twitter:

Enable Social Login enable-social-login

AEM Communities Sites Console aem-communities-sites-console

Once a cloud service is configured, it may be enabled for the relevant Social Login setting for a community site using the Settings sub-panel during community site or .

  1. Choose your site configuration context where you saved your social login configurations.

  2. On General tab, set cloud configurations.


  3. On Settings tab, enable Social Logins and Save.


Test Social Login test-social-login

  • Ensure 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Authentication Handler has been enabled on all publish instances.
  • Ensure the cloud services have been published.
  • Ensure the community site has been published.
  • Launch the published site in a browser.
    For example, http://localhost:4503/content/sites/engage/en.html
  • Select Login In.
  • Select either Sign in with Facebook or Sign in with Twitter.
  • If not already logged into Facebook or Twitter, log in with the appropriate credentials.
  • It may be necessary to grant permission depending on the dialog displayed by the Facebook or Twitter app.
  • Notice that the toolbar at the top of the page is updated to reflect the successful login.
  • Select Profile: the Profile page displays the user鈥檚 avatar image, first name, and last name. It also displays the information from the Facebook or Twitter profile according to the fields/params permitted.

AEM Platform OAuth Configurations aem-platform-oauth-configurations

51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Authentication Handler adobe-granite-oauth-authentication-handler

The 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Authentication Handler is not enabled by default and must be enabled on all AEM publish instances.

To enable the authentication handler on publish, simply open the OSGi config and save it:

  • Sign in with administrator privileges.
  • Navigate to the Web Console.
    For example, http://localhost:4503/system/console/configMgr
  • Locate 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Authentication Handler.
  • Select to open the configuration for edit.
  • Select Save.


Be careful to not confuse the authentication handler with a Facebook or Twitter instance of 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Application and Provider.


51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Application and Provider adobe-granite-oauth-application-and-provider

When a cloud service for Facebook or Twitter is created, an instance of 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Authentication Handler is created.

To locate the created instance for a Facebook or Twitter app:

  1. Sign in with administrator privileges.

  2. Navigate to the Web Console.

    For example, http://localhost:4503/system/console/configMgr.

  3. Locate 51黑料不打烊 Granite OAuth Application and Provider.

    • Locate the instance where Client ID matches the App ID.


      Except the following properties, leave the other properties of the config unaltered:

    • Config ID

      (Required) OAuth configuration IDs must be unique. Auto-generated when cloud service is created.

    • Client ID

      (Required) The application ID provided when the cloud service was created.

    • Client Secret

      (Required) The application secret provided when the cloud service was created.

    • Scope

      (Optional) Additional scope for what is permitted can be asked from the provider. The default scope covers the permissions necessary for providing social authentication and profile data.

    • Provider ID

      (Required) The provider ID for AEM Communities is set when the cloud service was created. Do not edit. For Facebook Connect, the value is soco -facebook. For Twitter Connect, the value is soco -twitter.

    • Groups

      (Recommended) One or more member groups to which created users are added. For AEM Communities, it is recommended to list the member group for the community site.

    • Callback URL

      (Optional) URL configured with the OAuth providers to redirect the client back. Use a relative url to use the host of the original request. Leave empty to use the originally requested URL instead. Suffix 鈥/callback/j_security_check鈥 is automatically appended to this url .

    note note
    The domain for the callback must be registered with the provider (Facebook or Twitter).

For each OAuth authentication handler configuration, there are two additional configurations created in the instance:

  • Apache Jackrabbit Oak Default Sync Handler (org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.external.impl.DefaultSyncHandler) - No edits required there but you can look at the user field mappings how Facebook fields are mapped to a CQ user profile node. Also notice that 鈥楽ync Handler Name鈥 matches the Config Id of OAuth provider configuration.
  • Apache Jackrabbit Oak External Login Module (org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.external.impl.ExternalLoginModuleFactory) - No edits required there, but you may notice that 鈥業dentity Provider Name鈥 and 鈥楽ync Handler Name鈥 are same and pointing to corresponding OAuth and sync handler configurations respectively.

For more information, see .

OAuth User Traversal Performance oauth-user-traversal-performance

For community sites that see hundreds of thousands of users register using their Facebook or Twitter login, the traversal performance of the query performed when a site visitor uses their social login can be improved by adding the following Oak index.

If traversal warnings are seen in the logs, it is recommended to add this index.

On an author instance, signed in with administrative privileges:

  1. From global navigation: select Tools, CRX/DE Lite.

  2. Create an index named ntBaseLucene-oauth from a copy of ntBaseLucene:

    • Under node /oak:index
    • Select node ntBaseLucene
    • Select Copy
    • Select /oak:index
    • Select Paste
    • Rename Copy of ntBaseLucene to ntBaseLucene-oauth
  3. Modify the properties of node ntBaseLucene-oauth:

    • indexPath: /oak:index/ntBaseLucene-oauth
    • name: oauthid-123****
    • reindex: true
    • reindexCount: 1
  4. Under node /oak:index/ntBaseLucene-oauth/indexRules/nt:base/properties:

    • Delete all child nodes, except for cqTags.

    • Rename cqTags to oauthid-123****

    • Modify the properties of node oauthid-123****

      • name: oauthid-123****
    • Select Save All.

For additional information and tools, see Oak Queries and Indexing.

Dispatcher Configuration dispatcher-configuration

See Configuring Dispatcher for Communities.
