Data Warehouse Schema data-warehouse-schema
- Topics:
- Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse allows you to track as much as you want, report on your attribution data wherever you want, and plug it in to other data sets.
- Rows with a value for _DELETED_DATE will be retained for 7 days, then removed from Snowflake.
- The time zones used in Snowflake adhere to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Entity Relationship Diagrams entity-relationship-diagrams
The Data Warehouse Data Model ERD shows how data in the data warehouse is intended to flow and be linked together. This diagram does not include all tables available in the data warehouse because some of them represent mapping tables, views of other tables already present, or deprecated tables we don’t recommend using any more. See the detailed descriptions of tables and columns present in the data warehouse below. Many of these tables contain denormalized fields, however, this diagram is the recommended data model, leveraging data from dimensional tables instead.
The additional Ads Dimensional Data Model ERD presents a view of how tables for ads specific dimensions can be best linked back to the tables in the main data model. Though ads dimensions are also denormalized in other tables, this represents the recommended model for joining these dimensions.
Click an image for its full-size version
Views views
BIZ_ACCOUNTS biz-accounts
Accounts imported from the source system.
∗ Only available in Marketo Measure Ultimate
BIZ_ACCOUNT_TO_EMAILS biz-account-to-emails
Mapping table between known Lead/Contact email addresses and Accounts. This table will be empty if ABM is disabled.
BIZ_ACTIVITIES biz-activities
Activities imported from a source system or connected Ad Account.
BIZ_ADS biz-ads
Ads imported from any connected Ad Account.
Whether or not the Ad needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)
The URL for the landing page.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
Previous value for URL_CURRENT.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
What the URL will be decorated with Marketo Measure parameters.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
Imported from the source system.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
BIZ_ADVERTISERS biz-advertisers
Advertisers imported from any connected Ad Account.
Whether or not the Advertiser needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)
BIZ_AD_ACCOUNTS biz-ad-accounts
Ad Accounts imported from any connected Ad Account.
Whether or not the Advertiser needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)
BIZ_AD_CAMPAIGNS biz-ad-campaigns
Campaigns imported from connected Ad Accounts, source systems, utm, and self reported.
Whether or not the Campaign needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)
BIZ_AD_FORMS biz-ad-forms
Ad Forms imported from any connected Ad Account.
BIZ_AD_GROUPS biz-ad-groups
Ad Groups imported from any connected Ad Account.
Whether or not the Advertiser needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)
Ad Providers from any connected Ad Account, including an entry for self reported if applicable.
BIZ_ATTRIBUTION_TOUCHPOINTS biz-attribution-touchpoints
Buyer Attribution Touchpoints, all touchpoints associated with an Opportunity.
BIZ_ATTRIBUTION_AI_TOUCHPOINTS biz-attribution-ai-touchpoints
Data generated from the Attribution AI integration. These fields are only populated for Marketo Measure Ultimate customers.
maps to a user touchpoint or a stage transition
likely to be null most of the time
likely to be null most of the time
BIZ_CAMPAIGN_MEMBERS biz-campaign-members
Campaign Members imported from the source system. This table will be empty if Campaign Sync is disabled.
BIZ_CHANNELS biz-channels
Marketing Channels, as created in the Marketo Measure application.
BIZ_CONTACTS biz-contacts
Contacts imported from the source system.
∗ Only available in Marketo Measure Ultimate
BIZ_CONVERSION_RATES biz-conversion-rates
Currency conversion rates imported from the source system.
BIZ_COSTS biz-costs
Cost data imported from connected Ad Accounts or self reported marketing spend.
BIZ_CREATIVES biz-creatives
Creatives imported from any connected Ad Account.
Whether or not the Creative needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)
The current version of the URL including all tags.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
Previous value for URL_CURRENT.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
What the URL will be decorated with Marketo Measure parameters.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
BIZ_CRM_EVENTS biz-crm-events
Events imported from the source system. This table will be empty if Activities Sync is disabled.
BIZ_CRM_TASKS biz-crm-tasks
Tasks imported from the source system. This table will populate if Activities Sync OR Call Tracking are enabled.
BIZ_CURRENCIES biz-currencies
Table of all ISO currencies.
BIZ_CUSTOMER_AB_TESTS biz-customer-ab-tests
AB Tests recorded. This table will be empty if AB Tests are not enabled.
BIZ_CUSTOMER_EVENTS biz-customer-events
Web events that have been recorded using custom events in the Javascript. This table will be empty if Marketo Measure Events are not enabled.
BIZ_CUSTOM_LANDING_PAGES biz-custom-landing-pages
Landing Pages downloaded from any connected Ad Account.
BIZ_EMAIL_TO_VISITOR_IDS biz-email-to-visitor-ids
Mapping table for email addresses and visitor ids.
BIZ_FACTS biz-facts
Unions together Impressions, Page Views, Visits, Form Submits, User Touchpoints, Touchpoint (BT), Attribution Touchpoints (BAT), and Cost data. Used internally to support Marketo Measure reporting.
BIZ_FORM_SUBMITS biz-forms-submits
Captured Form Submissions.
BIZ_IMPRESSIONS biz-impressions
Impressions fired and recorded. This table requires a DoubleClick connection and Enable View Through set to True.
BIZ_KEYWORDS biz-keywords
Keywords imported from any connected Ad Account.
Whether or not the Keyword needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used for internal processing.)
The URL for the landing page.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
Previous value for URL_CURRENT.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
The URL for the landing page with Marketo Measure parameters.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
BIZ_LANDING_PAGES biz-landing-pages
Landing Pages imported from any connected Ad Account.
BIZ_LEADS biz-leads
Leads imported from the source system.
BIZ_LEAD_STAGE_TRANSITIONS biz-lead-stage-transitions
Stage transitions for Leads or Contacts.
BIZ_OPPORTUNITIES biz-opportunities
Opportunities imported from the source system.
The Id of the related Lead that had converted into this Opportunity.
Note that this field is not set and returns null in Snowflake for all customers.
The email of the related Lead that had converted into this Opportunity.
Note that this field is not set and returns null in Snowflake for all customers.
∗ Only available in Marketo Measure Ultimate
BIZ_OPP_STAGE_TRANSITIONS biz-opp-stage-transitions
Stage transitions for Opportunities.
BIZ_PAGE_VIEWS biz-page-views
Page Views collected from web visits. Multiple page views can compose a single Session.
BIZ_PLACEMENTS biz-placements
Table that stores all placements downloaded from any connected ads accounts, an object from the Doubleclick integration.
Whether or not the Placement needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used by internal processing.)
BIZ_SEGMENTS biz-segments
Segment values as defined in the Marketo Measure application.
BIZ_SEGMENT_NAMES biz-segment-names
Maps the name of the custom segment to it’s category value. (This maps the column names to the Category1 - 15 column headers found in the touchpoint tables.)
BIZ_SESSIONS biz-sessions
Sessions as processed from Page Views. Multiple Page Views can make up one Session, and a single visitor id can be associated to multiple Sessions.
BIZ_SITES biz-sites
Sites imported from any connected Ad Account.
Whether or not the Site needs to be updated for Marketo Measure tagging.
(Diagnostic field, used for internal processing.)
BIZ_SITE_LINKS biz-site-links
Sites Links from any connected Ads Account.
The URL for the landing page.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
Previous value for URL_CURRENT.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
What the URL will be decorated with Marketo Measure parameters.
(Diagnostic field, for internal processing.)
BIZ_STAGE_DEFINITIONS biz-stage-definitions
List of stages as imported or defined in the Marketo Measure application.
BIZ_TOUCHPOINTS biz-touchpoints
Buyer Touchpoints, all touchpoints associated with a Lead or Contact. This table will be empty if Lead Touchpoints or Contact Touchpoints are disabled.
BIZ_URLS biz-urls
Aggregation of URLs from landing pages, referrer pages, and page views.
BIZ_USER_TOUCHPOINTS biz-user-touchpoints
All Touchpoints created from any event tied to an email.
BIZ_WEB_HOST_MAPPINGS biz-web-host-mappings
Mapping table to map Marketo Measure Session Id to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ ECID and Munckin Id.
Sample Queries sample-queries
How many Buyer Touchpoints (BTs) were there for each channel/subchannel last month?
--Note: This query can quickly be modified to show Buyer Attribution Touchpoint (BAT) counts by switching the biz_touchpoints table to the biz_attribution_touchpoints table.
select trim(split(,'.')[0]) as channel
,trim(split(,'.')[1]) as subchannel
,count( as buyer_touchpoint_count
from biz_user_touchpoints ut
left outer join
biz_touchpoints bt
on bt.user_touchpoint_id =
and bt._deleted_date is null
left outer join
biz_channels ch
on =
and ch._deleted_date is null
where ut._deleted_date is null
and ut.touchpoint_date between add_months(date_trunc(month,current_date),-1) and last_day(dateadd(month,-1,current_date))
group by 1,2
How much Attributed Revenue for each channel was closed in the past month, for the full path attribution model?
--Note: This query does not perform any currency conversion. If your data contains multiple currencies, you will need to add in logic to perform the conversion to the desired currency using the biz_conversion_rates table.
select trim(split(,'.')[0]) as channel
,sum(opp.amount*(bat.full_path_percentage/100)) as attributed_revenue
from biz_user_touchpoints ut
inner join
biz_attribution_touchpoints bat
on bat.user_touchpoint_id =
and bat._deleted_date is null
inner join
biz_opportunities opp
on bat.opportunity_id =
and opp._deleted_date is null
and opp.is_closed = true
and opp.is_won = true
and opp.close_date between add_months(date_trunc(month,current_date),-1) and last_day(dateadd(month,-1,current_date))
left outer join
biz_channels ch
on =
and ch._deleted_date is null
where ut._deleted_date is null
group by 1
What is the entire journey for one person? (Show all Touchpoints for a single email address.)
select ut.touchpoint_date
,listagg(distinct ifnull(sdl.stage_name,sdo.stage_name),',') as touchpoint_position
from biz_user_touchpoints ut
left outer join
biz_touchpoints bt
on bt.user_touchpoint_id =
and bt._deleted_date is null
left outer join
biz_attribution_touchpoints bat
on bat.user_touchpoint_id =
and bat._deleted_date is null
left outer join
biz_lead_stage_transitions lst
on lst.touchpoint_id =
and lst._deleted_date is null
and lst.is_pending = false
and lst.is_non_transitional = false
left outer join
biz_stage_definitions sdl
on lst.stage_id =
and sdl._deleted_date is null
left outer join
biz_opp_stage_transitions ost
on ost.touchpoint_id =
and ost._deleted_date is null
and ost.is_pending = false
and ost.is_non_transitional = false
left outer join
biz_stage_definitions sdo
on ost.stage_id =
and sdo._deleted_date is null
where ut._deleted_date is null
and = [email address]
group by 1,2
order by 1
Show all Buyer Attribution Touchpoints (BATs) and their Attributed Revenue for a single opportunity.
,opp.amount*(bat.w_shape_percentage/100) as attributed_revenue
,listagg(osd.stage_name,', ') as touchpoint_position
from biz_opportunities opp
inner join
biz_attribution_touchpoints bat
on bat.opportunity_id =
and bat._deleted_date is null
left outer join
biz_opp_stage_transitions ost
on ost.touchpoint_id =
and ost._deleted_date is null
and ost.is_pending = false
and ost.is_non_transitional = false
left outer join
biz_stage_definitions osd
on ost.stage_id =
and osd._deleted_date is null
where opp._deleted_date is null
and = [opportunity id]
group by 1,2,3,4
order by touchpoint_date