
List of available blueprints

The following 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Workfront blueprints are available for system administrators to install. For more information about blueprints, see Blueprints overview.

Add New Employee IT Checklist
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with corporate IT teams to organize new employee onboarding activities. Using this template allows IT teams to operate efficiently, leading to a positive new employee experience and faster track to productivity.

Annual Budget Planning
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with Finance teams to organize the activities surrounding annual budget planning. The template helps set expectations with business unit leaders and guides them through the process to request and reserve budgets during the annual planning process.

Contracted Services Delivery Plan
This blueprint contains a template that organizes the work related to delivering customer-facing services. It is designed to create a uniform approach for contracted services delivery.

Corporate Event Plan
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with Human Resources teams to support employee retention activities, specifically corporate events and parties.

Deactivate Terminated Employee IT Checklist
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with corporate IT teams to manage the various activities that must take place when an employee terminates their employment. It is critical to deactivate the employees access and make other systems changes to reduce risk exposure and ensure other team members can stay productive in the departing employee’s absence.

Digital Asset Production (Integrated)
The Digital Asset Production blueprint for integrated processes contains a template that organizes the work for a standard digital production process. The template provides a lean process for original digital asset creation for a team that relies on standard operating procedures to define how to do the work and uses the project only to prioritize work and track progress.

Digital Asset Production (Managed)
The Digital Asset Production package contains a template that organizes the work for a standard digital production process. It is intended as an entry point for managing digital asset creation in Workfront. Use this package to create a foundation for digital content creation and then customize it to meet the needs of other creative processes for digital materials.

Digital Asset Revision (Integrated)
The Digital Asset Revision blueprint for an integrated process contains a single template to organize the work process associated with revising an existing asset. The template provides a lean process for a team that relies on standard operating procedures to define how to do the work and uses the project only to prioritize work and track progress.

Digital Asset Revision (Managed)
The Digital Asset Revision package contains a single template to organize the work associated with a revision to an existing asset. The template provides a streamlined process for an asset revision while creating a consistent experience compared to a new asset production project.

Edit Transferring Employee IT Checklist
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with corporate IT teams to manage the various activities that must take place when an employee transfers to new a role. This template reduces the security risks that exist when an employee transfer is completed without IT oversight. It also eliminates wasted hours of unproductive time when systems access is not granted to fulfill the duties of the employee’s new role.

End-of-Month Operational Close
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with Finance teams to organize the end of month closing of the books. The template provides a checklist of common activities that must be completed each month to accurately report on and promote the health of the business.

Finance Organization Setup
This blueprint contains the configuration of organizational structures to expand to a Finance department.

General Internal Strategic Initiative
The General Internal Strategic Initiative blueprint contains a project template to execute a project in for any internal optimization, process rollout, or other strategic investment. It is designed to be general enough to work for all organizations across the business.

Human Resources Organization Setup
This blueprint contains the configuration of organizational structures to expand to a Human Resources department.

Information Technology Organization Setup
This blueprint contains the configuration of organizational structures to expand to an Information Technology use case.

Inherited Instance Basics | Checklist
This blueprint contains a project template (or checklist) that you can review with a short list of questions, resources, and links for a clear understanding of how your Workfront instance has been configured. Use this when you recently inherited a Workfront instance and need guidance on where to start.

Integrated Campaign Execution
The Integrated Campaign Execution blueprint contains a single project template that organizes the distributed work across multiple teams to execute a multi-channel campaign.

Marketing Organization Setup
This blueprint contains the configuration of organizational structures to expand to a Marketing department.

New Employee Onboarding Plan
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with Human Resources teams to help new employees track their onboarding activities.

New Hire Readiness
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with Human Resources teams to prompt HR specialists and hiring managers to complete essential activities to make a new employee’s first day remarkable.

Offboarding | Departing User Dashboard
This blueprint contains a single dashboard with 13 reports to help you find, reassign, or otherwise manage the objects and assignments associated with a user departing Workfront. You could also use these reports for a user moving into a new role or group to reassign their work.

People Manager Dashboard
This blueprint contains a single dashboard with 12 reports to give people managers visibility into their direct reports’ work.

Post-Implementation: New Use Case Rollout
This blueprint contains a single template that organizes the work that a Workfront customer will need to complete to manage the expansion to next processes after their initial implementation.

Print Asset Production (Integrated)
The Print Asset Production package contains a template that organizes the work for a standard print production process. The template provides a lean process for original print asset creation for a team that relies on standard operating procedures to define how to do the work and uses the project only to prioritize work and track progress.

Print Asset Production (Managed)
The Print Asset Production package contains a template that organizes the work for a standard print production process. This package is intended as an entry point for managing print asset creation in Workfront. Use this package to create a foundation for print content creation, then customize it to meet the needs of other creative processes for printed materials.

Print: Direct Mail Asset Production
This Print: Direct Mail Asset Production blueprint organizes the work for a print collateral production process. This blueprint is intended as an entry point for managing print collateral, specifically direct mail, in Workfront.

Print: Direct Mail Content Creation and Campaign Execution
This Print: Direct Mail Content Creation and Execution blueprint organizes the work for a print collateral production process. This blueprint is intended as an entry point for managing print collateral, specifically direct mail, in Workfront. This template is unique because it also contains tasks to print the asset and execute the direct mail campaign independent of other campaign activities.

Professional Services Organization Setup
This blueprint contains the configuration of organizational structures to expand to a Professional Services use case.

Recruiting Process Tracking
This blueprint defines a checklist for internal recruiting resources to use to help business stakeholders track the progress of headcount requests. It is designed to support a managed maturity level.

Resource Management Preparation

Use this Project Template and User Report to ensure you have the correct settings and information necessary to generate accurate Resource Management data.

Risk Control Self Assessment: Key Risk Mitigation Planning
Risk Control Self Assessment (RSCA) defines a process to identify risks and measure the controls you have in place to mitigate those risks. This template formalizes the process for you to evaluate new risks, to ensure appropriate controls are put in place, and to make sure you know how to measure and document the control’s effectiveness.

Risk Control Self Assessment: Quarterly Attestation
Risk Control Self Assessment (RSCA) defines a process to identify risks and measure the controls your organization has in place to mitigate those risks. This template provides a structure to help you build out an initial risk register, establish a plan to mitigate each risk, and provide documentation to show the controls work.

Social Asset Production (Integrated)
The Social Asset Production package contains a template that organizes the work to create a social artifact. The template provides a lean process for original social asset creation for a team that relies on standard operating procedures to define how to do the work and uses the project only to prioritize work and track progress.

Social Asset Production (Managed)
The Social Asset Production package contains a template that organizes the work to create a social artifact. This package is intended as an entry point for managing social asset creation in Workfront. Use this package to create a foundation for all social content creation processes by customizing it to meet the needs of other creative processes for social content.

Software Implementations/App Development
This blueprint contains a template the Workfront professional services organization has used for years during implementation engagements with IT teams organize the work to install third-party solutions or to create internal utilities and applications.

System Administrator Maintenance Dashboard
This blueprint contains a single dashboard to assist system administrators in maintaining and cleaning up the system periodically from miscellaneous clutter that might build up over time.

Value Realization | Core Value Dashboard

This blueprint contains a single dashboard with 21 reports to help you measure the Value of Workfront. These reports help you translate the benefits of Centralizing Work and Managing Work Processes into measurable values that you can track over time to drive better outcomes.

Value Realization | Deliver Client-facing Services Dashboard

This blueprint contains a single dashboard with 8 reports to help you realize the benefits of Workfront. These reports are designed to help you translate your client-facing services into measurable value that you can track over time to drive better outcomes.

Value Realization | Govern Compliance Workflows Dashboard

This blueprint contains a single dashboard with 7 reports to help you realize the value of Workfront. For daily use or in highly regulated industries, these time-saving reports drive accountability and improve outcomes over time by helping to track and govern workflows and compliance needs.

Value Realization | Review and Approve Dashboard

This blueprint contains a single dashboard with 7 reports to help you realize the Value of Workfront. These reports help you translate the values of Reviewing & Approving work into measurable benefits that you can track over time to drive better outcomes.

Video Asset Production (Integrated)

The Video Asset Production package contains a template that organizes the work process for a standard video production process. The template provides a lean process for original video asset creation for a team that relies on standard operating procedures to define how to do the work and uses the project only to prioritize work and track progress.

Video Asset Production (Managed)
The Video Asset Production package contains a template that organizes the work for a standard video production process. This package is intended as an entry point for managing video asset creation in Workfront. Use this package to create a foundation for video content creation, then customize it to meet the needs of other creative processes for specialized types of video materials.

Workfront Communication and Launch Template

This blueprint contains a single template that organizes the work that a Workfront customer will need to do in order to have a stellar rollout of the Workfront application.

Workfront Usage Dashboard
This blueprint contains a single dashboard with 11 reports to assist system administrators and governance teams understand whether their configuration is being used as expected.
