
Manage inventory quantities

The following information details how to assign sources and quantities for new products or change existing products.

When creating products, assign sources and quantities during product creation. See Create a product for full instructions. These pages includes single- and multi-source information for sources and quantities per source.

When first accessing an upgraded Commerce with Inventory Management, all products and quantities are assigned to the Default Source. When importing new products via .csv file, they are also assigned to the Default Source.

Single- and multi-source merchants can update sources, inventory quantities, and thresholds per product or in bulk.

  • Single-source merchants can update product quantities for the Default Source. This quantity is the total number of products available for sale.

  • Multi-source merchants can assign multiple sources and quantities per product for each location (warehouses, stores, drop shippers, and so on). It is recommended that you have sources added before setting product inventory amounts.

When adding sources and quantities to your products, you can view the amounts through the Product Grid. If you have a high number of sources, hover over the Quantity per Source to see the full, scrollable list of sources with current quantities.

Product quantities per source {width="600" modal="regular"}

You have the following options to assign inventory to products:
