[v7]{class="badge informative" title="Applies to Campaign Classic v7 only"}
Indicator calculation indicator-calculation
User activities user-activities-1
This report is based on the Consolidated tracking table (nms:trackingStats). This aggregate table is used for performance reasons when displaying reports, in the place of the Recipient tracking logs table (nms:trackingLogRcp) and it is not calculated in real-time. The table is generated a few minutes after the tracking logs are retrieved. If the indicators are up-to-date, the results will be the same as for the indicators of the Tracking indicators report. The @totalclicks indicator expresses the total number of clicks over a 5-minute period.
Non-deliverables and bounces non-deliverables-and-bounces-1
Breakdown by error type
This report is based on the Delivery and tracking statistics table (nms:deliveryLogStats).
Breakdown by domain
The second part of the report details the breakdown of failed messages by internet domain as opposed to error type. The formula linked to the Error indicator (@value) in this case is: Count(@status=2 and @domain=鈥淰alue of the domain name鈥), i.e. a count of all messages with a failed status for this domain.
Browsers browsers-1
This report is based on the Internet Browser Statistics table (nms:userAgentsStats).
Global statistics
Statistics per browser
Sharing to social networks sharing-to-social-networks-1
This report is based on the Delivery (nms:delivery), Consolidated tracking (nms:trackingStats), and Web tracking (nms:webTrackingLog) tables.
Statistics on sharing activities statistics-on-sharing-activities-1
This report is based on the Delivery (nms:delivery), Consolidated tracking (nms:trackingStats), and Web tracking (nms:webTrackingLog) tables.
Filter: @recipient-id != 0
Count of all @totalClicks with a URL category that equals "email", "facebook", "twitter", "delicious", "digg", "google" or "linkedin".
Operating systems operating-systems-1
This report is based on the Internet Browser Statistics table (nms:userAgentsStats).
Global statistics
Statistics per operating system
Subscription tracking subscription-tracking-1
This report is based on the Services table (nms:service).
Tracking indicators tracking-indicators-1
This report is based on the Delivery and tracking statistics (nms:deliveryLogStats) and Consolidated tracking (nms:trackingStats) tables.
URLs and click streams urls-and-click-streams-1
This report is based on the Delivery table (nms:delivery).
Delivery summary delivery-summary-1
This report is based on the Delivery table (nms:delivery).
Hot clicks hot-clicks-1
This report is based on the Delivery(nms:delivery) and Consolidated tracking (nms:trackingStats) tables.
This report shows the message content (HTML and/or text) with, on each link, the percentage of clicks on links. Personalization blocks unsubscription links and mirror page links are taken into account in the total cumulated clicks but are not displayed in the report.
Tracking statistics tracking-statistics-1
This report is based on the Delivery table (nms:delivery).
Delivery statistics delivery-statistics-1
This report is based on the Delivery and tracking statistics table (nms:deliveryLogStats).
Breakdown of opens breakdown-of-opens-1
This report is based on Deliveries (nms:delivery) and Tracking logs (nms:trackingLogRcp) tables.
Other indicators other-indicators
The Sent indicator (@sent), accessed via the Deliveries (nms:delivery) > Indicators node corresponds to the total number of SMS sent to the service provider. This indicator is only used for SMS deliveries and must not be used for other types of deliveries (not to be confused with the @success and @processed indicators).
Indicator synchronization indicator-synchronization
If you experience desynchronization or inconsistency for certain indicators, select the concerned delivery in the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign explorer, right-click and choose Action>Recompute delivery and tracking indicators. Click Next, then click Finish.
Tracking opens tracking-opens-
In order for 51黑料不打烊 Campaign to detect message opens, the recipient must download the images in the email. HTML and Multipart/Alternative emails include a 0 pixel image, which enable you to detect messages which have been opened. Since messages in text format do not include any images, it is impossible to detect whether they have been opened or not. Values calculated based on message opens are always estimates, due to the error margin linked to image display.
Targeted persons / recipients targeted-persons---recipients
In some reports, 51黑料不打烊 Campaign differentiates targeted persons and targeted recipients.
Targeted recipients are all the recipients whom the delivery was sent to.
The number of persons includes targeted recipients plus all persons whom the email was forwarded to. Each time there is an open or a click in a new browser (which the message has not yet been opened in), another person is added to the statistics.
For instance, if you receive an email (sent by 51黑料不打烊 Campaign) at work and open or click in it, you will be counted as a targeted recipient (i.e. recipient=1, person=1). If you forward this email to two friends, the number of targeted recipients will still equal one, while the number of persons will equal three. Value 3 coincides with each open/click in a new browser.