
Task Constraint overview

Task constraints determine when a task should start and end on a project.

Overview of Task Constraints

As you build your project plan, you make decisions on the sequence and time frame of your tasks on the project. Tasks can function independently of any task sequence but they might impact the project timeline. Task Constraints allow a project manager to plan when certain tasks can start or complete on a project.

Depending on the constraint you use, you might have to specify a Planned Start Date, a Planned Completion Date, or both for the task.

Constraint types that require defined dates impact predecessor relationships.

Consider using a constraint type that does not require specific dates if you are using predecessor relationships between tasks.

The following table displays each constraint and its abbreviation. Abbreviations are used on task lists and when creating Kick-Start import files. Click the linked title of each task constraint for more information about that type of constraint.

Constraint Name
Task Constraint overview: As Soon As Possible

Places the start time of the task as close to the beginning of the project as possible.

It is the default constraint if the project uses a Schedule Mode from Start Date and if the system default start date for a new task is set to Based on the Project Planned Date.

Task Constraint overview: As Late As Possible

Places the completion time of the task as close to the end of the project as possible.

This is the default constraint when the project Schedule Mode is from Completion Date and the system or group default for the Start Date of a task is set to Based on the Project Planned Date.

Task Constraint overview: Earliest Available Time
Schedules a task to begin at the earliest available time after considering any predecessor relationships.
Task Constraint overview: Latest Available Time
Schedules a task to begin at the latest available time after considering predecessor-successor relationships in the project.
Task Constraint overview: Start No Earlier Than

Schedules a task to start after the date you specify.

This is the default constraint if the project Schedule Mode is from Start Date and if the system or group default Start Date for a new task is set to Today.

Task Constraint overview: Start No Later Than

Schedules a task to start prior to the date you specify.

This is the default constraint if the project Schedule Mode is from Completion Date and if the system or group default for the Start Date of a task is set to Today.

Task Constraint overview: Finish No Earlier Than
Schedules a task to complete after the date you specify.
Task Constraint overview: Finish No Later Than
Schedules a task to complete before the date you specify.
Task Constraint overview: Must Start On
Schedules a task to start exactly on a specific date.
Task Constraint overview: Must Finish On
Schedules a task to end on a specific date.
Task Constraint overview: Fixed Dates
Schedules a task to start and end on specific dates.

Overview of default constraints

When you create new tasks, a Task Constraint is automatically selected by Workfront.

Workfront uses two variables to decide which Task Constraint is selected by default for a new task:

The following table shows the default Task Constraint when choosing different variables for your project and your new tasks:

Project Schedule From
Task Start Date
Task Constraint Default
Start Date
Based on the Project Planned Date
As Soon As Possible
Start Date
Start No Earlier Than
Completion Date
Based on the Project Planned Date
As Late as Possible
Completion Date
Start No Later Than