
New Instance Best Practices: Marketing Activities Checklist new-instance-best-practices-marketing-activities-checklist

Marketing Activities houses all the assets and content that make up your automated marketing programs. As you set up a new Marketo Engage instance, a clean and clear organization ensures all users can easily find and manage various programs.

Remember to download the checklists and track your progress.

Organization organization

Action Items
Naming Conventions
Folder Structure
  • Build a consistent and easily navigable folder structure by referencing this example.
  • Create program templates for each channel you've created in your admin section. You can start by importing programs from the Program Library. See specifics in the "Assets" table below.

  • Determine which flow steps of the Smart Campaigns can be in a global program vs. a local program.

  • Include acquisition, membership, and success tracking as part of your program template to standardize the process.

  • Determine a policy on when to archive programs and assets.

    note icon NOTE: After an item is archived, it's removed from select lists as well as reporting.

  • Subscribe to Notifications

Assets assets

To store marketing assets like programs, Landing Pages, and emails in separate areas, please reference the Admin section checklist to learn how to set up Workspaces.
Action Items
Program types
  • Set up Tokens.

  • Use tokens in regularly used program types to increase efficiency. Consider implementing tokens that the organization regularly needs in the global folder.

Batch Campaigns
  • Set up Batch Smart Campaigns with filters in the Smart List section.

  • Schedule the Smart Campaigns for recurrences such as daily, weekly, and monthly.

Trigger Campaigns
  • Set up Trigger Smart Campaigns by using at least one trigger within the Smart List section.

  • Activate the Smart Campaigns in the 'Schedule' tab to run the campaign actions.

Landing Pages
Local Forms
  • Define your forms strategy for global forms vs. local forms.

  • To use global forms, use Smart Campaigns to set Acquisition Program for reporting, and use referrer details to assign people to programs/campaigns appropriately.

Smart List Subscriptions
  • Set up Smart List subscriptions in Marketing Activities or the Database for reports you'd like to receive daily, weekly, or monthly (e.g., email performance, person performance, etc.).
Manage Report Subscriptions

Operational Programs operational-programs

Action Item
Person Scoring
Person Source
Data Standardization
Bounce Management
Privacy & Compliance
  • Create programs to ensure you're compliant with data privacy and spam laws such as

note icon NOTE: Always remember to consult your legal team on these issues. Ask your team about previous initiatives to maintain compliance before making any changes.

  • Create a program to move leads through your Lead Lifecycle by updating the values for Person Status.

  • Import a Lead Management program from the Marketo Program Library to start.

Interesting Moments (if applicable)
Subscription Center

tip icon TIP: As there is no one way to set this up, it's recommended to visit the and search "Subscription Center" to see the different methods your peers are using and choose the one best suited to your needs.

Email Deliverability