
Create a New Workspace create-a-new-workspace

Workspaces are useful for subdividing your company. Reasons for setting up workspaces include:

  • Geography: Europe Marketing Operations vs. North America Marketing Operations
  • Business Unit A vs. Business Unit B

Here鈥檚 how to create a new workspace.

Admin Permissions Required
To learn more about Workspace best practices, please contact .
  1. Go to the Admin area.

  2. Click Workspaces & Partitions.

  3. Click New Workspace.

  4. Enter a Name, and select the Person Partitions you want to use. Choose a Primary Person Partition. Make sure to create person partitions if you haven鈥檛 already.

    note note
    • The All Person Partitions checkbox means that this workspace can use all person partitions in the system.

    • The Primary Person Partition acts as the default and is where all people will be assigned.

    note important
    If you enabled multiple branded domains, you must choose a primary branded domain.
  5. Select the workspace language.

    note note
    Upon creation, Marketo will seed sample assets in the workspace. Language allows those seeded objects to be in a non-English language.
  6. Click Create.

Create as many workspaces as you need and assign the appropriate person partition(s) to them.

After creating your workspace, you should see the update.
