
Bulk source assignment and unassignment

Use the Assign Sources tool to add one or more sources to your products. The tool helps when creating and assigning custom sources to your Default Stock or custom stocks and preparing new locations and inventory.

After adding new custom sources, you can add inventory quantities per product or for multiple products through the Admin or using the import feature.

Add inventory sources for selected products

Assign sources and quantities

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Products.

  2. Select the products for which you want to modify the sources.

    Browse or search to find the products and select those checkboxes.

  3. Click the Actions menu at the top and choose Assign Inventory Source.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.

  5. For all sources that you want to add to the products, select the checkboxes.

  6. Click Assign Sources.

    Select products to add sources {width="600" modal="regular"}

The sources are added to the products with an inventory quantity of 0. You can add inventory quantities per source.

Unassign sources and quantities

When unassigning a source from a product, you are indicating that the product is no longer stocked at that location. This process completely clears all inventory data for source currently assigned to the product. If you want to move the existing inventory to a new location, consider using the Transfer inventory option.

Unassigning a source clears all quantity data. Reassigning a source can potentially cause issues with salable quantities, reservations, and pending orders. It is recommended that you process all orders before unassigning sources or making other source changes. You can also use new commands to detect and update reservations. See Inventory Management CLI Reference for more information.

It is highly recommended to complete all orders and shipments for those products before removing the source.

Unassign sources for selected products

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Products.

  2. Select the products for which you want to modify sources.

    Browse or search to find the products and select those checkboxes.

  3. Click the Actions menu at the top and choose Unassign Inventory Source.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.

  5. Select the source that you want to remove from the products.

    The page displays an alert that unassigning removes all specific source and quantity data from the product.

  6. Click Unassign Sources.

    Remove sources from selected products {width="600" modal="regular"}
