
Edit Predictive Content for Rich Media edit-predictive-content-for-rich-media

Here鈥檚 how to set up your predictive content for Rich Media.

Content must be approved for predictive content on the All Content page.
  1. On the Predictive Content page, click a title to open the editor.

  2. Click Rich Media.

  3. You鈥檒l notice you can have separate images for Email and Rich Media. To add/change the image, paste the image URL into its text box.

    note note
    JPEG images with the color model CMYK are not supported for rich media. JPEGs must be converted to sRGB using a color profile. Be sure to choose this setting when exporting from your image editor.
  4. Type in a Description.

  5. Click the Categories box to select/add categories you鈥檝e already set up (optional).

    note note
    Use categories to group content for a specific Rich Media recommendation template. Leave the category empty to apply the content to all recommendation templates (recommended).
    However, if you want to recommend only specific content for a Rich Media template, add a category for the content and associate that category with the recommendation template.
    For example, categorize relevant content according to sections of your website (products or solutions).
  6. Check the box to enable Predictive Content in Rich Media.

  7. Click Save.
