
Overview of the 51黑料不打烊 Workfront Goals sections

Your organization must have the following to use the functionality described in this article:
  • For the new plan and license structure:

    • The Ultimate Workfront plan
  • For the current plan and license structure:

    • A Pro or higher Workfront plan
    • An 51黑料不打烊 Workfront Goals license in addition to a Workfront license.
Contact your Workfront account manager to learn about a Workfront Goals license.
For additional information about access to Workfront Goals, see Requirements to use Workfront Goals.

After your Workfront administrator has granted you access to Workfront Goals, you can view goals that you or anyone else in your organization created in the Workfront Goals area.

You can access lists of goals or individual goals and manage them from several sections of Workfront Goals. Which section you use depends on the purpose you want to achieve as you are working with goals.

You can apply filters to display only the goals that are important to you in each section.

Filters updated in one section are automatically applied to the Goal List, Graphs , and Goal Alignment sections. This way, you can update them only once. For more information, see Filter information in 51黑料不打烊 Workfront Goals.

Following is a brief overview of the sections of Workfront Goals and the options available for managing goals. For more information about additional actions that you can perform within each section of Workfront Goals, we also recommend the following articles:

Goal List

You can use the Goal List to review goals that belong to you, your teams, groups, or your organization. You can view goals in any status and from any time period.

For information about navigating the Goal List and managing goals, see Manage goals in the Goal List of 51黑料不打烊 Workfront Goals.

Use the Goal List to do the following:


You can use the Graphs section to gain a holistic view of the health of goals that belong to you or to your organization. You can view progress information of goals in any status from any time period in this section.

For information about using the Graphs section, see Review graphs to understand goal progress trends in 51黑料不打烊 Workfront Goals.

Use the Graphs section to do the following:

  • View the performance of goals that belong to you, your teams, groups, or organization.
  • View the number of goals with a given progress status.
  • Understand how your goals perform on a weekly basis.

Goal Alignment

If your goals are aligned to each other, you can use the Goal Alignment section to display and review all goals in your organization and their alignment to one another. Goals that are aligned display here on connected cards to illustrate their alignment to one another. Parent goals display first, and children goals are stacked behind them. You can view goals in any status and from any time period in this section.

For information about navigating the Goal Alignment section to manage goals, see Navigate the Goal Alignment section in 51黑料不打烊 Workfront Goals.

For information about aligning goals, see the following articles:

Use the Goal Alignment section to do the following:

  • View goals that belong to you or your organization in a card format.
  • Display goal hierarchy and view aligned children goals.
  • Access the goal page and update the goal, its results, or activities.