What鈥檚 new in API version 17
51黑料不打烊 Workfront released API version 17 on October 12, 2023. API version 17 features the following changes from version 16.
Added resources
ExternalDocument (EXTDOC)
An ExternalDocument object is a document or other digital asset that is located in a document storage provider external to Workfront. These assets can be linked to and from Workfront.
UserLocation (USRLOC)
Removed resources
No resources were removed for API version 17
Modified resources
The following resources were modified for API version 17.
Baseline (BLIN)
Baselines are snapshots of what the performance of a project looked like at a given moment in time. They store key pieces of information about the project, like key dates, progress, cost and revenue values.
The Baseline object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
BillingRecord (BILL)
A BillingRecord object records the revenue, hours, or expenses that can be billed. This information can be used to create invoices in an external accounting system.
The BillingRecord object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
Company (CMPY)
A Company object represents an organization consisting of a collection of people.
CustomerPreferences (CUSTPR)
A CustomerPreferences object represents the set of preferences that a customer has set for their instance of Workfront.
DocumentVersion (DOCV)
A DocumentVersion object represents a specific version of a file (such as written material, images, or other forms of information).
ExchangeRate (EXRATE)
An ExchangeRate object represents a currency exchange rate set up in Workfront. ExchangeRate objects are not dynamic.
Expense (EXPNS)
Expenses represent the non-labor costs that might be incurred during the life of a project.
The Expense object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
Group (GROUP)
A Group object represents a set of users and teams. Groups often represent departmental structure.
Hour (HOUR)
An Hour object represents an hour logged by a user on a timesheet.
The Hour object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
Iteration (ITRN)
An Iteration object represents a single Agile Iteration. Iterations are discrete periods of time used to plan and complete Agile stories.
The Iteration object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
JournalEntry (JRNLE)
The JournalEntry object can be set up to log information about specific object fields any time those fields are modified. When a field is set up to be logged as a part of the Journal Entry object, a corresponding Journal Entry will be created every time that field is modified.
Kanban Board (KNBNBD)
A Kanban board is used to track tasks in an Agile environment.
The Kanban Board object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
LinkedFolder (LNKFDR)
A LinkedFolder object represents a folder linked from an external document provider, such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
OpTask / Issue (OPTASK)
An OpTask object is commonly known as an Issue. An issue is a work item that usually indicates that there is a problem preventing the completion of a task or project. An Issue can also be a Help Desk request. Change Orders, Requests, and Bugs are also Issues.
The Issue object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
Project (PROJ)
Projects are work items within Workfront, and are a main building block in the way Workfront helps people to do work. A Project object represents a group of tasks with a common, specific goal.
The Project object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
ProjectUser (PRTU)
A ProjectUser object represents a user associated with a specific project.
Rate (RATE)
A Rate object represents a billing rate in Workfront.
The Rate object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
Risk (RISK)
A Risk object represents a possible event that may prevent a project from finishing on time or within budget. Risks are added to projects in the planning phase to identify potential obstacles prior to the approval of any work.
The Risk object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
Role / Job Role (ROLE)
A Role object (job role) represents a functional capacity or a skill set a user might fill, such as Designer or Product Manager.
Task (TASK)
A Task object represents a work item that must be performed as a step toward achieving a final goal (completing a Project).
The Task object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
A Team object is a collection of Users that can be assigned to a work item.
TeamMember (TEAMMB)
A TeamMember object is a user associated with a specific team.
TemplateUser (TMTU)
Timesheet (TSHET)
A Timesheet object represents a virtual timecard that allows Users to enter actual hours worked for Tasks, Projects, and overhead Hour Types.
Update (UPDATE)
Work Items in Workfront can be updated to keep users informed of the current status. An Update object represents one of these updates. Updates can be entered by users or created by the Workfront system.
User (USER)
A User object represents a person with an account in Workfront that can log in and interact with the system.
The User object removed the flag INLINE_EDITABLE.
UserGroups (USRGPS)
UserNote (USRNOT)
A UserNote object is a notification.