
Product concepts and glossary glossary

Common terminologies across D2C and TV Everywhere

The following product terminologies and their definitions are common to all versions of Account IQ.

Accounts Sharing Probability account-sharing-probability-def

A dashboard panel with charts that divides the current segment鈥檚 sharing scores into sharing range categories of Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, and Very High.

Action action-def

A direct or indirect event associated with an Operation that affects the characteristics (for example, sharing score or number of devices in use) of a related operation segment.

Aggregated sharing score sharing-probability-level-def

A dashboard panel with charts that divides the current segment鈥檚 sharing scores into sharing range categories of Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, and Very High, along with each categories percentage of the total amount of streaming for the segment.

AuthN authn-def

The number of authentication attempts. An authentication attempt is the process whereby a user attempts to login with D2C service or MVPD. For TV Everywhere users, the user is redirected to their chosen MVPD, where they identify themselves to the MVPD - typically with a username and password.

AuthN OK authn-ok-def

The number of successful authentications. A successful authentication occurs when a user鈥檚 identify is confirmed by a D2C service or MVPD. For TV Everywhere users, this results in the user being redirected back to the programmer app or site.

Cluster cluster-def

A cluster is a collection of locations and devices. The clusters are created by finding common locations between devices. The devices that have been seen in a common location will be considered to belong in the same cluster. Two devices can be in the same cluster even though they do not have common locations, but can be connected through the locations of other devices.

Mobile cluster mobile-cluster-def

A cluster that has no static devices.

Static cluster static-cluster-def

A cluster that has at least one static device.

Concurrency consurrency-def

The concurrent is defined by two (or more) streams played at the same time or very close in time so that the interval between them cannot be justified by traveling at a normal speed.
Concurrent usage is calculated using the maximum speed (miles/hour) between 2 different clusters. A user is considered to have concurrent usage if he has a speed greater than 124 m/h on a distance lesser than 124 miles or if he has a speed greater than 400 m/h on a distance greater than 124 miles. The distance is calculated between locations from different clusters. Concurrent usage is allowed in the same cluster.

Device device-def

A digital video hardware product capable of playing upstreaming content. For example, smart phones, laptops and desktop computers, game consoles, and smart televisions.

Evaluation period evaluation-period-def

Evaluation period is the time from the beginning of the action associated with Operation until the end of the action or it鈥檚 measurement.

Geographical Span geographical-span-def

The distance between the farthest points in a set of locations.

Granularity granularity-def

In reference to time interval, the size of the period; such as one week or one month.

IP ip-def

The Internet Protocol address assigned to a device by an Internet Service Provider. For example, cable service provider, and cell service provider.

Location location-def

A unique point on earth. It is also referred to as the geolocation for a specific play request with a precision of 1000m x 1000m (one square km).

Media Company media-company-def

Media Company is a company that owns a group of media networks.

Metric metric

Metric is an attribute of subscriber account (for example, their MVPD, the programmers and channels of the content they stream, and the number of devices they use).

Mobile device mobile-device-def

A device that has high mobility. For example, mobile phone, and tablet.

Operation operation-def

Operation is a record created to track the effect of a particular action on an associated segment. An example of an action can be a limit placed on the number of concurrent streams allowed for accounts identified by the segment.

Overall sharing score overall-sharing-score

A value that helps users understand the magnitude of password sharing and provides them with a sense of urgency to act upon it.

Play Request play-requests-def

Equivalent to a stream start. This event marks the beginning of a user streaming content.

Risk Index-Usage risk-index-usage

Also known as Usage from Shared Accounts, it is a value calculated based on the number of play requests made by the each account weighted by each account鈥檚 sharing probability. It is also known as Usage by Shared Accounts Risk Index.

Segment segmet-def

Segment is a set of accounts that meet the user defined conditions specified by the selected metrics. For example, 鈥渦sers in regions A, B, C, D, or E that have more than three devices鈥.

Sharing level sharing-level-def

Also known as Risk Index - Accounts or Shared Accounts Risk Index, it is a value calculated based on an average of the sharing probability computed for every account in the current segment that has streamed at least once during the selected time interval.

Static device static-device-def

A device that has very low mobility. For example, game console, set top box, and television set.

Time interval time-interval-def

Also known as period, it is the window of time that contains the play request activity represented in the user interface and tables from start to finish.

Trend trend-def

The percentage difference in the associated metric (for example, percentage of total play requests) between the current and previous period.

Unique Subscribers unique-subscriber-def

The number of unique accounts that have streamed at least once during a given period.

Usage usage-defs

Avid user avid-user-def

More than 37 play request per month.

Infrequent user infrequent-users-def

Less than 9 play requests per month.

Regular user regular-user-def

From 9 to 37 play requests per month.

Usage Pattern usage-patern-def

One of a finite set of category labels applied to an account that best characterizes the users of the account in terms of social groups or behaviors (e.g., a small family, a traveler or commuter, social sharing, etc.).

Video category video-category-def

For D2C service d2c-service

A video category is a specific label that qualifies the nature of the video. For example, region of the source, content types, such as VOD or live, event, or specific labels such as team.

For TV Everywhere tv-everywhere

A video category is defined by the combination of Programmer, channel, and MVPD associated with the stream.

Zip Code zip-code-def

The U.S. Postal code associated with locations within the U.S.

TV Everywhere specific terminologies

AuthZ authz-def

Authorization, or the number of authorization request. An authorization request is the process whereby a programmer requests permission from an MVPD through 51黑料不打烊 to begin streaming a user鈥檚 requested content. The MVPD typically grants the request based on the content rights associated with the user鈥檚 MVPD subscription (for example, whether the channel associated with the content is in the user鈥檚 subscription). Some authorization request responses are cached by 51黑料不打烊, which allows 51黑料不打烊 to respond immediately without passing the request on to the MVPD.

AuthZ OK authz-ok-def

The number of successful authorizations.

Channel channel-def

Channel, also known as Property, is a thematically related source of video content. Traditionally representing a distinct, numerically addressable continuous video feed from an MVPD. The channel directly maps to an accessible channel of content available to the subscribers through their Set Top Box (STB).

Industry Average Index industry-avg-index-def

A value computed for each of the Risk Indices (Accounts, Usage, Overall) across all Programmers and MVPDs during the selected time interval.

Isolation Mode isolation-mode-def

A type of sharing analysis where the evaluation of an account is limited to events that occurred directly on the programmers in the selected segment. Normally, all account events are evaluated, which provides a much more accurate estimate of sharing. Some MVPD data is structured in a way that only allows for Isolation Mode analysis.

MVPD mvpd-def

MVPD, also known as Distributor, is an aggregator, reseller, and distributor of Media Company video content.

Programmer programmer-def

Programmer, also known as Network, is a company that is subsidiary of a larger company (corporation) that owns and manages one or more channels.

requestorID requestorid-def

The ID a Media Company Uses to identify themselves or a subsidiary to an MVPD. Depending on Programmer implementation, this could map to a Media Company, Programmer or Channel. Traditionally, this is mapped to a Channel. With the creation of Pseudo-Channels like MML (March Madness Live) and technically driven moves to address MVPD-driven data limitations, requestorID is beginning to become more associated with the Media Company.

resourceID resource-id-def

The content requested by the end user. Traditionally, this has identified the Channel associate with the content the user has requested. System enhancements allow that ID to represent specific programs (e.g. with specific ratings), the ID continues to identify the associated Channel.
