
[Premium]{class="badge positive" title="See what's included in Target Premium."}

Target Automated Personalization offers

In an 51黑料不打烊 Target Automated Personalization (AP) activity, you can target offers to specific audiences.

Using this functionality reduces the number of offers a specific visitor is qualified to see. For example, consider an Automated Personalization activity that has three offers. Offer 1 has a targeting rule that limits its exposure to Audience A. Two visitors saw this activity.

Visitor 1
Visitor 2
Audience qualification
Audience A
Audience B
Offer 1 Target personalization model score
Offer 2 Target personalization model score
Offer 3 Target personalization model score

In this scenario, Visitor 1 sees Offer 1 (because this visitor qualifies as part of Audience A), which is that visitor鈥檚 highest score. However, Visitor 2 sees Offer 2 even though the highest score is for Offer 1, because Visitor 2 is not part of Audience A. This example demonstrates why targeting rules should be used sparingly to meet business needs. Adding these rules can reduce the effectiveness of Target personalization models.

Set up targeting rules

  1. Create an Automated Personalization activity containing the offers that you want to target.

  2. After setting up the offers for the activity in the Visual Experience Composer, click Manage Content.

    Manage Content

    The Manage Content dialog box displays.

  3. Click the Offers tab.

    Offers page

  4. Select the desired offers, then choose the audiences you want to qualify to see that offer.

    To set up targeting for a single offer, hover over the desired offer, then click the Targeting icon.

    To set up targeting for multiple offers, select the checkboxes for the desired offers, then click the Targeting icon that displays at the top right of the list.

  5. In the Choose Audience dialog box, select the desired audiences for the offers, then click Done to return to the Manage Content dialog box.

    note note
    In addition to selecting an existing audience, you can combine multiple audiences to create ad hoc combined audiences rather than creating a new audience. For more information, see Combining Multiple Audiences.
  6. Click Done.

You can set up 50 locations, and up to 250 offers per location.