
Entitlement Service Monitoring API entitlement-service-monitoring-api

The content on this page is provided for information purposes only. Usage of this API requires a current license from 51黑料不打烊. No unauthorized use is permitted.
Before using the Degradation API, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
Refer to the Dynamic Client Registration Overview documentation for more information about how to create a registered application and download the software statement.

API Overview api-overview

Entitlement Service Monitoring (ESM) is implemented as a WOLAP (Web-based ) project. ESM is a generic business-reporting Web API backed by a data warehouse. It acts as an HTTP query language that enables typical OLAP operations to be performed RESTfully.

The ESM API is not generally available. Contact your 51黑料不打烊 representative for availability questions.

The ESM API provides a hierarchical view of the underlying OLAP cubes. Each resource (dimension in the dimension hierarchy, mapped as a URL path segment) generates reports with (aggregated) metrics for the current selection. Each resource points to its parent resource (for roll-up) and its sub-resources (for drill-down). Slicing and dicing are achieved via query string parameters pinning dimensions to specific values or ranges.

The REST API provides the available data within a time interval specified in the request (falling back to default values if none provided), according to the dimension path, provided filters, and selected metrics. The time range will not be applied for reports that do not contain time dimensions (year, month, day, hour, minute, second).

The endpoint URL root path will return the overall aggregated metrics within a single record, along with the links to the available drill-down options. The API version is mapped as the trailing segment of the endpoint URI path. For example, https://mgmt.auth.adobe.com/esm/v3 means that the clients will access WOLAP version 3.

The available URL paths are discoverable via links contained in the response. Valid URL paths are held to map a path within the underlying drill-down tree that holds (pre-) aggregated metrics. A path in the form /dimension1/dimension2/dimension3 will reflect a pre-aggregation of those three dimensions (the equivalent of an SQL clause GROUP BY dimension1, dimension2, dimension3). If such a pre-aggregation does not exist and the system cannot compute it on the fly, the API will return a 404 Not Found response.

Drill-down Tree drill-down-tree

The following drill-down trees illustrate the dimensions (resources) available in ESM 3.0 for Programmers and MVPDs.

Dimensions available to Programmers progr-dimensions




Dimensions available to MVPDs mvpd-dimensions

A GET to the https://mgmt.auth.adobe.com/esm/v3 API endpoint will return a representation containing:

  • Links to the available root drill-down paths:

    • <link rel="drill-down" href="/v3/dimensionA"/>

    • <link rel="drill-down" href="/v3/dimensionB"/>

  • A summary (aggregated values) for all the metrics (in the default
    interval, since no query string parameters are provided, see below).

Following a drill-down path (step by step):
/dimensionA/year/month/day/dimensionX retrieves the following

  • Links to the 鈥dimensionY鈥 and 鈥dimensionZ鈥 drill-down options

  • A report containing daily aggregates for each value of dimensionX


Except for the date/time dimensions, any dimension available for the current projection (dimension path) can be filtered by using its name as a query string parameter.

The following filtering options are available:

  • Equals filters are provided by setting the dimension name to a particular value in the query string.

  • IN filters can be specified by adding the same dimension-name parameter multiple times with different values: dimension=value1&dimension=value2

  • Not equals filters must use the 鈥!鈥 symbol after the dimension name resulting in the 鈥!=鈥 鈥渙perator鈥: dimension!=value

  • NOT IN filters require the 鈥!=鈥 operator to be used multiple times, once for each value in the set: dimension!=value1&dimension!=value2&鈥

There is also a special usage for the dimension names in the query string: If the dimension name is used as a query string parameter with no value, this will instruct the API to return a projection that includes that dimension in the report.

Example ESM Queries

SQL Equivalent
SELECT * from projection WHERE dimension1 = 鈥榲补濒耻别1鈥
GROUP BY dimension1, dimension2, dimension3
SELECT * from projection WHERE dimension1 IN (鈥榲补濒耻别1鈥, 鈥榲alue2鈥)
GROUP BY dimension1, dimension2, dimension3
SELECT * from projection WHERE dimension1 <> 鈥榲补濒耻别1鈥
SELECT * from projection WHERE dimension1 NOT IN (鈥榲补濒耻别1鈥, 鈥榲alue2鈥)
Assuming there is no direct path: /dimension1/dimension3
but there is a path: /dimension1/dimension2/dimension3

SELECT * from projection GROUP BY dimension1, dimension3
None of these filtering techniques will work for date/time dimensions. The only way to filter date/time dimensions is to set the start and end query string parameters (described below) to the required values.

The following query string parameters have reserved meanings for the API (and therefore they cannot be used as dimension names, or else no filtering would be possible for such a dimension).

ESM API Reserved Query String Parameters

Default value
The DCR token can be passed as a standard Authorization Bearer token.
Any dimension name 鈥 either contained in the current URL path or in any valid subpath; the value will be treated as an equals filter. If no value is provided, this will force the specified dimension to be included in the output even if it is not included or adjacent to the current path
End time for the report in millis
Current time of the server
Used for content negotiation (with the same effect but lower precedence than the path 鈥渆xtension鈥 鈥 see bellow).
None: the content negotiation will try the other strategies
Maximum number of rows to be returned
Default value reported by the server in the self link if no limit is specified in the request
Comma-separated list of metric names to be returned; this should be used for both filtering a subset of the available metrics (to reduce the payload size) and also for enforcing the API to return a projection which contains the requested metrics (rather than the default optimal projection).
All the metrics available for the current projection will be returned in case this parameter is not provided.
Start time for the report as ISO8601; the server will fill in the remaining part if only a prefix is provided: e.g., start=2024 will result in start=2024-01-01:00:00:00
Reported by the server in the self link; the server tries to provide reasonable defaults based on the selected time granularity

The only available HTTP method currently is GET.

ESM API Status Codes esm-api-status-codes

Status Code
Reason Phrase
The response will contain 鈥渞oll-up鈥 and 鈥渄rill-down鈥 links (if applicable). The report will be rendered as an attribute of the resource: a nested 鈥渞eport鈥 element/property.
Bad Request
The response body will contain a text message explaining what鈥檚 wrong with the request.

A 400 Bad Request status is accompanied by an explaining text in the response body (plain/text media type) which provides useful information regarding the client error. Besides the trivial scenarios such as invalid date formats or filters applied to non-existing dimensions, the system will also refuse to respond to queries that require a massive volume of data to be returned or aggregated on the fly.
Caused by a request that does not contain the proper OAuth headers in order to authenticate the user
Indicates that the request is not allowed in the current security context; this occurs when the user is authenticated but not allowed to access the requested information
Not Found
Occurs in case an invalid URL path is provided with the request. This should never occur if the client follows the 鈥渄rill-down鈥/鈥渞oll-up鈥 links provided with 200 responses
Method Not Allowed
Signals that an unsupported method was used in the request. Although currently only the GET method is supported, future versions may allow HEAD or OPTIONS
Not Acceptable
Signals that an unsupported media type was requested by the client
Internal Server Error
鈥淭his should never happen鈥
Service Unavailable
Signals an error within the application or its dependencies

Data Formats data-formats

The data is available in the following formats:

  • JSON (default)
  • XML
  • CSV
  • HTML (for demo purposes)

The following content negotiation strategies can be used by clients (the precedence is given by the position in the list 鈥 first things first):

  1. A 鈥渇ile extension鈥 appended to the last segment of the URL path: e.g., /esm/v3/media-company/year/month/day.xml. If the URL contains a query string, the extension must come before the question mark: /esm/v3/media-company/year/month/day.csv?mvpd= SomeMVPD
  2. A format query string parameter: e.g., /esm/report?format=json
  3. The standard HTTP Accept header: e.g., Accept: application/xml

Both the 鈥渆xtension鈥 and the query parameter support the following values:

  • xml
  • json
  • csv
  • html

If no media type is specified by any of the strategies, the API will produce JSON content by default.

Hypertext Application Language hypertext-application-language

For JSON and XML, the payload will be encoded as HAL, as described here: .

The actual report (a nested tag/property called 鈥渞eport鈥) will consist of the actual list of records containing all the selected/applicable dimensions and metrics with their values, encoded as follows:


 "report": [
    "dimension1": "d1",
    "metric1": "m1",
  }, {


  <record dimension1="d1" ... metric1="m1" ... />

For XML and JSON formats, the order of the fields (dimensions and metrics) within a record is unspecified 鈥 but consistent (the order will be the same in all records). However, clients should not rely on any particular order of the fields within a record.

The resource link (the 鈥渟elf鈥 rel in JSON and the 鈥渉ref鈥 resource attribute in XML) contains the current path and the query string used for the inline report. The query string will reveal all of the implicit and explicit parameters, so that the payload will explicitly point out the time interval used, the implicit filters (if any), and so on. The rest of the links within the resource will contain all of the available segments that can be followed in order to drill down in the current data. A link for roll-up will also be provided, and it will point to the parent path (if any). The href value for the drill-down/roll-up links only contains the URL path (it does not include the query string, so this needs to be appended by the client if needed). Note that not all of the query string parameters used (or implied) by the current resource will be applicable for 鈥渞oll-up鈥 or 鈥渄rill-down鈥 links (for example, the filters may not apply to sub- or super- resources).

Example (assuming we have a single metric called clients and there is a pre-aggregation for year/month/day/...):

  • https://mgmt.auth.adobe.com/esm/v3/year/month.xml
   <resource href="/esm/v3/year/month?start=2024-07-20T00:00:00&end=2024-08-20T14:35:21">
   <link rel="roll-up" href="/esm/v3/year"/>
   <link rel="drill-down" href="/esm/v3/year/month/day"/>
   <record month="6" year="2024" clients="205"/>
   <record month="7" year="2024" clients="466"/>
  • https://mgmt.auth.adobe.com/esm/v3/year/month.json

    code language-json
          "_links" : {
            "self" : {
              "href" : "/esm/v3/year/month?start=2024-07-20T00:00:00&end=2024-08-20T14:35:21"
            "roll-up" : {
              "href" : "/esm/v3/year"
            "drill-down" : {
              "href" : "/esm/v3/year/month/day"
          "report" : [ {
            "month" : "6",
            "year" : "2024",
            "clients" : "205"
          }, {
            "month" : "7",
            "year" : "2024",
            "clients" : "466"
          } ]


In the CSV data format, no links or other metadata (except for the header row) will be provided inline; instead, the selection metadata will be provided in the file name, which will follow this pattern:


The CSV will contain a header row and then the report data as subsequent rows. The header row will contain all the dimensions followed by all of the metrics. The sort order of the report data will be reflected in the order of the dimensions. Therefore, if data is sorted by D1 and then by D2, the CSV header will look like: D1, D2, ...metrics....

The order of the fields in the header row will reflect the sort-order of the table data.

Example: https://mgmt.auth.adobe.com/esm/v3/year/month.csv will produce a file named report__2024-07-20_2024-08-20_1000.csv with the following content:


Data Freshness data-freshness

The successful HTTP responses contain a Last-Modified header which indicates the time when the report in the body was last updated. The lack of a Last-Modified header indicates that the report data is computed in real-time.

Usually, coarse-grained data will be updated less frequently than fine-grained data (e.g., by-the-minute values, or hourly values, may be more up-to-date than the daily values, especially for metrics that cannot be computed based on smaller granularities, like unique counts).

GZIP Compression gzip-compression

51黑料不打烊 strongly recommends that you enable gzip support in clients that fetch ESM reports. Doing this will greatly reduce the size of the response which in turn reduces your response time. (The compression ratio for ESM data is in the 20-30 range.)

To enable gzip compression in your client, set the Accept-Encoding: header as follows:

  • Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate