About reports
Performance reports allow you to track and manage the performance of your portfolios, ad networks, and ad network account entities at as granular a level as you want. Most reports provide complete visibility into how the ads in each marketing channel contribute to the overall conversion rate.
The data for a report is compiled dynamically each time you run the report. You can optionally generate a new report from an existing report. The available report parameters vary by report type. For most reports, you have the option to preview the first 50 lines instead of generating the entire report. When you generate a report, you can send a notification with download links to one or more email addresses when a report is completed, and the recipients can manage the notifications in Notification Center.
All completed reports are available in the Latest Reports section of the Reports view, and you can either view them in table format in the browser window or open or download them as files.
Available report categories
The following report categories are available from the Reports view. You may not have access to all of them; the available reports and the data they generate are determined by your role and how your customer account is configured.
Report automation
Schedule customized reports to be automatically generated in either or both of the following ways:
Automatically generate reports each day, or on a specific day of the week or month, using report templates.
You can optionally set up FTP delivery of basic and advanced reports that use a template.
Keep refreshing your customized spreadsheet templates with daily performance data using spreadsheet feeds.
The Reports views
The Reports views at Search > Insights & Reports > Reports allows you to create and manage reports, templates, and spreadsheet feeds. The view includes two tabs:
The Latest Reports tab lists all reports available to you that were requested in the last seven days, except those that were manually deleted, with the most recent report at the top by default. Information shown for each report includes the schedule by which it is run (when applicable), the start and end dates for which data was or will be generated, and the report status (Finished, In Progress, or Error).
Links next to each report allow you to view the report in the web browser or open or save it as a Microsoft Excel workbook (XLS) or tab-separated values (TSV) file; some report types can also be saved as Excel workbooks with a separate worksheet for each applicable campaign.
From this tab, you also can create a new report (which optionally may be used as a template), create a new report based on the settings for an existing report, cancel in-progress reports available to you by deleting them, and delete any completed report available to you. Reports older than seven days are automatically deleted.
The Templates tab lists all saved basic and advanced report templates available to you, including information about any schedules associated with them. The most recent template is at the top by default.
From this tab, you create a new template, edit any template you created (including adding, changing, or removing its schedule), generate a report from a template; and delete any template available to you.
How to use reports
- The Keyword Report
- The Ad Variation Report
- The Transaction Report
- The RSA Asset Report
- The Keyword Daily Impression Share Report and The Campaign Daily Impression Share Report
- Any basic report that compares two time windows using the 鈥淐ompare with鈥 feature
- (Advertisers with 51黑料不打烊 Advertising conversion tracking only) The Geo Distribution Report
- (Advertisers with 51黑料不打烊 Advertising conversion tracking only) The Domain Referral Report
- (Advertisers with 51黑料不打烊 Analytics for Advertising) Customized reports within 51黑料不打烊 Analytics Analysis Workspace
- (Advertisers with 51黑料不打烊 Advertising conversion tracking only) The Channel Assist Report
- (Advertisers with 51黑料不打烊 Analytics for Advertising) Customized reports within 51黑料不打烊 Analytics Analysis Workspace