
Set up event notifications

Because of a phased rollout, the functionality that allows system and group administrators to manage event notifications is temporarily not available for some Workfront customers. Please follow this article for updates regarding the release: Unlock configuration of event notifications for groups.

System administrators determine which notifications users should receive through Workfront.

Email Notifications window in the Setup area

The Event Notifications list is grouped by type. For each event notification listed, you’ll see five pieces of information:

  • Active — The Active column allows you to turn a notification on or off at a system-wide level.
  • Name — This is the name of the notification within Workfront.
  • Description — The description provides a brief explanation of what action took place to trigger a notification or needs to be taken in response to receiving the notification.
  • Email Subject — What will be displayed to the user in the subject line when the email is sent to users.
  • Group Access — Unlock notifications so they can be managed by group administrators.

Turn on notifications

To manage notifications at a global system level, make sure the search bar says System Event Notifications.

Turn on a specific notification to make it available for all users by clicking the toggle button so the blue is showing. If the blue is hidden, the notification is off.

Active column on Email Notifications page

Once an event notification is turned on, messages are sent instantly when the event occurs.

Allow group administrator control

Group administrators can be given permission, by system administrators, to customize the notification list further based on how their groups and subgroups function and what their workflows are.

Group Access column on Email Notifications page

To give group admins the ability to manage notifications for their groups and subgroups, the system-level notifications need to be unlocked.

  • Navigate to the Events Notification tab of the Email Notifications page.

  • Make sure the search bar says System Event Notifications.

  • Unlock a single notification for all group administrators by clicking the toggle in the Group Access column so the blue appears.

  • Unlock multiple notifications at one time by checking the box to the left of each notification and clicking the unlock icon in the toolbar above the list.

Group Access column on Email Notifications page

Lock an unlocked notification by clicking the toggle so the gray appears. Lock multiple notifications at the same time by selecting the checkboxes and clicking the unlock icon in the toolbar.

Group Access column on Email Notifications page

Unlocked notifications appear for top-level group administrators to determine if that notification is needed for their groups and subgroups. Subgroups inherit the notification configurations from their top parent group.

Manage group notifications

Once the system administrator has unlocked notification options, the group administrators can manage a group’s notifications from the individual Group page, by clicking Event Notifications in the left panel menu. Then you can activate or deactivate notification options.

Group Access column on Email Notifications page

If needed, system administrators can manage a group’s notifications from the Notifications page by entering the group name in the search bar at the top of the window.

Group Access column on Email Notifications page

Pro tips

There are some notifications Workfront recommends making available to your users.

For most users:

  • A predecessor of one of my tasks is completed
  • Someone includes me on a directed update
  • Someone comments on my work item
  • The due date changes on a task I’m assigned to

Specifically for project managers:

  • A project I’m on becomes active
  • A project I own gets behind
  • An issue is added to a project I own
  • Milestone task is completed on a project I own