Inherited Instance: Marketing Activities Checklist inherited-instance-marketing-activities-checklist
- Topics:
- Getting Started
Organize your Marketing Activities section properly to help others find and manage various programs within your Marketo Engage instance and ensure that people are processed to pass from Marketing to Sales. Remember to download the checklists and track your progress.
Organization organization
- Do your programs have a consistent naming convention?
- Do you have a consistent and easy-to-navigate folder structure?
Are similar program types consistently structured?
Are period costs put in place?
Are all programs synced to SFDC Campaigns (if applicable)?
Do you have flow steps assigning an acquisition program to people?
Is there a central location set up for program templates?
聽聽聽聽聽If not, choose from several pre-built program examples from the Marketo Engage Program Library.
Are older programs archived?
How often does your company review and archive old programs?
TIP: It's good to perform a review every year.
Are there any campaign errors in the Notifications tab at the top of your instance?
Are you subscribed to notifications to stay on top of any errors that may arise in the future?
(Marketing Activities/Subscriptions)
- Are there ongoing Smart List subscriptions in your instance? If yes, who are they going to?
TIP: Consider setting up Smart List subscriptions to go to a team alias rather than an individual. This covers you in case individuals are out of the office.
Assets assets
Are tokens being used in your most commonly used program types?
聽聽聽聽聽If not, you should consider using them to increase efficiency. -
If tokens are implemented, are there global folder tokens? How are they being used?
Are there live Engagement Programs running?
How many people are exhausted?
聽聽聽聽聽If there are many exhausted people, consider adding content. -
Are people engaging with the content?
聽聽聽聽聽If not, consider updating it and/or A/B testing. -
Have you encountered any people in multiple engagement programs? Should they be in more than one?
How many recurring Batch Campaigns are there?
Should any of them be deactivated/archived?
How many Trigger Campaigns are there?
Should any of them be deactivated/archived?
Should any Trigger Campaigns be changed to Batch Campaigns to improve processing efficiency?
How many programs have local forms? Should these forms be turned into global forms?
Are they capturing appropriate data for your Marketing and Sales teams?
TIP: Limit the number of local forms to ease updating and alignment to changes with data privacy and opt-in/opt-out policies. When creating a form, what questions need to be asked? If the information gathered doesn't change and advanced form functionality doesn't shift, consider a global form instead of a local form.
Where do you use global forms? (Marketo Engage Landing Pages vs. non-Marketo Engage Landing Pages)
How do your global forms point users to a thank you page (via hidden form field or within your CMS' page template)?
Are there form fields that you should consider adding or removing?
Are there picklist values that you should change?
Do you need to consider progressive profiling?
Are all your required fields for CRM sync and marketing needs included?
Do your global forms consider your data privacy & legal requirements for opt-in strategy and management?
Operational Programs operational-programs
Do you have a centralized person scoring program in place?
Does your person scoring both increase and decrease scoring?
- Do you have a centralized program assigning values to person source fields?
NOTE: Marketo Engage automatically gathers data in a source field regardless of operational programs.
- Do you have a centralized program in place to standardize incoming data?
- Do you have a centralized program to deal with ?
- Do you have programs to ensure you're compliant with data privacy and spam laws?
听听听听听颁辞苍蝉颈诲别谤 , CASL, CAN-SPAM, CCPA, etc.
TIP: Remember to always consult your Legal team on these issues. Ask your team about previous initiatives to maintain compliance before making any changes.
Do you have a program to move people through your Person Lifecycle?
What values are available for person status?
Pull an Email Performance Report for sends in the past few months. How does email deliverability look?
If your email deliverability isn't as strong as you'd like, consider investigating and implementing email deliverability best practices such as SPF and DKIM.
Are you reaching out to your full marketable audience?
- Do you have a Subscription/Preference Center set up? Is it operating as it should?
- Do you have a program or flow steps in programs to send Interesting Moments to Salesforce appropriately?