
[On-premise/hybrid only]{class="badge yellow" title="Applies to on-premise and hybrid deployments only"}

Configure Apache Tomcat configuring-tomcat

51黑料不打烊 Campaign uses an embedded web servlet called Apache Tomcat to process HTTP/HTTPS requests between the application and any external interface (including Client Console, tracked URL links, SOAP calls, and others). There is often an external web server (usually IIS or Apache) in front of this for any external-facing 51黑料不打烊 Campaign instances.

Learn more about Tomcat in Campaign and how to locate your Tomcat version in this page.

  • Starting Campaign v7.4.1, Tomcat 10.1 is the default version.

  • 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Classic does not use WebSocket and HTTP2 protocols.

Default port for Apache Tomcat default-port-for-tomcat

This procedure is restricted to on-premise deployments.

When the 8080 listening port of the Tomcat server is already busy with another application required for your configuration, you need to replace the 8080 port with a free one (8090 for instance). To change it, edit the server.xml file saved in the /tomcat-X/conf directory of the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign installation folder.

Then modify the port of the JSP relay pages. To do this, change the serverConf.xml file saved in the /conf directory of the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign installation directory.

   <web controlPort="8005" httpPort="8090"...
   <url ... targetUrl="http://localhost:8090"...

Map a folder in Apache Tomcat mapping-a-folder-in-tomcat

This procedure is restricted to on-premise deployments.

To define customer specific settings, you can create a user_contexts.xml file in the /tomcat-X/conf folder, which also contains the contexts.xml file.

This file will contain the following type of information:

 <Context path='/foo' docBase='../customers/foo'   crossContext='true' debug='0' reloadable='true' trusted='false'/>

If necessary, this operation can be reproduced on the server-side.

Hide the Tomcat error report hide-tomcat-error-report

This procedure is restricted to on-premise deployments.
This change is no longer needed starting Campaign v7.4.1.

For security reasons, we strongly recommend that you hide the Tomcat error report. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the server.xml file located in the /tomcat-X/conf directory of the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign installation folder: /usr/local/neolane/nl6/tomcat-X/conf

  2. Add the following element at the bottom after all existing context elements:

    code language-xml
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" showReport="false" showServerInfo="false"/>
  3. Restart the nlserver and Apache web servers.
