
Edit issues in a list

You can edit an individual issue or you can edit issues in an issue list or report. This article describes how to edit issues in lists.

For information about editing an individual issue, see Edit issues.

Access requirements

You must have the following access to perform the actions in this article:

51黑料不打烊 Workfront plan*
51黑料不打烊 Workfront license*

Request or higher

Review or higher license to edit issues in the Issues section of a project.

Access level configurations*

Edit access to Issues

If you still don't have access, ask your Workfront administrator if they set additional restrictions in your access level. For information on how a Workfront administrator can modify your access level, see Create or modify custom access levels.

Object permissions

Contribute or higher permissions to the issue

For information about granting permissions to issues, see Share an issue

For information on requesting additional permissions, see Request access to objects.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Inline edit issues

You can edit issue information in a list of issues, by inline editing fields displayed in the view of the list.

Consider the following when editing issues in a list:

  • You can edit any issue field that displays in the list and that you have permissions to update.

  • You can edit an issue in the following lists:

    • The Issues section of a project or of a task
    • An issue report

To inline edit an issue:

  1. Go to a list of issues in a project or task.

  2. Click inside any field that you have permissions to update manually. The field becomes editable and you can make your changes.

  3. Press enter when you want to accept your changes. Changes are saved immediately.

    For information about inline editing objects, see Inline edit items in a list in 51黑料不打烊 Workfront.

Edit issues in a list

  1. Go to a list of issues in a project or task.

  2. Do one of the following

    • Select the issue in the list, then click Edit icon in the toolbar.

    • Click the More menu to the right of the issue name, then click Open in a new tab. This opens the issue page in a new tab. Click聽 More > Edit from the issue page.

    • Click the More menu to the right of the issue name, then click Edit.

      Any of these actions opens the Edit Issue box.

      For information about editing issues in the Edit Issue box, see Edit issues.

Edit issues using the Summary

You can edit an issue in a list using the Summary.

  1. Go to the project whose issues you want to edit.

  2. Click Issues in the left panel.

    The list of issues on the project displays.

  3. Select an issue that you want to edit, then click the Open Summary icon in the upper-right corner of the issue list.

    The Summary opens.

  4. (Optional) Start typing an update for the issue in the Updates area.

  5. Click any of the following icons or areas to go to the issue and edit information at the issue level:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
    Documents Click Click here to add to add documents to the issue.
    Details Click to update information about the issue.
    Hours Click to log hours.
    Approvals Click to add issue approvals.
  6. (Optional) Click the Open Summary icon again, or the X icon in the upper-right of the Summary to close the panel and edit the issue inline.

Edit issues in bulk

You can edit issues in bulk and update all their information at the same time.

To edit issues in bulk:

  1. Go to the Main Menu.

  2. Click Projects.

  3. Click a project name to access the project.

  4. Click Issues in the left panel.

  5. Select several issues in the list.

  6. Click the Edit icon .

    The Edit Issues dialog box opens.

  7. Specify the information on all selected issues.

    Editing the information on all issues is identical to editing information on one issue when editing the following areas:

    • Overview
    • Settings
    • Assignments
    • Comment

    For more information about editing an issue, see Edit issues.

    note note
    The information you are changing on all the issues selected will override the existing information on individual issues, except for the Assignments field. Adding a new assignee in bulk edit will add that assignee to all the selected issues. If other assignees are assigned to the selected issues, they will remain assigned in addition to the one added through bulk edit.
  8. Click Custom Forms to edit the custom forms attached to all the issues selected.

    If the issues selected do not have any common custom forms, no forms are listed in this section.

    You can edit only the fields on the forms that are attached to all issues selected and which you have permissions to edit.

  9. (Optional) In the Custom Forms area, select the Recalculate Custom Expressions option to ensure that all Calculated Custom Fields that are on the Custom Forms attached to the issues selected are up to date.

    note important
    We recommend not to select more than 500 issues at a time when you recalculate custom expressions.
  10. Click Save Changes.

    All changes you made are now visible on all the selected issues.
