Create and publish audiences create-and-publish-audiences
This topic discusses how to create and publish audiences identified in Customer Journey Analytics to Real-Time Customer Profile in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform for customer targeting and personalization.
Read this overview to familiarize yourself with the concept of Customer Journey Analytics audiences.
Create and publish an audience create
To create and publish an audience, do one of the following:
table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto Creation method Details From within the Audiences interface Select Components > Audiences from the main Customer Journey Analytics menu. The Audiences interface displays. Select Create audience and the Audience builder opens. From a visualization in Analysis Workspace Many visualizations in Analysis Workspace allow you to create an audience using the context menu. For example, you can select Create audience from the context menu of an item in a Freeform table or a node in Journey canvas.
Using this method pre-populates the filter in the Audience builder with the dimension or dimension item that you selected.
The following visualizations allow you to create an audience using the right-click menu:
Note: Audiences cannot include calculated metrics. If you try to create an audience that contains a calculated metric, the calculated metric is not included in the audience definition.
From the filter creation/editing UI Check the box that says Create an audience from this filter. Using this method pre-populates the filter. See Create filters for more information. -
Build the audience using the Audience builder.
Interpret the data using the Date preview panel.
Select View sample IDs to view a sample of IDs in this audience. In the Sample IDs dialog you can use
Double-check your audience configuration and select Publish.
You receive a confirmation message that the audience is published. Publication takes only a minute or two for this audience to show up in Experience Platform. -
Select View audience in AEP within the same message and you are taken to the Segment UI in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform. See below for more information.
Audience builder
Configure these settings to define or update your audience.
Really Interested in Potential Car Buyers
Build an audience of really interested potential car buyers
The frequency at which you want to refresh the audience.
You can choose between
One time audience: an audience (default) that needs no refreshing. For example, this option could be helpful for specific, one-time campaigns.
You have to specify a One time date range. You can use -
A refreshing audience. You can select from the following options:
- Every 4 hour s: an audience that refreshes every 4 hours.
- Daily: an audience that refreshes daily
- Weekly: an audience that refreshes weekly.
- Monthly: an audience that refreshes monthly
For refreshing audiences, you have to specify:
- Refresh lookback window. Define the number of lookback days from today that an audience is evaluated. You can select from options or define a Custom time. The maximum is 90 days.
- Expiration date: Define when the audience stops refreshing. You can use
Note that there is a limit of 75 to 150 audience refreshes, depending on your Customer Journey Analytics entitlement.
Filters are the main input to the audience. Drag and drop one or more filters from the left
When creating an audience from a visualization in Analysis Workspace (such as a freeform table or Journey canvas), any filters applied to the panel or to the column are preserved. You can remove any filters that are automatically applied.
Data preview
The Data preview panel provides the following information.
You can use this value to retarget people in this audience that come back to your site, mobile app or other channel.
You can select the time frame (Next 7 days, Next 2 weeks, or Next month) for the estimated number of customers who may return.
What happens after an audience is created and published? after-audience-created
After you create and publish an audience in Customer Journey Analytics, the audience is available in Experience Platform. An 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform streaming segment is created only if your organization is set up for streaming segmentation.
- The audience in Platform shares the same name and description as the Customer Journey Analytics audience. The name is appended with the Customer Journey Analytics audience ID to ensure that the audience is unique.
- Any changes made to the name or description of the audience in Customer Journey Analytics are reflected in Experience Platform.
- If an audience is deleted in Customer Journey Analytics, the audience continues to be available in Experience Platform until the profile membership of the audience expires. The profile membership expires after 420 days for one-time audiences and after 16 days for recurring audiences.
Latency considerations latency
At several points prior to, during, and after audience publishing, latencies can occur. Here is an overview of possible latencies.
- One-time refresh (latency of less than 5 minutes)
- Refresh every 4 hours, daily, weekly, monthly (latency goes hand in hand with the refresh rate)
Use Customer Journey Analytics audiences in Experience Platform audiences-aep
Customer Journey Analytics takes all the namespace and ID combinations from your published audience and streams them into Real-Time Customer Data Platform. Customer Journey Analytics sends the audience to Experience Platform with the primary identity set, according to what was selected as the Person ID when the connection was configured.
Real-Time Customer Data Platform then examines each namespace/ID combination and looks for a profile that it may be part of. A profile is basically a cluster of linked namespaces, IDs and devices. If it finds a profile, it adds the namespace and ID to the other IDs in this profile as a segment membership attribute. For example, can be targeted across all their devices and channels. If a profile is not found, a new one is created.
To view Customer Journey Analytics audiences in Platform:
Expand Customer in the left panel, then select Audiences.
Select the Browse tab.
To locate the audience that you published from Customer Journey Analytics, do any of the following:
Sort the table by the Origin column to view audiences that show Customer Journey Analytics as the origin.
Use the
For more information about using Audiences in Platform, see the Audiences section in the Segment Builder UI guide in the Experience Platform documentation.
FAQs faq
Frequently asked questions on audience publishing.