Inherited Instance: Design Studio Checklist inherited-instance-design-studio-checklist
- Topics:
- Getting Started
Structuring templates and creating global forms, Snippets, and images & files will help minimize data errors as well as streamline the workflow of your program build. Remember to download the checklists and track your progress.
Landing Pages landing-pages
How many global Landing Pages are there? Are they being used by programs?
Do you have a subscription center set up?
聽聽聽聽聽If not, consider creating one.
- How many Landing Page templates are there? Are they being leveraged?
- How many Landing Page test groups are they? Are they all still relevant?
- Do all your Landing Pages have the appropriate footers?
Images & Files images-and-files
- Do images and files have consistent naming conventions?
- Are images and files organized appropriately and easy to search?
Do any images or files referenced on web pages need to be updated?
Example: The hardcoded URL structure , such as
.Please work with your web developer to determine where you may need to make updates.
Forms forms
How many global forms are there?
Do most programs use global or local forms?
Are all forms gathering the right data for Marketing and Sales?
Are hidden values leveraged appropriately?
Are any Marketo Engage forms being used on non-Marketo Engage Landing Pages? How are they being referenced?
TIP: Update pages where you embed Marketo Engage forms with the new embed code introduced (requires secured landing pages).
- Are your form fields primarily picklists or open text fields?
TIP: If they're open text fields, consider switching them to picklists to prevent messy data.
- Does your form strategy align with your corporate data privacy and opt-in requirements?
听听听听听颁辞苍蝉颈诲别谤 , Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL), the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), etc., for regulation compliance.
TIP: Remember to always consult your Legal team on these issues. Ask your team about previous initiatives to maintain compliance before making any changes.
Emails emails
- How many global emails are there? Are they being used by programs?
- How many email templates are there? Are they being leveraged?
- How are you using email testing? Is your method still effective?
- Do all your emails have the appropriate footers? Consider GDPR, CASL, CAN-SPAM, CCPA, etc. for compliance implications.
TIP: Remember to always consult your Legal team on these compliance issues. Ask your team about previous initiatives to maintain compliance before making any changes.
Snippets snippets
- How many snippets are there? Are they being used?
聽聽聽聽聽If not, consider using them for email and Landing Page footer content, logos, and more.
All Assets all-assets
- How many assets are in Draft and Approved with Draft status (e.g., e.g., emails, Landing Pages, forms, snippets)?
聽聽聽聽聽If there are many, consider deleting or approving them.
- Which assets are shared across Workspaces?
NOTE: It's important to know this as actions taken in one Workspace might lead to an inaccessible asset in a different Workspace for another user.