[v7]{class="badge informative" title="Applies to Campaign Classic v7 only"}
Global reports global-reports
These reports concern the activity of the data in the entire database. To view the reports dashboard, go to the Reports tab.
To display reports, click their names. The following reports are available by default:
- Delivery throughput : refer to Delivery throughput.
- Browsers : refer to Browsers.
- Sharing to social networks : refer to Sharing to social networks.
- Statistics on sharing activities : refer to Statistics on sharing activities.
- Operating systems : refer to Operating systems.
- URLs and click streams : refer to URLs and click streams.
- Tracking indicators : refer to Tracking indicators.
- Non-deliverables and bounces : refer to Non-deliverables and bounces.
- User activities : refer to User activities.
- Subscription tracking : refer to Subscription tracking.
- Delivery summary : refer to Delivery summary.
- Delivery statistics : refer to Delivery statistics.
- Breakdown of opens : refer to Breakdown of opens.
Delivery throughput delivery-throughput
This report contains information on the delivery throughput of the entire platform for a given period. To measure the speed at which the messages are delivered, the criteria are the number of messages sent per hour and the size of the messages (in bits per second). In the example below, the first graph shows the successful deliveries in blue, and the number of erroneous deliveries in orange.
You can configure the values displayed by changing the timescale: 1-hour view, 3-hour view, 24-hour view, etc. Click Refresh to confirm your selection.
User activities user-activities
This report shows the breakdown of opens, clicks and transactions per half-hour, hour or day, in the form of a chart.
The following options are available:
- Opens : Total number of messages opened. Emails in text format are not taken into account. For more information on tracking opens, refer to Tracking opens.
- Clicks : Total number of clicks on links in deliveries. Clicks on unsubscription links and mirror pages are not taken into account.
- Transactions : Total number of transactions after a message is received. In order for a transaction to be taken into account, a transaction type webtracking tag must be inserted into the matching web page. Webtracking configuration is presented in this section.
Non-deliverables and bounces non-deliverables-and-bounces
This report shows the breakdown of non-deliverables as well as a breakdown of bounces per internet domain.
The Number of messages processed represents the total number of messages processed by the delivery server. This value is lower than the number of messages to be delivered when some deliveries have been stopped or paused (before being processed by the server).
Breakdown of errors by type
The first section of this report shows the breakdown of non-deliverables in the form of a table of values and a chart.
For each error type, we have:
- the number of error messages of this type,
- the percentage of messages with errors of this type compared to the total number of messages with errors,
- the percentage of error messages of this type compared to the total number of messages processed.
The following indicators are used:
User unknown : Error type generated during delivery to indicate that the email address is invalid.
Invalid domain : Error type generated when sending a delivery to indicate that the domain of the email address is wrong or does not exist.
Inbox full : Error type generated after five delivery attempts to indicate that the recipients鈥 inbox contains too many messages.
Account disabled : Error type generated when sending a delivery to indicate that the address no longer exists.
Rejected : Error type generated when an address is rejected by the IAP (Internet Access Provider), for instance following the application of a security rule (anti-spam software).
Unreachable : Error type which occurs in the message distribution string: incident on the SMTP relay, domain temporarily unreachable, etc
Not connected : Error type to indicate that the recipients鈥 mobile phone is switched off or disconnected from the network at the time of sending.
note note NOTE This indicator only concerns deliveries on mobile channels. For more on this, refer to this section. You can open up each line of the value table by clicking the
symbol. For each error type, you can show the breakdown of error messages by domain.
Breakdown of errors per domain
The second section of this report shows the breakdown of errors per Internet domain in the form of a table of values and a chart.
For each domain name, we have:
- the number of messages with errors for this domain,
- the percentage of messages with errors for this domain compared to the total number of messages processed for this domain,
- the percentage of error messages for this domain compared to the total number of error messages.
You can open up each line of the value table by clicking the [+] symbol. For each domain type, you can show the breakdown of error messages by error type.
Browsers browsers
This report shows the breakdown of internet browsers used by delivery recipients for the concerned period.
Global statistics
The global statistics on browser use are presented in the form of a table of values and a chart.
The following indicators are used:
- Visitors : Total number of recipients targeted (per internet browser) and having clicked on a delivery at least once.
- Pages viewed : Total number of clicks on links in a delivery (per internet browser) for all deliveries.
- Usage rate : This rate represents the breakdown of visitors (per internet browser) in relation to the total number of visitors.
Statistics per browser
In the table of global statistic values, you can click each browser name to view their usage statistics.
Statistics are presented in the form of a curve, a chart and a table of values.
The History curve represents the attendance rate of this browser per day. The rate is the ratio of the number of visitors per day (on this browser) compared to the number of visitors measured on the day with the highest attendance rate.
The Breakdown per version chart represents the breakdown of visitors per version compared to the total number of visitors (on this browser).
The table of values uses the following indicators:
- Global rate : This rate represents the breakdown of visitors per version compared to the total number of visitors (on all browsers).
- Relative rate : This rate represents the breakdown of visitors per version compared to the total number of visitors (on this browser).
Sharing to social networks sharing-to-social-networks
Viral marketing lets delivery recipients share information with their contact network: they can add a link to their profile (Facebook, X - formerly known as Twitter, etc.) or send a message to a friend. Each share and each access to shared information is tracked within the delivery. For more information on viral marketing, refer to this section.
This report shows the breakdown of shared and opened messages per social network (Facebook, X, etc.) and/or per email.
Email delivery statistics
In the email delivery statistics, two values are displayed:
- Number of messages to be delivered : Total number of messages processed during delivery analysis.
- Number of successful deliveries : Number of messages processed successfully.
Sharing activities and mail open statistics
The central table shows the statistics on email shares and opens.
In the Shares column, we have the following indicators:
- No. of sharing activities : Total number of messages shared on each social network. This value equals the total number of clicks on the icon of the matching Links for sharing to social networks personalization block.
- Breakdown : This rate represents the breakdown of shares per social network, in relation to the total number of shares.
- Sharing rate : This rate represents the breakdown of shares per social network, in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
In the Opens column, we have the following indicators:
- No. of opens : Total number of messages opened by people whom the message was forwarded to (via the Links for sharing to social networks personalization block). This value equals the number of times the mirror page was displayed. Opens by delivery recipients are not taken into account.
- Breakdown : This rate represents the breakdown of opens per social network, in relation to the total number of opens.
- Rate of opens : This rate represents the breakdown of opens per social network, in relation to the total number of shares.
Breakdown of sharing activities and opens
This section includes two charts which represent the breakdown of sharing activities and opens per social network.
Statistics on sharing activities statistics-on-sharing-activities
This report shows the evolution of shares to social networks (Facebook, X - formerly known as Twitter, email, etc.) in time.
For more information on viral marketing, refer to this section.
Statistics are presented in the form of a table of values and a chart.
The following indicators are used:
- New contacts : Number of new subscriptions following the reception of a message shared via email. This value matches the number of people who received a message shared via email, clicked the Subscription link and filled in the subscription form.
- Opens : Total number of messages opened by people whom the message was transferred to (via the Link for sharing to social networks personalization block). This value equals the number of times the mirror page was displayed. Opens by delivery recipients are not taken into account.
- Sharing activities : Total number of messages shared via social networks. This value matches the total number of clicks on the icon of the Links for sharing to social networks personalization block.
Operating systems operating-systems
This report shows the breakdown of operating systems used by delivery recipients for the concerned period.
Global statistics
The global usage statistics of operating systems are presented in the form of a table of values and a chart.
The following indicators are used:
- Visitors : Daily average of the total number of targeted recipients (per operating system) who clicked in a delivery at least once.
- Pages viewed : Daily average of the total number of clicks on delivery links (per operating system) for all deliveries.
- Rate of use : This rate represents the breakdown of visitors (per operating system) in relation to the total number of visitors.
Statistics per operating system
In the table of global statistics values, click the name of each operating system to view the statistics per operating system.
Statistics are presented in the form of a curve, a chart and a table of values.
The History curve represents the rate of use of this operating system per day. This rate is the ratio of the number of visitors per day (on this operating systems) in relation to the number of visitors measured on the day with the highest attendance.
The Breakdown by version chart represents the breakdown of visitors per version in relation to the total number of visitors on this operating system.
The table of values uses the following indicators:
- Global rate : This rate represents the breakdown of visitors (per version) in relation to the total number of visitors throughout the operating systems.
- Relative rate : This rate represents the breakdown of visitors (per version) in relation to the total number of visitors for this operating system.
Subscription tracking subscription-tracking
This report lets you monitor subscriptions to information services. It shows subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
It can be displayed for a subscription by clicking the Profiles and targets > Services and subscriptions node of the home page or the explorer. Select the desired subscription, and then click the Reports tab. The Subscriptions tracking report is available by default. It lets you see the subscription and unsubscription trends and the loyalty rate over a period. You can configure the representation of this data via the drop-down list. Click Refresh to validate the selected configuration.
For further information, refer to this page.
The Number subscribed to date represents the total number of people currently subscribed.
Overall evolution of subscriptions
The table of values uses the following indicators:
- Subscribers : Total number of subscribers for the concerned period.
- Subscriptions : Number of subscriptions for the concerned period.
- Unsubscriptions : Number of unsubscriptions for the concerned period.
- Evolution : Number of unsubscriptions minus the number of subscriptions. The rate is calculated based on the total number of subscribers.
- Loyalty : Loyalty rate of subscribers for the concerned period.
Subscription evolution curves
This chart shows the evolution of subscriptions and unsubscriptions for the concerned period.
Delivery statistics delivery-statistics
This report shows the breakdown by internet domain, of all messages processed and sent, of hard and soft bounces, opens, clicks and unsubscriptions.
The following indicators are used:
Emails processed : Total number of messages processed by the delivery server.
Delivered : percentage of the number of messages successfully processed compared to the total number of messages processed.
Hard bounces : percentage of the number of 鈥渉ard鈥 bounces compared to the total number of messages processed.
Soft bounces : percentage of the number of 鈥渟oft鈥 bounces compared to the total number of messages processed.
note note NOTE For more on hard and soft bounces, refer to Quarantine management. -
Opens : percentage of the number of targeted recipients who opened a message at least once compared to the number of messages processed successfully.
Clicks : percentage of the number of people who clicked in a delivery at least once compared to the number of messages processed successfully.
Unsubscription : percentage of the number of clicks on an unsubscription link compared to the number of messages processed successfully.
Breakdown of opens breakdown-of-opens
This report shows the breakdown of opens by operating system, device and browser for the period concerned. For each category, two charts are used. The first displays statistics regarding opens on a computer and mobile devices. The second displays statistics relating only to opens on mobile devices.
The number of opens corresponds to the total number of messages opened. Text format emails are not counted. For more information on Tracking opens, refer to the Tracking opens section.