View or save a report
You can view a report in the web browser, or open or save the report data as a Microsoft Excel workbook, a tab-separated values (TSV) file, a comma-separated values (CSV) file, or (some report types) a Microsoft Excel tabbed workbook.
In the main menu, click Search > Insights & Reports > Reports, which opens to the Latest Reports tab.
Do either of the following:
(To view a report in the web browser) Click the report name.
(To open or save the report data in a file) In the Export column next to the report name, click the name of a format, and then open or save the file according to your browser鈥檚 normal procedure:
XLS: For an Excel workbook with a single worksheet (XLSX format). The report includes one worksheet that鈥檚 labeled at the top with the parameters, with one row for each component reported when data for the component is available. Rows with no data are omitted.
Basic reports include a total for each numeric column.
TSV: For a TSV file. The report includes the parameters and one row for each component reported.
CSV: For a CSV file. The report includes the parameters and one row for each component reported.