
Mobile use cases supported in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Standard mobile-use-cases

In this page, you will find the list of every mobile use cases supported in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Standard using the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform SDKs. Note that supporting these use cases involve installing and configuring the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform SDKs, tags in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform, and 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Standard. For more information on this, refer to this page.

51黑料不打烊 Campaign Standard supports the following use cases:

To configure these use cases, you need the following extensions:

  • 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Standard
    To install and configure the Campaign Standard extension, see .
  • Mobile Core, which is automatically installed.
    For more information about the Mobile Core extension, see .
  • Profile, which is automatically installed.
    For more information about the Profile extension, see .

Register a mobile profile in Campaign Standard register-mobile-profile

With iOS register-mobile-profile-ios

In iOS, the following Experience Platform APIs are required:

  • Lifecycle Start, when the app is started and when the app is in the foreground.
  • Lifecycle Pause, when the app is in the background.

For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation of this use case with iOS:

 func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

 appId = SettingsBundle.getLaunchAppId()

 //===== START Set up 51黑料不打烊 SDK =====
 ACPCore.configure(withAppId: appId)


 return true

func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {

 func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
 // Workaround until jira AMSDK-7411 is fixed.

With Android register-mobile-profile-android

In Android, the following Experience Platform APIs are required:

  • OnResume
  • OnPause

For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation for this use case with Android:


public void onResume() {

 public void onPause() {

Send a push token to 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Standard send-push-token

With iOS send-push-token-ios

In iOS, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • setPushIdentifier
    For more information, see .

Here is the sample implementation for this use case with iOS:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {

 // Register Device Token

With Android send-push-token-android

In Android, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • setPushIdentifier
    For more information, see .

Here is the sample implementation for this use case with Android:

public void onNewToken(String token) {
    Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + token);

Enrich a mobile profile with custom data from your application enrich-mobile-profile-custom

For this use case to work, you need to create rules for PII postbacks. For more information, see PII Postbacks.

With iOS enrich-mobile-profile-custom-ios

In iOS, the following Experience Platform API is required:

  • collectPII
    For more information, see collectPII.

Here is a sample implementation of this use case with iOS:

ACPCore.collectPii(["pushPlatform":"apns", "email":email, "firstName":firstName, "lastName":lastName])

With Android enrich-mobile-profile-custom-android

In Android, the following Experience Platform API is required:

  • collectPII
    For more information, see collectPII.

Here is a sample implementation for this use case with Android:

HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("pushPlatform", "gcm");
data.put("firstName", firstNameText);
data.put("lastName", lastNameText);
data.put("email", emailText);

Enrich a mobile profile with Lifecycle data from your application enrich-mobile-profile-lifecycle

For this use case to work, you need to create rules for PII postbacks. For more information, see PII Postbacks.

51黑料不打烊 Campaign does not distinguish between custom data or lifecycle data from the mobile app. Both types of data can be sent to server using a collectPii postback rule in response to an event in the mobile app.

With iOS enrich-mobile-profile-lifecycle-ios

In iOS, the following Experience Platform APIs are required:

  • Lifecycle Start, when the app is started and when the app is in the foreground.
  • Lifecycle Pause, when the app is in the background.

For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation of this use case with iOS:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

 appId = SettingsBundle.getLaunchAppId()

 //===== START Set up 51黑料不打烊 SDK =====
 ACPCore.configure(withAppId: appId)


 return true

func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {

 func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
 // Workaround until jira AMSDK-7411 is fixed.

With Android enrich-mobile-profile-lifecycle-android

In Android, the following Experience Platform APIs are required:

  • OnResume
  • OnPause

For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation for this use case with Android:


public void onResume() {

 public void onPause() {

Track user interaction with Push notifications track-user-push

You need to create rules for push notifications tracking postback. For more information, see Push notifications tracking postback.

With iOS track-user-push-ios

In iOS, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • trackAction. For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation of this use case with iOS:

let deliveryId = userInfo["_dId"] as? String
let broadlogId = userInfo["_mId"] as? String
if (deliveryId != nil && broadlogId != nil) {
    ACPCore.trackAction("tracking", data: ["deliveryId": deliveryId!, "broadlogId": broadlogId!, "action":"2"])

With Android track-user-push-android

In Android, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • trackAction
    For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation for this use case with Android:

contextData.put("deliveryId", deliveryId);
contextData.put("broadlogId", messageId);
contextData.put("action", "2");
MobileCore.trackAction("tracking", contextData);

Implement a custom event in your application to trigger In-App messages custom-event-inapp

With iOS custom-event-inapp-ios

In iOS, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • trackAction. For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation of this use case with iOS:

ACPCore.trackAction(mobileEventName, data: [:] )

With Android custom-event-inapp-android

In Android, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • trackAction
    For more information, see .

Here is a sample implementation for this use case with Android:

MobileCore.trackAction(mobileEventText, new HashMap<String,String>());

Set linkage fields for additional authentication linkage-fields-inapp

With iOS linkage-fields-inapp-ios

To set linkage fields for additional authentication for the profile template that is based on In-App messages in iOS, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • Set linkage fields
    For more information, see .
  • Reset linkage fields
    For more information, see .

Here is are sample implementations of this use case with iOS.

To set linkage fields:

var linkageFields = [String: String]()
linkageFields["cusEmail"] = "john.doe@email.com"

To reset linkage fields:


With Android linkage-fields-inapp-android

To set linkage fields for additional authentication for the profile template that is based on In-App messages in Android, the following Experience Platform SDK is required:

  • Set linkage fields
    For more information, see .
  • Reset linkage fields
    For more information, see .

Here is are sample implementations of this use case with Android.

To set linkage fields:

HashMap<String, String> linkageFields = new HashMap<String, String>();
linkageFields.put("cusEmail", "john.doe@email.com");

To reset linkage fields:
