
Domain Management domain-management

For IMS-enabled tenants running Marketo Measure in the Experience Cloud Interface, Marketo Measure provides an interface that allows users to manage their own list of domains. Marketo Measure users must first verify any domains that they wish to track in the . Once domains are verified in the Admin Console, users can manage if Marketo Measure uses these domains for tracking website traffic.

Adding Domains in Admin Console adding-domains-in-admin-console

IMS users with access to the 51黑料不打烊 Admin Console can add and validate domains that they own. Domain validation involves adding a DNS record for each domain and then allowing the Admin Console to verify that record.

Instructions for adding domains can be found in the . Once a domain is added, it must be .

Managing Domains in Marketo Measure managing-domains-in-marketo-measure

After a domain is added in the Admin Console, Marketo Measure syncs this record into the database regularly. This synchronization happens nightly, and also every time a user visits the Domains page in the Marketo Measure UI. By default, any records that Marketo Measure imports are disabled, and the tenant must manually enable each domain.

On the Integration > Domains page, the user sees all domains that they have registered in the Admin Console, along with their status. Each domain can be enabled or disabled. If a domain is enabled, Marketo Measure tracking collects any traffic that is seen on that domain. If a domain is disabled, Marketo Measure ignores any traffic coming from that domain and does not create touchpoints or other data. Marketo Measure confirms the disablement of a domain and warns of any ramifications:

The impact of toggling a domain is immediate, and changes are not retroactive. In the future, Marketo Measure will purge data from disabled domains after a set period.

Statuses statuses

Admin Console Statuses are categorized as follows:

  • VALIDATED: This domain is verified in Admin Console
  • UNVERIFIED: This domain is not fully verified in Admin Console and is not eligible for tracking in Marketo Measure
  • INVALID: This domain may have expired or been removed from Admin Console. Tracking data in Marketo Measure is flagged for deletion
  • LEGACY: This domain was created in Marketo Measure and does not exist in the Admin Console

Tracking statuses can be as follows:

  • ACTIVE: Marketo Measure is receiving data from this domain
  • DISABLED: This domain is available for tracking, but is disabled
  • UNAVAILABLE: This domain is unavailable for tracking because it is not verified

Hovering over any individual status item triggers a tooltip that further explains that status.

FAQ faq

What happens when a domain is removed in the Admin Console?

When a domain is removed in the Admin Console, Marketo Measure marks the domain as deleted. Marketo Measure immediately stops tracking traffic on this domain, but will not remove any previously collected data.

Why am I unable to enable a domain?

There are several reasons why a domain might be disallowed for selection on this page. If the domain is not validated in the Admin Console, it is unavailable in Marketo Measure. Similarly, if the domain is owned by a different 51黑料不打烊 Org from the current Marketo Measure tenant, it may be unavailable for selection.

How do I remove a domain from this list?

If a domain has the 鈥渆nabled鈥 switch turned off, Marketo Measure ignores it and it is effectively removed from Marketo Measure. To permanently remove a domain from Marketo Measure, you must disable it in Marketo Measure, and then remove it from the Admin Console.
