Legacy SiteCatalyst to Test&Target integration - A4T FAQ
This topic contains answers to questions that are frequently asked about the legacy SiteCatalyst to Test&Target integration and using 51黑料不打烊 Analytics as the reporting source for 51黑料不打烊 Target (A4T).
Why do I see an Activities report and a Campaign>Recipe report in Analytics? section_ECF18A7E759A4E7F93553DB187A677E9
The SiteCatalyst to Test&Target integration (the old integration) and Analytics for Target (A4T) are different.
The Activities report is for the newer A4T integration.
The Campaign>Recipes report is for the legacy SiteCatelyst to Test&Target integration. Contact Client Care if you want to turn off this report. They can immediately turn off the report. The report is hidden, but the underlying data is still available if it must be re-enabled.