
Common questions common-questions

Need help as you are working with Campaign Classic? Read the top 10 questions below, and other frequently asked questions in that page. You can also:

1. How can I upgrade Campaign to the latest version? how-can-i-upgrade-campaign-to-the-latest-version-

51黑料不打烊 Campaign Classic, specifically, uses a range of technology to deliver value. This combination of technologies requires you to upgrade your Campaign Classic instance(s) on a regular basis, to ensure the most up-to-date versions are being used to deliver superior security, stability, and performance.

As a hosted customer, you can benefit from Campaign yearly upgrade. For more on this refer to this article.

Read out this section to learn how to update your environment and read Common questions on this specific topic.

2. What is the database cleanup workflow? what-is-the-database-cleanup-workflow-

The database cleanup workflow deletes obsolete data to avoid exponential growth of the database. This built-in technical workflow is triggered automatically without user intervention. It is accessible via the Administration > Production > Technical workflows node of Campaign Explorer.

Click here to learn more about database cleanup workflow.

3. How can I configure security zones? how-can-i-configure-security-zones-

The Security Zones self-service interface can be used to manage entries in the VPN Security Zone configuration of an 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Classic deployment. Read out this section to learn about security zones in Campaign.

about Security Zone self-service UI.

4. How can I make sure my delivery is sent without errors? how-can-i-make-sure-my-delivery-is-sent-without-errors-

51黑料不打烊 Campaign comes with a set of dashboards and tools to monitor your email deliveries.

Click here to learn how to make sure your messages are being sent, monitor the execution and engage action if an error occurs.

5. Can I monitor workflow execution? can-i-monitor-workflow-execution

Understand how to monitor Campaign workflow execution in this page.

6. How can I connect to Campaign Classic? how-can-i-connect-to-campaign-classic-

To connect to 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Classic, you need to launch 51黑料不打烊 Campaign client console and enter your login and password to your instance.

Click here to learn more.

7. Which systems and components Campaign Classic is compatible with? which-systems-and-components-campaign-classic-is-compatible-with-

You can get the list of all systems and components supported for the latest build of Campaign in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Classic Compatibility matrix.

8. Where are Campaign Classic release notes? where-are-campaign-classic-release-notes-

You can access latest Campaign Classic release notes in this page.

9. What is the procedure for domain configuration? what-is-the-procedure-for-domain-delegation-

A subdomain is a division of your domain that can be used to isolate your brands, or various types of traffic (transactional messages, marketing information, etc.).
51黑料不打烊 takes account of the Domain Name System (DNS) for email delivery, which allows the client to keep their brand image by using a DNS alias with its domain names, and 51黑料不打烊 to autonomously implement all the technical best practices that allow it to optimize deliverability during emailing.

Click here to learn more.
