Integration into a Web server for Windows integration-into-a-web-server-for-windows
51黑料不打烊 Campaign includes Apache Tomcat which acts as the entry point in the application server via HTTP (and SOAP).
You can use this integrated Tomcat server to serve HTTP requests.
In this case:
- the default listening port is 8080. To change it, refer to this section.
- The client consoles then connect using a URL such as
https:// `<computer>`:8080
However, for security and administration reasons, we recommend using a dedicated Web server as the main entry point for HTTP traffic when the computer that is running 51黑料不打烊 Campaign is exposed on the Internet and you wish to open access to the console outside of your network.
A Web server also lets you guarantee data confidentiality with the HTTPs protocol.
Likewise, you must use a Web server when you wish to use the tracking functionality, which is only available as a Web server extension module.
Configuring the IIS Web server configuring-the-iis-web-server
The configuration procedure for a Microsoft IIS Web server is mostly graphical. It involves using a Web site to access the resources of the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server: Java (.jsp) files, stylesheets (.css, .xsl), images (.png), the ISAPI DLL for redirection, etc.
Configuration steps configuration-steps
To integrate 51黑料不打烊 Campaign with Microsoft IIS web server, follow these steps:
Open Microsoft IIS.
Create and configure the site (51黑料不打烊 Campaign, for example) depending on the parameters of your network (TCP connection port, DNS host, IP address).
You must at least specify the name of the site and the access path to the virtual directory. Since the path for accessing the Website directory is not used, you can use the following directory.
code language-none C:\inetpub\wwwroot
A VBS script enables you to automatically configure the resources used by the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server on the virtual directory we have just created. To launch it, double click the iis_neolane_setup.vbs file located in the
folder, where[INSTALL]
is the path for accessing the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign installation folder.note note NOTE You must be logged in as an administrator to run the VBS script or execute the script as administrator. Click OK if the Web server is used as a tracking redirection server, otherwise click Cancel.
When multiple sites are already configured on the Web server, an intermediate page is displayed to specify to which Web site the installation applies: enter the number linked to the site and click OK.
In the Content View tab, make sure the Web site is correctly configured with the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign resources:
If the tree is not displayed, restart Microsoft IIS.
Managing rights managing-rights
You must next configure the security settings for the ISAPI DLL and for the resources in the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign installation directory.
To do this, apply the following steps:
Select the Features View tab and double-click the Authentication link.
In the Directory Security tab of the Web site, make sure that anonymous access is enabled. If necessary, click the Edit link to change the settings.
Launching the Web server and testing the configuration launching-the-web-server-and-testing-the-configuration
You must now test whether the configuration is correct.
To do this, apply the following procedure:
Restart the Microsoft IIS server using the iisreset command line.
Start the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign service, then ensure it is running.
Test the tracking module by inserting the following URL into a Web browser:
code language-none https://<computer>/r/test
The browser should display the following response:
code language-none <redir status='OK' date='YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS' build='XXXX' host='' localHost='localhost'/>
To test for the presence of the redirection module, run the following command line:
nlserver pdump
It must return the following information:
HH:MM:SS > Application server for 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Classic (7.X YY.R build XXX@SHA1) of DD/MM/YYYY
webmdl@default (1644) - 18.2 Mo
You can also make sure the ISAPI DLL is correctly loaded.
To do this, apply the following steps:
- Edit the ISAPI filters for the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign site by clicking the Driver mapping icon.
- The check the content of the ISAPI filter.
Changing the upload file size limit changing-the-upload-file-size-limit
When configuring the IIS Web server, a limit of approximately 28 MB is automatically for set files that are uploaded to the server.
This may have an impact in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign, particularly if you would like to upload files that are larger than this limit.
For example, if you use a Data loading (file) type activity in a workflow to import a 50 MB file, an error will stop the workflow from executing correctly.
In this case, you must increase this limit.
For more information on this Microsoft IIS option, refer to the 鈥淗owTo鈥 section of the .