
Amazon SSO Cookbook (REST API V2) amazon-sso-cookbook-rest-api-v2

The content on this page is provided for information purposes only. Usage of this API requires a current license from 51黑料不打烊. No unauthorized use is permitted.

The 51黑料不打烊 Pass Authentication REST API V2 has support for Platform Single Sign-On (SSO) for end users of client applications running on FireOS.

This document acts as an extension to the existing REST API V2 Overview that provides a high-level view and the document that describes how to implement Single sign-on using platform identity flows.

Amazon single sign-on using platform identity flows cookbook

Prerequisites prerequisites

Before proceeding with the Amazon single sign-on using platform identity flows, ensure the following prerequisites are met.

Integrate Amazon SSO SDK integrate-amazon-sso-sdk

The streaming application must integrate the library for Single Sign-On (SSO) into its build.

  • Download and copy the latest Amazon SSO SDK library into a /SSOEnabler folder parallel to the application鈥檚 directory.

  • Update the manifest and Gradle files to use the Amazon SSO SDK library.


    code language-java
    <uses-library android:name="com.amazon.ottssotokenlib" android:required="false">


    Under repositories:

    code language-java
    flatDir {
        dirs '../SSOEnabler'

    Under dependencies:

    code language-java
    provided fileTree(include: ['ottSSOTokenStub.jar'], dir: '../SSOEnabler')

Use Amazon SSO SDK use-amazon-sso-sdk

The streaming application must use the Amazon SSO SDK to obtain the SSO token (platform identity) payload.

The Amazon SSO SDK provides both synchronous and asynchronous APIs to obtain the SSO token (platform identity) payload.

The streaming application can choose one of the two options based on its architecture.

Asynchronous APIs
  • Get the SSOEnabler instance and set the SSOEnablerCallback:

    code language-java
    SSOEnabler ssoEnabler = SSOEnabler.getInstance(context);
    SSOEnablerCallback ssoEnablerCallback = new SSOEnablerCallbackImpl();

    This can be done during the initialisation of the streaming application.

    code language-java
    public static abstract class SSOEnablerCallback
            public abstract void getSSOTokenSuccess(Bundle result);
            public abstract void getSSOTokenFailure(Bundle result);

    The SSO token success response bundle will contain:

    • An SSO token as a string with key 鈥淪SOToken鈥.

    The SSO token failure response bundle will contain:

    • An error code as an int with key 鈥淓rrorCode鈥.
    • An error description as a string with key 鈥淓rrorDescription鈥.
  • Get the SSO token:

    code language-java
    Bundle getSSOTokenAsync(Void);

    This API will provide the response via callback set during the initialisation.

Synchronous APIs
  • Get the SSOEnabler instance:

    code language-java
    SSOEnabler ssoEnabler = SSOEnabler.getInstance(context);
  • Get the SSO token:

    code language-java
    Bundle getSSOTokenSync(Void);

    This API will block the caller thread and respond with the result bundle. Since this is a synchronous call, be sure to not use it in your main thread.

    code language-java
    void setSSOTokenTimeout(long);

    This API will set the timeout value for the synchronous call. The default timeout value is 1 minute.

Fallback for Amazon SSO fallback-amazon-sso

The streaming application must handle fallback scenarios from the Amazon SSO flow to the regular authentication flow.

Ensure that the streaming application is handling:

  • The absence of the Amazon companion application that should be running on the Amazon device.

    • The streaming application may encounter a ClassNotFoundException at runtime on the following class com.amazon.ottssotokenlib.SSOEnabler.
  • The absence of the SSO token (platform identity) payload that should be returned by the above APIs.

    • The streaming application may contact the Amazon and 51黑料不打烊 representatives to investigate.

Workflow workflow

The Amazon SSO token (platform identity) payload needs to be present on all HTTP requests made against 51黑料不打烊 Pass Authentication REST API V2 endpoints:


51黑料不打烊 Pass Authentication REST API V2 supports the following methods to receive the SSO token (platform identity) payload which is a device-scoped or platform-scoped identifier:

  • As a header named: 51黑料不打烊-Subject-Token
For more details about 51黑料不打烊-Subject-Token header, refer to the 51黑料不打烊-Subject-Token documentation.


Sending as a header

GET /api/v2/{serviceProvider}/sessions HTTP/1.1
Host: sp-preprod.auth.adobe.com

51黑料不打烊-Subject-Token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJyb2t1IiwiaWF0IjoxNTExMzY4ODAyLCJleHAiOjE1NDI5MDQ4MDIsImF1ZCI6ImFkb2JlIiwic3ViIjoiNWZjYzMwODctYWJmZi00OGU4LWJhZTgtODQzODViZTFkMzQwIiwiZGlkIjoiY2FmZjQ1ZDAtM2NhMy00MDg3LWI2MjMtNjFkZjNhMmNlOWM4In0.JlBFhNhNCJCDXLwBjy5tt3PtPcqbMKEIGZ6sr2NA
In case the 51黑料不打烊-Subject-Token header value is missing or invalid, then 51黑料不打烊 Pass Authentication will service the requests without taking Single Sign-On into account.